De Indonesische meteorologische dienst heeft donderdagochtend korte tijd een waarschuwing voor een tsunami gegeven na een zware aardbeving in het oosten van Indonesië. Het epicentrum bevond zich onder de zee bij de Molukken-eilanden.
De meldingen over de kracht van de beving liepen uiteen van 6,6 tot 7,6 op de schaal van Richter. Enkele minuten daarna beefde het zuiden van het Noord-Japanse eiland Hokkaido. Die schok had een kracht van 7,0. Het epicentrum lag twintig kilometer diep voor de kust.
Bron: de Pers

Magnitude 6.6
* Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 00:00:02 UTC
* Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 09:00:02 AM at epicenter
Location 1.865°N, 127.439°E
Depth 93.1 km (57.9 miles)
120 km (75 miles) N of Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia
290 km (180 miles) E of Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1575 km (980 miles) SSE of MANILA, Philippines

2460 km (1530 miles) ENE of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
Magnitude 6.9
* Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 00:20:52 UTC
* Thursday, September 11, 2008 at 09:20:52 AM at epicenter
Location 41.979°N, 143.625°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
125 km (80 miles) SSW of Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan
225 km (140 miles) SSE of Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan
225 km (140 miles) ESE of Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

775 km (485 miles) NNE of TOKYO, Japan | Gewijzigd: 11 september 2008, 08:17 uur, door Marga
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia's meteorology agency lifted a tsunami warning issued on Thursday after a strong undersea quake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale hit the eastern Moluccas islands.
There were no reports of damage or casualties after the quake, which the U.S. Geological Survey put at a magnitude at 6.6 and depth of 93 km (58 miles).
USGS said the epicenter of the quake that struck at around 9 a.m. (8:00 p.m. EDT) lay 290 km (180 miles) east of Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi province.
Local residents at Ternate island around 120 km (75 miles) south of the epicenter told Reuters by telephone the quake was felt mildly and did not cause massive panic among the people.
"I felt it but it was not that big. Windows and mirrors shook but nothing is broken," Wirdayanti, who works at a local hotel in Ternate, told Reuters.
Suharjono, the head of the earthquake department at the meteorology agency, told Reuters they had not received any reports of casualties or damage.
Southeast Asia's biggest economy lies in an area of intense seismic activity.
Earlier this week, two people died and 60 were injured in an earthquake in South Sumatra province.
In December 2004, a powerful quake off Aceh province triggered a huge tsunami in the Indian Ocean, killing around 230,000 people with most of the deaths in Aceh.
Bron:Reuters | Gewijzigd: 11 september 2008, 11:09 uur, door Kikimero