An earthquake measuring 6.1 has struck southern Iran, the US Geological Service has said.

It hit at 0630 (1100 GMT), west-south-west of Bandar Abbas, home of a major oil refinery, about 55 kilometres (35 miles) below ground, the agency said.
There were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.
Iran has been struck by several severe quakes in recent years, the deadliest in 2003, when 25,000 people died in a 6.7 quake in the ancient city of Bam.
Iran straddles a major geological fault line, making it particularly prone to earth tremors.
TEHRAN (Reuters) - A powerful earthquake struck southern Iran on Wednesday near Bandar Abbas, site of a major Iranian oil refinery, and a provincial official said there could be fatalities.
The U.S. Geological Service said the quake's magnitude was 6.1 and it struck at 7 a.m. EDT about 53 km (33 miles) west-southwest of Bandar Abbas at a depth of 34.6 miles.
"All our rescue groups are on alert in Bandar Abbas and (nearby) Qeshm island. We have sent groups to the area. There is the possibility of casualties and fatalities," Yasser Hazbavi, the head of the Hormuzgan province's disaster headquarters, told Reuters.
Iranian reports variously described the quake as 6.0 and 7.5 on the Richter scale.
"So far, no damage has been reported from the 6.0 Richter scale earthquake which occurred at 3.30 p.m. (7 a.m. EDT) for 30 seconds," ISNA news agency reported earlier, quoting a local official.
Magnitude 6 quakes are capable of causing severe damage.
Bandar Abbas is a major Iranian port with oil installations including a refinery. Iran is the world's fourth largest oil exporter and an industry official told Reuters last month that Bandar Abbas was processing 320,000 barrels per day of crude.
An official at a hospital in Bandar Abbas told Reuters there were no reports of any dead. State radio reported people ran panicking into the streets.
Bron:Reuters | Gewijzigd: 10 september 2008, 16:05 uur, door Bronk
Een aardbeving met een momentmagnitude van 5 heeft woensdag op het Iraanse eiland Qeshm in de Perzische Golf voor stroomuitval en paniek gezorgd. Er is geen melding gemaakt van slachtoffers of schade.
Dat heeft het Iraanse seismologische centrum gezegd. De aardbeving was de tweede in een week tijd die Qeshm raakte. Op 10 september eiste een aardbeving met een momentmagnitude van 6 zeven levens, terwijl veertig mensen gewond raakten.
De trillingen van deze beving waren aan de andere kant van de Golf in Dubai merkbaar. Iran ligt op verschillende seismische breuklijnen en wordt regelmatig getroffen door licht aardbevingen.
In 2003 trof een aardbeving de historische stad Bam. Destijds kwamen 26 duizend mensen om het leven.
©De Pers

Magnitude 5.2
* Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 17:43:46 UTC
* Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 09:13:46 PM at epicenter
Location 26.947°N, 55.986°E
Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program
40 km (25 miles) SW of Bandar-e Abbas, Iran
85 km (50 miles) NNW of Al Khasab, Oman
130 km (80 miles) N of Ra's al Khaymah, United Arab Emirates
1065 km (660 miles) SSE of TEHRAN, Iran