In Tibet heeft zich maandagavond een aardbeving voorgedaan. Meldingen van slachtoffers zijn vooralsnog uitgebleven, berichten Chinese staatsmedia.
De beving had een magnitude van 6,8, zei het staatspersbureau Xinhua. Het epicentrum lag in het district Zhongba, waar in enkele gebouwen scheuren ontstonden.
In mei kwamen bij een aardbeving met een magnitude van 7,9 in de provincie Sichuan zeventigduizend mensen om het leven. Vijf miljoen mensen raakten toen dakloos.
©De Pers

Magnitude 6.3
* Monday, August 25, 2008 at 13:22:02 UTC
* Monday, August 25, 2008 at 09:22:02 PM at epicenter
Location 30.899°N, 83.623°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
230 km (140 miles) NE of Jumla, Nepal
295 km (185 miles) N of Pokhara, Nepal
370 km (230 miles) NNE of Nepalganj, Nepal
390 km (245 miles) NNW of KATHMANDU, Nepal

As of 8 a.m. on Tuesday, 174 aftershocks were recorded in Zhongba County in southwestern Tibet, following a 6.8-magnitude earthquake late on Monday, the Tibet Autonomous Regional Earthquake Bureau said. No casualties have been reported from any of these quakes. Of the 174 aftershocks, only two were at or above 5.0 magnitude: one 5.2-magnitude quake at 9:29 p.m. on Monday and a 5.0-magnitude quake at 3:13 a.m. on Tuesday, said the regional quake bureau.
The 6.8-magnitude quake took place at 9:22 p.m. on Monday, with the epicenter being fixed about 10 km underground at 31 degrees north latitude and 83.6 degrees east longitude, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center. Gerze and Coqen counties in Ali prefecture also felt the quake. But the county seats sustained no damage, said the regional earthquake bureau. A Zhongba county government worker said the quake was strongly felt in some townships and cracks had appeared in some buildings.An official from the regional flood control and drought relief headquarters said a local hydropower station was slightly damaged in the 6.8-magnitude quake. The damage included the flood control levee shifting 5 m from its original location and cracks in workshop walls. The plant maintained normal power generation. Zhu Jiang, the Zhongba County Communist Party head, said they had contacted all 13 townships but received no reports of fatalities. The official said the county sent staff to townships and villages to assess the situation and carry out relief work. Zhu Quan, the regional earthquake bureau chief, said the tremor would have no effect on the Qinghai-Tibet railway, which is several hundred kilometers from the quake zone.
Zhongba, in the west of Xigaze with a population of 18,000 and covering 43,594 square kilometers, is located in an area with frequent quakes. It is 4,700 meters above sea level. A 6.7-magnitude quake occurred in the same area in 2004, followed by a 6.5-magnitude quake on April 8, 2005, but neither caused casualties, according to the regional earthquake bureau.
Bron: Chinaview
No casualties have been reported so far in the strong tremor measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale that rocked Zhongba County, Xigaze Prefecture in Tibet on Monday, an inspection team leader Zhu Quan said on Saturday. Zhu, the Tibet Seismological Bureau chief, said the team was continuing the assessment at the earthquake epicenter and found there is a big crack on the earth's crust. "Some sections of the roads in the county are still blocked by mountain rocks that fell off in the earthquake, which impede the inspection team from entering six villages in the county," Zhu told Xinhua over phone.
Guo Chunming, an emergency disaster relief official with the team said that the strong jolt caused no big damages to the county, which is a sparsely-populated plateau pasturing place. "We have checked 53 villages, where cracks were found on 700 houses. There are also some herdsmen living in tents here. None of them were injured," said Guo. The regional observatory forecast rainy weather in the next few days, which dimmed the hope of reopening the disrupted road traffic to the six villages, he said. The seismologists found a 10-km crack in north-south direction at the epicenter, which is at 31 degrees north and 83.6 degrees east.
Gerze and Coqen counties in Ali prefecture in Tibet also felt the quake. The earthquake bureau chief said the tremor would have no effect on the Qinghai-Tibet railway, which is several hundred kilometers away from the quake zone. Zhongba, in the west of Xigaze with a population of 18,000 and covering 43,594 square kilometers, is prone to quakes.
Bron: Chinaview