About 100 homes were being evacuated as a 100-acre wildfire crept closer to foothill neighborhoods near Pasadena on a hot, dry Saturday in Southern California, authorities said. The fire about broke out Saturday afternoon and earlier forced the evacuation of a scout camp and left hikers temporarily stranded, said Elisa Weaver of the Arcadia Fire Department.
Firefighters had hoped to have the blaze contained Sunday, Weaver said, but it was still burning out of control late Saturday night. Fire crews were aided by a dozen engines, three water tankers and three helicopters as they take on the blaze, Weaver said.
Two shelters have been set up in the area for evacuees. The blaze was reported just after 1:40 p.m. in a wooded area off Santa Anita Canyon Road about 10 miles northeast of Pasadena, Weaver said. The flames brought the evacuation of the Trask Boy Scout camp and left about 100 hikers stranded in a parking lot near Chantry Flats, Weaver said.
April 26: A Los Angeles County Fire Department helicopter drops water on a brush fire near Arcadia, Calif.
Most of the Boy Scouts had already left the camp by the time the evacuation was ordered, Weaver said. The hikers were escorted out of the forest by Sheriff's deputies, she said. No injuries were reported. The fire was moving mostly northward, away from homes, but had crept far enough to the south to prompt the mandatory home evacuations.
Flames outlined steep ridges about a mile above Sierra Madre, a San Gabriel Mountains foothill community of about 11,000 popular with artists. There was some rubbernecking traffic Saturday night and people leaving restaurants stopped to stare at the fire.
Temperatures in parts of Southern California approached 100 degrees Saturday afternoon, with mild but extremely dry winds. In San Diego County, a brush fire in the Tijuana River Valley was brought under control after burning about 25 acres in two hours and briefly threatening homes.
A small fire in Riverside County burned about seven acres of brush near Norco before being surrounded, according to Cal Fire's Massiel Ladron De Guevara.
©FOXnews | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:27 uur, door Joyce.s
Zeker duizend inwoners van Californië hebben hun huis moeten verlaten wegens bosbranden bij Santa Anita Canyon, ongeveer 25 kilometer van het centrum van Los Angeles. Dat heeft de brandweer zondag laten weten. Een woordvoerster van de brandweer zei dat sinds zaterdag 140 hectare bos in vlammen is opgegaan.
Ze voegde eraan toe dat het nog wel vier of vijf dagen zal duren voordat het vuur onder controle is. Door de branden zijn nog geen gewonden gevallen. Vorig jaar oktober eisten bosbranden in Californië zeven levens. Ongeveer 2000 huizen werden verwoest.

Firefighters make their way up a slope Sunday, April 27, 2008, in Sierra Madre, Calif. A wildfire burning on the steep slopes of the foothills near Pasadena forced a fresh round of mandatory home evacuations Sunday, authorities said.

An airplane drops flame retardant on a slope Sunday, April 27, 2008, in Sierra Madre, Calif.

Los Angeles county hand crew and fire fighters work to put out hot spots in the foothills of Sierra Madre Sunday, April 27, 2008, in Sierra Madre, Calif.

A firefighter sprays water on a house to protect it from a wind driven brush fire in the foothills of Sierra Madre, Calif., Monday, April 28, 2008.
Calif. fire crews survive close call, save homes
400-acre blaze forces around 1,000 people from residences near L.A.
SIERRA MADRE, Calif. - Fire crews battling a wildfire had a close call early Monday as winds, which had been fairly tame, unexpectedly kicked up and sent flames within yards of several houses. Firefighters watered down embers that drifted onto a few roofs and fought back the blaze. All of Sierra Madre’s schools have canceled Monday classes, and the 400-acre wildfire forced the evacuation of at least 1,000 people from their homes in the foothills. Authorities said no homes have burned since the fire began Saturday.
‘This is pretty serious’
About 500 firefighters attacked the blaze, aided during the daytime by helicopters and water-dropping air tankers, said city of Sierra Madre spokeswoman Elisa Weaver. “This is pretty serious,” Weaver said. “Some of these areas have not burned in over 40 years.” Sierra Madre spokesman James Carlson said Sunday evening that crews had the fire 30 percent contained. Light winds and rising humidity had aided firefighters, who hoped to have the blaze fully contained within four to seven days, Carlson said. The evacuations would be in place until at least 6 a.m. Monday.
Help from the air
On Sunday, helicopters made water drops on a steep ridge above Sierra Madre near Bailey Canyon Wilderness Park, about 15 miles northeast of Los Angeles and just east of Pasadena. A fixed-wing water tanker also dropped flame retardant. Aircraft also were helping fire officials assess the movement of the blaze, which had been creeping northwest into Angeles National Forest, Battalion Chief Tim Davis of the Forest Service said. “It’s very steep, inaccessible terrain, and it’s very heavy brush,” Davis said at a news conference. “Very difficult and arduous labor for these crews. You can’t get bulldozers into the majority of where these fingers of fire run.”
Wedding party stranded
Two firefighters had minor injuries — one was treated for heat exhaustion, another for a strained knee, authorities said. The blaze stranded 50 guests from a wedding party at the Chantry Flats ranger’s station on Saturday until they were airlifted out Sunday afternoon, Weaver said. It took five helicopter trips from the ranger’s station to the parking area where the wedding party’s cars were. The party then was escorted out by road. Investigators were working to determine the cause of the fire.
Bron: MSNBC | Gewijzigd: 28 april 2008, 16:10 uur, door Marga

April 26: A Cal Fire airplane drops fire retardant on a brush fire near Arcadia, Calif

April 26: Arcadia firefighters watch as a Los Angeles County Fire Department helicopter makes a water drop at a brush fire near Arcadia, Calif.

A Los Angeles County Fire Department helicopter drops water on a brush fire near Arcadia, Calif.

An unidentified boy rides his bike as a hillside burns at a brush fire near Arcadia, Calif

Resident Bennett Williams watches a hillside burn at a brush fire near Arcadia, Calif.

Bron: Fox news
Twee dagen na de uitbraak van bosbranden op het Canarische eiland La Gomera heeft de politie een verdachte opgepakt. Volgens de Spaanse politie gaat het om een boer, die een van de vuurhaarden zou aangestoken hebben. De 53-jarige landbouwer had in het dorpje Hermigua stoppelvelden platgebrand. De vlammen sloegen van daar over naar bosgebieden en bedreigden ook het nationale park Garajonay. Twee andere branden zijn volgens de openbare radio RNE vermoedelijk door elektrische kortsluitingen veroorzaakt.
De blusploegen probeerden het overslaan van de vlammen naar het natuurreservaat te voorkomen. Volgens de autoriteiten ging nu al 800 hectare bos en struikgewas in rook op. Het nationaal park werd tot nog toe gespaard. Het 4.000 hectare grote gebied rond de berg Garajonay is voor zijn unieke regen- en laurierwouden bekend. Het behoort tot het Werelderfgoed van de UNESCO.
De vlammen hadden in het weekend duizend mensen op de vlucht gedreven. Door de grote hitte en strakke wind breidde het vuur zich in het noorden van het dichtbeboste eiland op verschillende fronten uit. La Gomera is een vakantie-eiland dat wegens zijn weelderige vegetatie vooral bij natuurvrienden en wandelaars geliefd is.
©Hln | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:27 uur, door Joyce.s
Firefighters confer as they protect homes from a wind-driven brush fire in the foothills of Sierra Madre, Calif., on Monday, April 28, 2008. All of Sierra Madre's schools canceled Monday classes, and the 400-acre wildfire forced the evacuation of at least 1,000 people from their homes in the foothills. Authorities said no homes have burned since the fire began Saturday.
Firefighters protect homes from a wind-driven brush fire in the foothills of Sierra Madre
Bron: CBS News.com | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:27 uur, door Joyce.s
For a third day, firefighters continued to battle a stubborn wildfire that has consumed 538 acres of dry brush in the Southern California mountains.

Officials said the fire no longer posed a threat to homes in Sierra Madre, 15 miles northeast of Los Angeles. But, they said, it will take another four to seven days to bring the blaze completely under control. Of the 1,000 people who were evacuated since the fire broke out, about 300 were allowed to return home by 10 p.m. Monday local time (1 a.m. Tuesday ET).
Authorities said the fire was man-made but they did not know exactly what caused it. Four firefighters have been injured fighting the blaze, officials said. Only one small building has been damaged.
April 28: Riverside, Calif., Firefighters position themselves to hose down a fire in Sierra Madre, Calif.
Firefighters battling a stubborn wildfire northeast of Los Angeles were expecting help Tuesday from cooler temperatures and calmer winds. As the dramatic blaze entered its fourth day, most of the more than 1,000 people evacuated from their homes at the foot of the rugged San Gabriel Mountains have been allowed to return. On Tuesday, public schools in the community of about 11,000 residents were scheduled to reopen. The 538-acre blaze burned dangerously close to homes early Monday, but firefighters stood their ground and turned the flames back. No homes have been lost in the blaze in the foothill suburb of Sierra Madre, 15 miles northeast of Los Angeles. The fire was 21 percent contained Monday. Helicopters and airplanes bombarded the fire with water and retardant drops Monday while firefighters labored in temperatures in the 90s. Nearly 700 firefighters were on the lines. Temperatures were expected to reach the mid 70s Tuesday, with high humidity and little wind. Four firefighters had minor injuries — a bee sting, a strained knee, and two cases of heat exhaustion, authorities said. A small outbuilding was destroyed. The cause of the blaze remained under investigation. The fire broke out Saturday afternoon in a popular hiking area as unseasonable extreme heat and low humidity set in over Southern California. By late that night it was a bright orange line descending like slow-moving lava down the steep mountainside, triggering evacuations along the interface between the city and wilderness.
Bron: FOX
Bron: MSNBC | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:28 uur, door Joyce.s
Brandweermannen in Californië blijven met man en macht de bosbranden bestrijden die de streek rond het Santa Cruz-gebergte teisteren. Tot nu toe is nog maar 35 procent van de brand onder controle, zeggen de authoriteiten. Minstens 20 huizen zijn verwoest en honderden mensen zijn al geëvacueerd. Nog eens 570 huizen worden bedreigd.
Zo'n 3.000 brandweermannen zijn ondertussen ingezet. Ze krijgen hulp van verschillende blusvliegtuigen en -helikopters. Vier brandweermannen raakten lichtgewond bij het blussen. Gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger heeft inmiddels de noodtoestand uitgeroepen in het gebied. De oorzaak van de brand wordt momenteel nog onderzocht.
©Hln | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:28 uur, door Joyce.s