A 5.2-magnitude earthquake centered in southern Illinois rattled homes and skyscrapers across the Midwest early Friday, causing little damage but surprising residents unaccustomed to such a powerful temblor. The quake one of the strongest ever recorded in Illinois occurred just before 4:37 a.m. and was centered six miles southeast of West Salem, Ill., and 45 miles west of Evansville, Ind.
Janet Clem of Mt. Carmel, Ill., looks at the damage to her home after the early-morning Midwestern earthquake.
Initially pegged as a 5.4 earthquake, the U.S. Geological Survey revised its estimate to give it a value of 5.2. Two aftershocks during the next three hours measured 2.6 and a 2.5, the agency reported. The strongest earthquake recorded in Illinois was in 1968, a 5.3-magnitude temblor centered near Dale in Hamilton County, about 75 miles southeast of St. Louis, according to the USGS. Minor damage was widespread, but there were no serious injuries or fatalities.
Earthquake damage from the Illinois earthquake in Louisville, Ky.
West Salem is in Edwards County, and dispatcher Lucas Griswold said the sheriff's department received several calls about the earthquake but only reports of minor damage and no injuries. "Oh, yeah, I felt it. It was interesting," Griswold said. "A lot of shaking."
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Magnitude 5.2
*Friday, April 18, 2008 at 09:37:00 UTC
*Friday, April 18, 2008 at 04:37:00 AM at epicenter
Location 38.450°N, 87.890°W
Depth 11.6 km (7.2 miles) set by location program
*7 km (5 miles) NNE (13°) from Bellmont, IL
*9 km (6 miles) E (88°) from Bone Gap, IL
*11 km (7 miles) N (350°) from Keensburg, IL
*60 km (38 miles) NNW (331°) from Evansville, IN
*206 km (128 miles) E (95°) from St. Louis, MO

Het Midwesten van de Verenigde Staten is vrijdagmorgen vroeg getroffen door een aardbeving met een kracht van 5,2, ongewoon krachtig voor dit gebied.
Zowel in Chicago, 385 ten noorden van het epicentrum, als in Indianapolis, 260 ten zuidoosten ervan, zwaaiden wolkenkrabbers heen en weer. Het epicentrum lag even buiten West Salem in Illinois, maar de beving was voelbaar tot in Des Moines in Iowa, 725 kilometer naar het noordwesten.
In het district waar West Salem toe behoort werden lichte schadegevallen gemeld, maar geen gewonden. In Indiana was voorzover bekend geen sprake van schade.
Op de website van de geologische dienst werd gezegd dat zich in het gebied zelden aardbevingen voordoen en dat de grootste, ook met een momentmagnitude van 5,4, in 1968 alleen schade aanrichtte.
©De Pers
4.5-magnitude earthquake shook southern Illinois early Monday, the latest in a string of quakes that have rattled the region since last week, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The quake the 18th since a magnitude 5.2 hit the area Friday morning was centered about six miles below ground and about 37 miles (60 km) north-northwest of Evansville, Indiana, or about 131 miles (211 km) east of St. Louis. It struck at 12:38 a.m. local time (1:38 a.m. ET). There were no immediate reports of damage.

Bricks fell off a former school building April 18 in Mt. Carmel, Illinois after an early morning earthquake.
Everything just started rumbling and things at my house started shaking, said Keith Potter of Santa Claus, Indiana, about 55 miles southeast of the quake's epicenter. The computer was shaking on top of my desk.
I thought, 'Here we go again, said Potter, who also felt Friday's initial earthquake and many of those that have followed. The big concern is ... is this just the beginning of the 'big one?' The 18 quakes that followed Friday's moderate temblor have predominantly been minor earthquakes magnitude 3.9 and below.
Friday's quake was the strongest to hit in the region in 40 years. There were reports of minor damage in the region. Video from Louisville, Kentucky showed debris from the ornamental facade of a building's roofline that fell onto a sidewalk and shattered.
People as far north as Chicago and as far west as St. Louis reported feeling the initial quake, the USGS reported. The largest historical earthquake in the region magnitude 5.4 damaged southern Illinois in 1968, the USGS said.
Magnitude-4.0 temblor shakes S. Illinois, one of strongest aftershocks from Friday's quake

Tina Odom walks by a pile of bricks that fell off a building during an early morning earthquake in Bellmont, Ill.
More aftershocks shook Southern Illinois on Monday, three days after a magnitude 5.2 quake rattled nerves across the region. The U.S. Geological Survey said a total of 22 aftershocks had been recorded since last week's tremor that was centered deep beneath the surface near West Salem. They included one just before 12:40 a.m. Monday that registered magnitude 4.0 and had its epicenter northwest of Mount Carmel. That tremor was initially reported as 4.5 but was downgraded during the day. The strongest aftershock registered magnitude 4.6 about 5 1/2 hours after the original quake Friday morning. Friday's quake shook a wide area of the Midwest and caused minor damage.
Bron: ABC