An earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale shook eastern and northern parts of Indonesia's Sulawesi island Friday morning, causing people in several areas torush out their homes. The earthquake took place at 04:08 local time, Antara news agency quoted the meteorology agency as saying.
There is no reports of casualties and material damage. The quake's epicenter was located at 2.74 degrees southern latitude and 122.90 degrees eastern longitude, at a depth of 33 kmunder the sea.
The tremor was felt at Gorontalo city and Bolaang Mongondow county as well as North Bolaang Mongondow county in North Sulawesi.
A 5.8-magnitude earthquake has struck off Indonesia's Sulawesi island but there was no tsunami threat and no immediate reports of damage, the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said.
The quake, which struck at 3:11pm (6:11pm AEST), was centred about 126 kilometres south-east of Bitung in North-east Sulawesi, an official said.
The tremor, which was 10 kilometres deep, had no tsunami potential, the agency added.
The Indonesian archipelago sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where continental plates meet and cause frequent seismic and volcanic activity.

Magnitude 5.8
*Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 08:11:32 UTC
*Wednesday, April 16, 2008 at 05:11:32 PM at epicenter
Location 0.821°N, 126.085°E
Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program
145 km (90 miles) W of Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia
155 km (95 miles) ESE of Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1620 km (1010 miles) SSE of MANILA, Philippines
2280 km (1420 miles) ENE of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

A 6.4-MAGNITUDE earthquake has struck off East Timor but there has been no tsunami threat and no immediate reports of damage.
The quake, which struck at 10:12 am (11:12am AEST), was centred about 81 kilometres (50 miles) northeast of the East Timorese capital Dili and about 40 kilometres south of Indonesia's Wetar island, the agency said. The tremor, which was 10 kilometres deep, had no tsunami potential, the agency added. The USGS clocked the shaker at 6.0.
Bron: Herald Sun

Magnitude 6.0
* Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 03:12:25 UTC
* Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 12:12:25 PM at epicenter
7.803°S, 125.710°E
11.7 km (7.3 miles) (poorly constrained)
85 km (55 miles) N of DILI, East Timor
350 km (220 miles) NE of Kupang, Timor, Indonesia
425 km (265 miles) SE of Baubau, Sulawesi, Indonesia
760 km (475 miles) NW of DARWIN, Northern Territory, Australia

Vandaag is in het oosten van Indonesië een aardbeving met een kracht van 6,4 op de schaal van Richter genoteerd. Volgens de Indonesische aardbevingswacht zijn er voorlopig geen berichten over mogelijke schade of slachtoffers.
Het epicentrum van de beving lag op tien kilometer onder de zeebodem, op ongeveer tachtig kilometer ten noordoosten van Dili, de hoofdstad van Oost-Timor.