Ecuador has extended a state of emergency to the entire nation after torrential rains triggered floods and mudslides across the country. The move eases access to $25m (£12.7m) in emergency funds for repairs. Nearly a month of flooding has claimed at least three lives and forced thousands to flee their homes.
The army has been put in charge of the emergency operation, which includes helping to evacuate the flooded areas and repair damaged infrastructure.

Our first priority is to save lives, President Rafael Correa told reporters on Wednesday. We have three dead and that hurts us in the soul, Mr Correa said. Those [$25m in emergency funds] are sufficient, but if more is needed we have more emergency funds, he added.
Government figures suggest more than 50,000 people have been affected by the flooding. A state of emergency was declared in nine provinces on 31 January, but the incessant rains have led it to be extended to cover the country's 24 provinces.
Story Highlights
# At least 10 people have died in torrential rains in Ecuador, officials say
# Authorities say the rains are the worst in a quarter century
# Civil defense officials say more than 10,000 families have been affected
# Ecuador's president declares state of emergency, orders army, police to help

A man grabs on to a piece of wood as a boat passes him on a flooded street this week in Puerto Inca, Ecuador.
BABAHOYO, Ecuador (CNN) -- At least 10 people have died and thousands have been left homeless after torrential rains inundated large parts of Ecuador, officials said Thursday. Authorities said the rains, which began a week ago, were the worst in a quarter century. Civil defense officials said more than 10,000 families have been affected. Los RÃos -- north of Guayaquil -- was the hardest hit of nine provinces affected, civil defense officials said. In Los RÃos province, five people died when an ambulance drove into a hole at the side of a street at dawn Thursday. A newborn boy, his parents, a doctor and a driver were killed. Streets also were flooded in the capital of Quito. Video Watch the scenes of devastation in Ecuador »
On Wednesday, President Rafael Correa declared a state of emergency and ordered 2,000 members of the army and the police to help rescue workers. Correa increased by $25 million the $10 million he already had allocated for the emergency efforts. He also directed another $88 million to municipalities. Once the crisis has eased, an emergency fund will give seed and fertilizer to help farmers whose fields were washed away, Ecuador's government said. There also have been reports of livestock drowning.
Cristina Medina, a spokeswoman for the Ecuadorean Red Cross, said provinces most heavily affected were along the Pacific coast, where drinking water was often in short supply. In some towns, high waters forced entire neighborhoods to evacuate, Medina said
Bron: CNN | Gewijzigd: 21 februari 2008, 23:03 uur, door Marga
In Ecuador zijn 12 mensen om het leven gekomen door overstromingen. Vijf mensen van hen vonden de dood toen een ambulance in hevige waterstromingen over de kop sloeg.
Het land is niet voorbereid op de rampspoed veroorzaakt door flinke plensbuien. Het zijn de ergste overstromingen ooit in Ecuador voorgekomen. Half januari begonnen de hevige regenbuien en deze houden voorlopig nog aan.
In Ecuador zijn 23 doden gevallen nadat hevige regen overstromingen en modderstromen heeft veroorzaakt, schrijft de krant El Comercio op gezag van de plaatselijke civiele bescherming.
Zware schade
Minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Gustavo Larrera schat dat er voor meer dan een miljard dollar (0,66 miljard euro) schade is aan de landbouw, de olie-industrie en de infrastructuur.
Noodtoestand Peru
Ook Bolivia, Peru, Colombia en Argentinië werden de voorbije weken getroffen door overstromingen. De regering van Peru, waar al 15 mensen om het leven kwamen, riep de noodtoestand uit in de noordelijke provincies.
Ecuador heeft buitenlandse hulp nodig.
Ecuador heeft het buitenland om hulp gevraagd omdat de knokkelkoorts zich verspreidt onder de vluchtelingen. Het virus wordt overgebracht door muggen die bijzonder goed gedijen in overstroomde gebieden. Argentinië en Colombia hebben het getroffen land al tonnen voedsel, medicijnen en dekens toegestuurd.
©HLN | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:49 uur, door Joyce.s