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De temperatuur bij Diepenbeek is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:41

De temperatuur bij Dourbes is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:41

De temperatuur bij Mont rigi is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:40

De temperatuur bij Bierset is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:40

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor St. Lucie, FL.

10 Mar 2025 18:01:06

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor St. Lucie, FL.

10 Mar 2025 17:55:58

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Orange, FL; Osceola, FL.

10 Mar 2025 16:26:09

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Volusia, FL.

10 Mar 2025 15:17:49

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Lake, FL; Orange, FL; Seminole, FL; Volusia, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:21

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Charlotte, FL; Manatee, FL; Sarasota, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:21

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Seminole, FL; Volusia, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:20

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Sarasota, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:20

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Duval, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:26:11

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Orange, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:16:53

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Lake, FL; Orange, FL.

10 Mar 2025 13:53:06
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Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
5 februari 2008, 12:32 uur | Bericht #9010
Strong quake rocks Indonesia's Sulawesi

A strong 5.8-magnitude earthquake hit off the western coast of Indonesia's Sulawesi island Tuesday, seismologists said, reportedly causing some residents to rush out of buildings despite rain.

Indonesia's meteorology and geophysics office said the quake that struck at 1:56 pm (0556 GMT) was centered 104 kilometers (65 miles) northwest of Majene town in South Sulawesi at a depth of 44 kilometers under the seabed.

The United States Geological Survey measured the quake at 5.9.

The quake was felt in Majene as well as the South Sulawesi capital Makassar and on towns along the eastern coast of Borneo's Kalimantan, more than 200 kilometers west of the epicenter, meteorologist Novita told Agence France-Presse.

She said there were no immediate reports of damage. news website reported that residents in Makassar poured out of buildings into the rain for about 10 minutes after feeling the tremor.

Indonesia sits on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" where continental plates meet, causing frequent seismic and volcanic activity.

Magnitude 5.9
*Tuesday, February 05, 2008 at 05:56:51 UTC
*Tuesday, February 05, 2008 at 01:56:51 PM at epicenter
Location 3.498°S, 118.117°E
Depth 44.8 km (27.8 miles)
235 km (145 miles) NW of Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi, Indonesia
285 km (180 miles) SSE of Balikpapan, Kalimantan, Indonesia
345 km (215 miles) SW of Palu, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1290 km (800 miles) ENE of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Berichten: 0
Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
8 februari 2008, 08:50 uur | Bericht #9085
Earthquake hits north of Bali: report

Seismologists say a strong 5.8-magnitude earthquake has hit the Bali Sea off the northern coast of Indonesia. The US Geological Survey says the quake, which was at a depth of 312 kilometres, struck at 5:00am (local time) about 215 kilometres north of Denpasar in Bali.

There has been no immediate tsunami warning from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre. Indonesia sits on the Pacific 'Ring of Fire' where continental plates meet, causing frequent seismic and volcanic activity.

The archipelagic nation was hardest hit by the earthquake-triggered Asian tsunami in December 2004 that killed an estimated 168,000 people in Indonesia's Aceh province.

Magnitude 5.8
*Thursday, February 07, 2008 at 20:58:18 UTC
*Friday, February 08, 2008 at 04:58:18 AM at epicenter
Location 7.568°S, 116.844°E
Depth 312.6 km (194.2 miles)
*215 km (135 miles) NE of Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
*220 km (135 miles) NNE of Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia
*230 km (145 miles) WNW of Raba, Sumbawa, Indonesia
*1125 km (700 miles) E of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Waarom deze advertentie?
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Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
12 februari 2008, 09:25 uur | Bericht #9173

Magnitude 5.7
*Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 01:29:39 UTC
*Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 08:29:39 AM at epicenter
Location 2.878°S, 101.288°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
145 km (90 miles) NW of Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
235 km (145 miles) SSE of Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia
540 km (335 miles) SSW of SINGAPORE
705 km (435 miles) WNW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
13 februari 2008, 21:57 uur | Bericht #9209
Magnitude 5.9 quake hits off Indonesia

WASHINGTON - A magnitude 5.9 quake struck off Indonesia's Tanimbar Islands, the U.S. Geological Survey reported on Wednesday
It said the shallow quake, only 6.2 miles deep, was centred 186 miles west of Saumlaki, in between the Tanimbar Islands and East Timor. The quake was not large enough to trigger a tsunami but could cause some local waves.

Bron: Reuters

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Magnitude 5.9
* Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 19:58:44 UTC
* Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 04:58:44 AM at epicenter
Location 8.204°S, 128.659°E
Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program
300 km (185 miles) W of Saumlaki, Tanimbar Islands, Indonesia
340 km (210 miles) E of DILI, East Timor
530 km (330 miles) NNW of DARWIN, Northern Territory, Australia
2430 km (1510 miles) E of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Deze foto is niet meer beschikbaar Deze foto is niet meer beschikbaar

Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
13 februari 2008, 23:47 uur | Bericht #9219
Indonesia Issues Tsunami Alert

JAKARTA, Indonesia - Indonesia briefly issued a tsunami alert Thursday after a strong earthquake rocked the east of the country.The country's geophysics agency said the quake had a preliminary magnitude of 6.6, while the U.S. Geological Survey put the initial magnitude at 5.9. The quake struck 170 miles southwest of the Maluku island chain at a depth of six miles. The Indonesian agency initially put out a tsunami warning but retracted it after no waves came. There were no immediate reports of damage from the quake. Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago with a population of 235 million people, is prone to seismic upheaval because of its location on the "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanos and fault lines encircling the Pacific Basin. A magnitude-9 quake off Sumatra's coast in 2004 triggered a tsunami that killed more than 230,000 people in a dozen countries, most of them in Indonesia.

Bron: Associated Press
Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
19 februari 2008, 15:38 uur | Bericht #9369
Moderate quake hits Sumatra, Indonesia
An earthquake with magnitude of 5.4 rocked Sumatra Island of Indonesia on Tuesday morning, with no report of damages or casualty, meteorology agency said.

The quake struck at 13:29 Jakarta time (0629 GMT) with epicenter at 91 kilometers southwest Muko Muko town of Bengkulu province and at 20 kilometers in depth, an official of the agency said.

In 2004, over 170,000 people were dead in Aceh province in northern tip of Sumatra Island after a tsunami triggered by a powerful quake devastated coastal areas of the province and others countries in southeast Asia.

Indonesia is laid at a vulnerable zone so called "the Pacific Ring of Fire" where two continental plates, stretching from the Western Hemisphere through Japan and Southeast Asia, meet that cause frequent volcanic movements.

Source: Xinhua

Magnitude 5.2
* Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 06:29:53 UTC
* Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 01:29:53 PM at epicenter
Location 3.331°S, 100.854°E
Depth 37.6 km (23.4 miles) set by location program
Distances 165 km (100 miles) WNW of Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
270 km (165 miles) SSE of Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia
365 km (225 miles) WSW of Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia
725 km (450 miles) WNW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
20 februari 2008, 09:53 uur | Bericht #9386
Het is erg onrustig in de regio rond Sumatra. Gisteren een aardbeving gemeld van 5,3 op de schaal van Righter.
Vandaag één met 7,5 op de schaal van Rigter.
Momenteel is er nog geen nieuws bekend over slachtoffers en een eventueel tsunamigevaar.

Magnitude 5.3
* Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 17:01:33 UTC
* Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 12:01:33 AM at epicenter
Location 2.386°S, 99.971°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
Distances 165 km (100 miles) SSW of Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia
295 km (185 miles) WNW of Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
640 km (395 miles) SSW of KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
855 km (530 miles) WNW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
20 februari 2008, 10:00 uur | Bericht #9387
Powerful Magnitude 7.5 Earthquake Rocks Western Indonesia; Tsunami Warning Issued

JAKARTA, Indonesia — A powerful earthquake struck western Indonesia on Wednesday, prompting tsunami warnings from international agencies. There were no immediate reports of damage or injury.

The quake, which had a preliminary magnitude of 7.6, struck off the western coast of Sumatra island close to Simeulue island, the U.S. Geological Survey said in a posting on its Web site.

Minutes after it hit, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued a bulletin saying parts of the Sumatran coast closest to the epicenter were at risk of a possible tsunami.

Japan's meteorological agency said India's Andaman and Nicobar island chain was also at risk.

Bron: Fox News

Magnitude 7.5

* Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 08:08:31 UTC
* Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 03:08:31 PM at epicenter
Location 2.751°N, 95.966°E
Depth 34.3 km (21.3 miles)
Distances 310 km (195 miles) SSE of Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia
310 km (195 miles) WSW of Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia
335 km (210 miles) WNW of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia
1545 km (960 miles) NW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

De geschiedenis qua aardbevingen:
| Gewijzigd: 20 februari 2008, 10:02 uur, door Marga
Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
20 februari 2008, 10:11 uur | Bericht #9388

JAKARTA, Indonesia - A powerful earthquake struck western Indonesia on Wednesday, alarming residents and prompting a tsunami warning, official agencies and witnesses said. There were no immediate reports of injuries. The quake, which had a preliminary magnitude of 7.6, struck off the western coast of Sumatra island close to Simeulue island, the U.S. Geological Survey said in a posting on its Web site. There was an immediate tsunami warning issued, possibly because the quake was deep under the sea bed. Several callers told local radio station el-Shinta that the quake was felt strongly on Sumatra, but there was no immediate reports of damage or injuries.


Bron: Associated Press
Every cloud has a silver lining
Berichten: 0
Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
20 februari 2008, 11:29 uur | Bericht #9389
Zware aardschok in westen van Indonesië

Het westen van Indonesië werd woensdag door een zware aardbeving getroffen. De schok had een magnitude van 7,5 op de Richterschaal. Het epicentrum lag 315 km ten zuidoosten van Banda Aceh, op het Indonesische eiland Sumatra.

Banda aceh

Lokaal tsunami-alarm
Het waarschuwingscentrum voor tsunami's in de Stille Oceaan, dat in Hawaï is gevestigd, zond woensdag een lokaal tsunami-alarm uit voor de regio, maar er kwamen geen rapporten over schade of slachtoffers binnen.


Momenteel zijn er twee naschokken geweest in dat gebied. Zie hieronder voor details.

Magnitude 5.2
* Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 09:05:08 UTC
* Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 04:05:08 PM at epicenter
Location 2.604°N, 96.234°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
290 km (180 miles) WSW of Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia
300 km (190 miles) WNW of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia
610 km (380 miles) W of KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
1515 km (940 miles) NW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

| Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:50 uur, door Joyce.s
Berichten: 0
Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
20 februari 2008, 13:22 uur | Bericht #9392
Three dead, 25 hurt in Indonesia quake

An Indonesian offical says an earthquake which rocked Aceh province has killed three people, seriously injured 25 others and briefly sparked a tsunami alert. The US Geological Survey said the undersea quake struck at 3:08pm (local time), about 312 kilometres west-southwest of the North Sumatra capital Medan, at a depth of 34 kilometres.

Indonesia's meteorological agency put the initial magnitude at 6.6 but later upgraded it to 7.3. It said the quake struck 42 kilometres northwest of Sinabang, the main town on Simeulue island, off the west coast of Sumatra.

Aftershocks measuring 5.5 and 5.3 hit shortly afterwards, it said. Health ministry official Rustam Pakaya says people on Simeulue have evacuated to the mountains. Our staff on Simeulue are still closely monitoring the situation, he said.

Reports of panic, damage

Zainul Tahar, the head of Aceh's search and rescue office, said he had earlier spoken with officials at the port authority in Sinabang and was told there was no damage there, though the quake sparked mass panic. Yusran, a resident in Sukajaya village on Simeulue's east coast, told AFP by phone that no one had been injured there and buildings remained intact.

But people here are very shocked as the quake was very powerful, he added. In Banda Aceh, the quake was felt for about two minutes and people initially ran outside in panic, but quickly calmed down. ElShinta radio also quoted listeners as saying panic had hit the population in Medan, where people rushed out of buildings.

Tsunami fears

Brief tsunami alerts from the Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre and Thailand's disaster warning centre were lifted about an hour after the quake. Indonesian forecaster Suharjono said there had been no tsunami potential as the quake's epicentre was close to the coastline rather than far out at sea. Indonesia sits on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" where continental plates meet, causing frequent seismic and volcanic activity.

Berichten: 0
Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
21 februari 2008, 12:50 uur | Bericht #9411
Panicked Indonesians avoid homes after quake

Tens of thousands of people have been camping away from their homes on the Indonesian island of Simeulue which was hit by a powerful earthquake last night. Three people were killed and another 51 injured by the 7.5-magnitude quake.

The tremors triggered panic across an area that was hit hard by the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami. CARE Australia Program Manager Jordan Hoffman is on the island of Simeulue. She says many people are still scarred by the events of 2004.

"The automatic response of people is to move to higher ground and to stay there until they're absolutely sure that another tsunami will not happen," she said.

"In the north and in the east, women and children are still staying in the hills, whereas the men have come back down to their homes."

Berichten: 0
Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
21 februari 2008, 13:03 uur | Bericht #9412
Indonesians Clean Up After Deadly Quake

Villagers on a remote Indonesian island were returning from the hills to repair homes damaged by a powerful earthquake that killed three people and injured more than 50 others, officials said Thursday. Authorities were still tallying the wreckage on Simeule, but early reports said many buildings were damaged or destroyed. At least one major bridge also collapsed, said local government official Nirda Ihsan.

Those two quakes also caused damage on Simeule, which is home to around 75,000 people. Ihsan said many people on the island fled to higher ground after the quake fearing a tsunami. By Thursday, most had returned, he said.

"Many people are cleaning up their homes and fixing damaged furniture," he said.

It was not clear how the three people died. Media reports said most of the injuries occurred as people ran or jumped from swaying buildings.

Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
22 februari 2008, 08:11 uur | Bericht #9437
Sumatra opgeschrikt door aardbeving

Het Indonesische eiland Sumatra werd vandaag opgeschrikt door een aardbeving met een kracht van 5,8 op de schaal van Richter. Daarbij vielen geen slachtoffers en viel geen schade te noteren. Dat verklaarde het Meteorologisch en Geofysisch Agentschap van Jakarta.

Het Amerikaans Geofysisch Instituut (USGS) had het over een beving met een kracht van 5,7 op de schaal van Richter. De beving deed zich voor om 6.55 uur lokale tijd (23.55 uur gisterenavond in Brussel). Een tsunamialarm werd niet afgekondigd.

Het epicentrum van de beving lag op 194 kilometer ten zuidwesten van de stad Bengkulu, op de westkust van Sumatra. Een krachtigere beving (7,5 op de schaal van Richter) maakte woensdag nog minstens drie doden en 25 zwaargewonden op een eiland vlakbij Sumatra.

Bron: HLN

Magnitude 5.5
* Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 21:41:43 UTC
* Friday, February 22, 2008 at 06:41:43 AM at epicenter
* Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
Location 2.187°S, 138.651°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
Distances 230 km (145 miles) W of Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
295 km (185 miles) W of Vanimo, New Guinea, PNG
1425 km (890 miles) NE of DARWIN, Northern Territory, Australia
3570 km (2210 miles) E of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
22 februari 2008, 08:15 uur | Bericht #9438
In de regio KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI, welke van de week getroffen werd door een aardbeving met de kracht van 7,5 op de schaal van Rigter blijft het onrustig:

Magnitude 5.7
* Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 23:55:36 UTC
* Friday, February 22, 2008 at 06:55:36 AM at epicenter
Location 2.314°S, 99.891°E
Depth 22 km (13.7 miles) set by location program
Distances 160 km (100 miles) SSW of Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia
310 km (190 miles) WNW of Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
635 km (395 miles) SSW of KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
870 km (540 miles) WNW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Every cloud has a silver lining
Berichten: 0
Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
24 februari 2008, 00:05 uur | Bericht #9469
Quake hits Indonesia, no tsunami threat

A 5.5-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island on Saturday, but there was no threat of a tsunami and no immediate word of damage, a meteorologist said. The earthquake, which hit at 14,17am (07H17 GMT), occurred at sea about 137 kilometres (82 miles) northwest of the city of Bengkulu, according to a statement from Indonesia's Meteorological and Geophysics Agency.

"A tsunami alert was not issued and there are no reports of damage so far," agency staff member Ali Imron told AFP.

The quake struck at a depth of 29 kilometres.

Bengkulu province was badly damaged in an 8.4-magnitude quake in September that struck off Sumatra's west coast, killing 23 people. It was followed by a series of major aftershocks. The Indonesian archipelago sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where continental plates meet and cause frequent seismic and volcanic activity.


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Magnitude 5.5
*Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 07:17:11 UTC
*Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 02:17:11 PM at epicenter
Location 2.631°S, 99.852°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
195 km (120 miles) SSW of Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia
295 km (185 miles) WNW of Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
670 km (415 miles) SSW of KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
855 km (530 miles) WNW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Deze foto is niet meer beschikbaar Deze foto is niet meer beschikbaar

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Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
24 februari 2008, 16:30 uur | Bericht #9481
Strong earthquake rattles Sumatra
No immediate reports of damage from 6.6-magnitude temblor

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.6 rattled Indonesia's Sumatra island Sunday night, the U.S. Geological Survey said, sending frightened residents running from their homes.

The quake struck at 9:46 p.m. local time (1446GMT) just off the coast of Bengkulu, about 600 kilometers (370 miles) west of the capital, Jakarta, the USGS said. It had a depth of around 35 kilometers (21.7 miles).

There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, said Gian Ginanjar, an official at the Indonesian Meteorological and Geophysics Agency.


Magnitude 6.6
* Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 14:46:24 UTC
* Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 09:46:24 PM at epicenter
Location 2.307°S, 100.020°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
* 155 km (96 miles) SSW (194°) from Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia
* 298 km (185 miles) WNW (303°) from Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
* 354 km (220 miles) SSW (207°) from Pekanbaru, Sumatra, Indonesia
* 584 km (363 miles) SW (227°) from SINGAPOREMagnitude

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Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
25 februari 2008, 08:31 uur | Bericht #9487
Strong quake hits Indonesia

A 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island on Monday, the US Geological Survey said, but there were no immediate reports of damage. The earthquake, which hit at 9:46 pm local time (20:16 IST), occurred at sea about 155 kilometres southwest of Padang in Sumatra, the USGS said.

A tsunami warning was not issued for the quake, which struck at a depth of 35 kilometres. A worker at the main hospital in Padang, who gave his name as Reno, said the quake was not felt very strongly there.

''There was no need to evacuate patients,'' he said.

Indonesia's geophysics and meteorology agency measured the quake at 6.5 and put it at a depth of 57 kilometres. It said the quake's epicentre was 151 kilometres northwest of the town of Mukomuko. The director of Mukomuko hospital said he was at home when the quake rumbled quite strongly for about 15 seconds.

''Everybody rushed out of their homes,'' he said, adding that he had rushed to the hospital in case of casualties. But he said on his way that he saw no signs of damage and people had returned inside again.

Berichten: 0
Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
25 februari 2008, 10:29 uur | Bericht #9491
Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake Rocks Indonesia; Tsunami Warning in Effect

Indonesia issued a tsunami warning on Monday after a powerful quake struck off the western coast of Sumatra island.

The quake, which had a preliminary magnitude of 7.3, was centered in the Indian Ocean around 96 miles from the coastal town of Bengkulu, Indonesia's geophysics agency said in a statement. Residents in Bengkulu told el-Shinta radio station they felt the quake strongly, but that it did not appear to have caused major damage in the region, which late Sunday was also hit by a strong quake.

The geophysics agency issued a tsunami bulletin following the quake. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center also warned the coastal communities around Bengkulu may be at risk of large waves. Indonesia does not have equipment to measure changes in sea level that would indicate an actual tsunami was on its way. Agencies routinely issue warnings after shallow offshore quakes with a magnitude of 6.5 or above strike.

The geophysics agency issued a tsunami bulletin following the quake, but canceled it an hour later after determining no waves were generated.

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Lid sinds: 10 jun. 2007
25 februari 2008, 11:22 uur | Bericht #9494
Geen gevaar voor tsunami na aardbeving op Sumatra

Het Indonesische eiland Sumatra is getroffen door een krachtige aardbeving van 7,3 op de Schaal van Richter. Er werd ook een tsunami-alarm gegeven, maar dat is intussen weer opgeheven.

De aardbeving had plaats op ongeveer 160 kilometer van Padang. Het is al de vijfde keer in 24 uur dat de streek getroffen wordt door een aardbeving die zwaarder is dan 5,0 op de schaal van Richter. Enkele dagen geleden kwamen nog drie mensen om het leven na een andere zware aardbeving.

©HLN | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:50 uur, door Joyce.s
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