South-east Queenslanders are facing another day of gale-force winds, big seas, heavy rainfall and flash flooding while a cyclone watch is underway in the state's north.
Another low pressure system which formed on the Sunshine Coast is moving south, intensifying stormy weather conditions which have lashed the southern coastline for the past week.
Heavy rain and wild weather has hit most of the region overnight with the State Emergency Service (SES) issuing a warning about flash flooding.
Around 200mm of rain fell overnight in the Gold Coast Hinterland.
SES south-east regional director Eddie Bennett warned drivers to avoid flooded areas.
"Too often people attempt to drive through floodwaters, only to find that their engines stall, stranding them in rising torrents," Mr Bennett said.
"Even shallow quick flowing water is strong enough to sweep the driver and their vehicle into the river."
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued flood warnings for smaller Sunshine Coast streams and in the Mooloolah River.
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©Albany news
Veel mensen zaten vast in hun huizen, caravans en auto's. Het noodweer is een uitloper van de cycloon Helen, die inmiddels is afgezwakt tot een zware storm.
De afgelopen week zijn rivieren in Queensland en New South Wales buiten hun oevers getreden. Voor zover bekend zijn er geen gewonden of doden.

Thousands of people remain stranded by some of the worst flooding eastern Australia has seen in 20 years. Parts of the country's most populous state, New South Wales, have been cut off by heavy rain and have been declared natural disaster zones. There are similar problems further north in Queensland, which has also been battered by wild conditions. Emergency workers have warned that many communities will remain isolated for several days.
Food drops
Thunderstorms have dumped huge amounts of rain on Australia's east coast. Many rivers have been unable to cope and their banks have burst. Roads have been turned into lakes and bridges have been washed away. Entire towns in northern New South Wales have been cut off. Food and other essential supplies have been brought in by helicopter. Rising flood waters have forced hundreds of residents to leave their homes. The situation in some parts could get worse. Forecasters have warned of severe hail storms and more flash flooding. Australia has been gripped by a long standing drought. Although rain is desperately needed, to receive so much at once is - to say the least - unfortunate.
Many coastal areas have been affected by the wild weather and beaches have been closed during the busy holiday period. A music festival near the town of Tenterfield in New South Wales has also fallen victim to the inclement conditions. About 700 people have been stranded on an island in the Boonoo Boonoo state forest and could be stuck there for days. Darwin in the Northern Territory is recovering after being pounded by Cyclone Helen over the weekend. Trees were uprooted and officials are busy restoring power and water supplies.
In Western Australia bushfires have destroyed homes near Perth.
Bron: BBC
Honderden mensen in het oosten van Australië zijn zaterdag geëvacueerd wegens overstromingen. De wateroverlast is het gevolg van zware regenval.
De regenval op de grens van Queensland en New South Wales is een gevolg van een buiengebied dat al dagenlang voor lokale zware regens zorgt.
[img width=240 height=320][/img]
Zeer lokaal is afgelopen week 400 millimeter neerslag gevallen, op sommige plaatsen viel bijna 200 millimeter in één etmaal. Daardoor traden rivieren in Queensland en New South Wales buiten hun oevers.
Maandagochtend raakten steeds meer dorpen geïsoleerd van de buitenwereld. Hulpdiensten verwachten dat sommige delen van het getroffen gebied nog dagen afgesloten zullen zijn van de buitenwereld.
It's a wet track at Lismore Racecourse today. Saturday 5th January.
Floating roof at Dunbible, down from the house towards stock sheds.
Anyone for underwater Putt Putt Golf? North Lismore, Saturday 5th January
Extensive flooding north of Lismore. Saturday 5th January.
Wyrallah Road and Skyline Road cut off by flood waters. East Lismore Saturday 5th January.
Flood waters cover street in Lismore CBD. Friday 4th January.
Billinudgel on Friday the 4th of January 2008.
Lismore Floods on Whyrallah Road
Swollen river in South Lismore Friday 4th January.
Cars cross flood waters over Dawson Street Friday 4th January.
Condong flood.
Sports field in Lismore Friday 4th January.
Cudgen Creek, Bogangar.
Dawson Street Service Station Friday 4th January.
Tweed River, Murwillumbah.
©abc | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 11:03 uur, door Joyce.s
CANBERRA - Duizenden Australiërs zullen waarschijnlijk nog een week van de buitenwereld zijn afgesloten door de overstromingen in de deelstaten New South Wales en Queensland.
Vooral mensen op het afgelegen platteland moeten rekenen op nog dagen aanhoudende problemen, aldus verscheidene Australische kranten in hun dinsdagedities.
In totaal zeker 3000 mensen zijn momenteel getroffen door het hoogwater, het gevolg van aanhoudende regenval op een gortdroge grond. Veel bruggen zijn weggeslagen en veel wegen staan blank.
Het aantal gebieden waar de noodtoestand geldt, is maandag verder uitgebreid. Volgens meteorologen zijn het de ernstigste overstromingen in twintig jaar.
Voor zover bekend zijn er geen slachtoffers gevallen. De schade loopt (omgerekend) in de vele miljoenen euro's. Veel toeristische gebieden kampen met verliezen nu veel stranden zijn gesloten wegens het noodweer.
Het is momenteel zomer in Australië.

Pedalling to Nimbin from Kyogle | Photographer: Arthur Ferreira
Street signs on the riverbank are now submerged. Sunday January 6.
Tweed River at Uki on Saturday morning
House on Tatham Coraki Road
He didn't quite make it, but he's got his boat
Crossing Hanging Rock Creek in Barkers Vale
Can we swim this or do we have to paddle again?
Richmond River overflowing into the park at South Casino. 7pm 05/01/08 River height 13.5m
North along Fawcetts Plain and Murwillumbah road turn off
Looking east from railway line, Church of England in background
Landslide. One of many on Kyogle Road between Murwillumbah and Doon Doon
Mount Warning Road bridge on Thursday
Perch Creek over top end of Midginbil Road causeway
Clarrie Hall dam spillway near Uki on Friday 05/01/08
©abc | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 11:03 uur, door Joyce.s