JAKARTA (AP): An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 rattled the western coast of Sumatra on Friday, the local Meteorological and Geophysics Agency said, causing frightened residents to flee their homes.
There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties in Bengkulu province, about 600 kilometers west of the capital, Jakarta.
The quake was not believed to have been powerful enough to generate a tsunami, the agency said. The U.S. Geological Survey put the tremor at a magnitude 5.9.
©The Jakarta Post

Magnitude 5.9
*Friday, January 04, 2008 at 07:29:18 UTC
*Friday, January 04, 2008 at 02:29:18 PM at epicenter
Location 2.998°S, 100.872°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
175 km (110 miles) WNW of Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia
235 km (145 miles) SSE of Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia
575 km (360 miles) SW of SINGAPORE
740 km (460 miles) WNW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

[img width=326 height=320]http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Maps/10/100_-5.gif[/img]
JAKARTA (Reuters) - A 6.2 magnitude undersea quake jolted eastern Indonesia on Monday, damaging some houses and sparking panic among residents but causing no deaths, a meteorology agency official said. The U.S. Geological Survey placed the strong quake, shallow at only 35 km (21.7 miles) deep, at an epicenter at 8 km (5 miles) north of the coastal town of Manokwari in Indonesia's West Papua province.
"There are several houses on fire but we don't know yet how many exactly," Fauzi, head of the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency's earthquake centre told Reuters. "The quake could have caused a short connection that ignited fire or stoves in use may have been tipped over." Fauzi said the quake, which caused widespread panic among residents, also caused cracks in many houses and building in Manokwari. Elshinta radio reported that people rushed out of their homes in panic towards higher ground, although no tsunami warning was issued.
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Magnitude 6.2
* Monday, January 07, 2008 at 03:12:30 UTC
* Monday, January 07, 2008 at 12:12:30 PM at epicenter
Location 0.817°S, 134.049°E
Depth 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program
Distances 10 km (5 miles) NNW of Manokwari, Papua, Indonesia
310 km (190 miles) E of Sorong, Papua, Indonesia
1335 km (830 miles) NNE of DARWIN, Northern Territory, Australia
3090 km (1920 miles) E of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
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[img width=322 height=320]http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsww/Maps/10/135_0.gif[/img]
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A moderate earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale jolted the seas northeast of Manado Indonesia at 4:31 a.m. Monday (2131 GMT, Sunday), the Hong Kong Observatory said in a news bulletin here Monday morning.
According to the Hong Kong Observatory, the epicenter was initially determined to be at 2.4 degrees north latitude and 127. 0 degrees east longitude, about 250 kilometers north-northeast of Manado Indonesia.
Source: Xinhua

Magnitude 5.9
Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 20:26:06 UTC
Monday, January 21, 2008 at 04:26:06 AM at epicenter
Location 2.362°N, 126.981°E
Depth 53.3 km (33.1 miles)
180 km (110 miles) NNW of Ternate, Moluccas, Indonesia
255 km (160 miles) ENE of Manado, Sulawesi, Indonesia
1500 km (940 miles) SSE of MANILA, Philippines
2430 km (1510 miles) ENE of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia

Een zware aardbeving met een kracht van 6,2 op de schaal van Richter heeft het eiland Nias, vlakbij de westkust van het Indonesische eiland Sumatra, door mekaar geschud. Er is geen tsunami-alarm, zo zeggen Amerikaanse meteorologen. Er is op dit ogenblik nog geen melding gemaakt van slachtoffers of schade.
De aardbeving deed zich voor rond 00.14 uur (18.15 uur Belgische tijd). Het epicentrum lag in Nias, op ongeveer 170 kilometer ten zuidwesten van de stad Sibolga, in Sumatra, aldus Amerikaanse geologische diensten.
In 2005 vielen op Nias 850 doden bij een aardbeving van 8,7 op de schaal van Richter.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A 6.2-magnitude quake struck off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, on Tuesday, the U.S. Geological Service said.
The quake's preliminary magnitude of 6.7 was revised by the USGS to 6.2. The latest data show the temblor struck 172 km west of Sibolga, Sumatra at 12:15 p.m. EST (1715 GMT) at a depth of 12.8 km.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there were no immediate tsunami warnings or watches in effect.
Located in a very active seismic region where several tectonic plates meet, Indonesia suffers frequent earthquakes
Bron: Reuters
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Magnitude 5.3
* Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 17:14:52 UTC
* Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 12:14:52 AM at epicenter
Location 0.951°N, 97.466°E
Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program
170 km (105 miles) WSW of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia
320 km (200 miles) SSW of Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia
530 km (330 miles) WSW of KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
1290 km (800 miles) NW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
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Magnitude 6.1
* Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 17:15:00 UTC
* Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 12:15:00 AM at epicenter
Location 1.008°N, 97.293°E
Depth 56.1 km (34.9 miles)
185 km (115 miles) WSW of Sibolga, Sumatra, Indonesia
320 km (200 miles) SSW of Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia
545 km (335 miles) WSW of KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
1320 km (820 miles) NW of JAKARTA, Java, Indonesia
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Bij een zware aardbeving voor de kust van het Indonesische eiland Sumatra is woensdagochtend plaatselijke tijd een persoon om het leven gekomen. Vijf anderen liepen volgens de lokale media verwondingen op. Volgens het meteorologisch en geofysisch instituut in de hoofdstad Jakarta bereikte de zeebeving een kracht van 6,2 op de schaal van Richter. Het epicentrum lag 24 kilometer ten zuidwesten van het eiland Nias ongeveer tien kilometer onder de zeebodem. In het stadje Gunungsitoli op Nias werd zware schade veroorzaakt. De mensen renden in paniek hun huizen uit.
A 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit Papua new Guinea at 2230 GMT, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The epicenter of the temblor was 55 miles north-northwest of Lae, the agency said.
The quake, at a depth of 28 miles, did not generate a tsunami warning.
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Magnitude 5.9
* Thursday, January 24, 2008 at 22:29:57 UTC
* Friday, January 25, 2008 at 08:29:57 AM at epicenter
Location 6.121°S, 146.635°E
Depth 70.2 km (43.6 miles)
*80 km (50 miles) NNW of Lae, New Guinea, PNG
*130 km (80 miles) SE of Madang, New Guinea, PNG
*375 km (235 miles) N of PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea
*2460 km (1530 miles) NNW of BRISBANE, Queensland, Australia
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he Indonesian meteorology agency has issued a tsunami warning after an undersea earthquake of 6.6 strength on the Richter scale hit offshore East Timor today.
The United States Geological Survey put the quake at 6.3 magnitude and at a depth of 164 kilometres.
"There is a tsunami potential," the meteorology office said.

Magnitude 6.2
* Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 07:32:43 UTC
* Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 04:32:43 PM at epicenter
Location 7.373°S, 127.700°E
Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program
270 km (165 miles) ENE of DILI, East Timor
410 km (255 miles) W of Saumlaki, Tanimbar Islands, Indonesia
410 km (255 miles) S of Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia
660 km (410 miles) NNW of DARWIN, Northern Territory, Australia

De Indonesische autoriteiten hebben vandaag een tsunami-alarm afgekondigd nadat er ten zuiden van de Molukken een zeebeving van 6,6 op de schaal van Richter had plaatsgevonden. Een uur later werd het alarm opgeheven. Het epicentrum lag ongeveer 300 km ten noordoosten van Dili, de hoofdstad van Oost-Timor, en op 23 kilometer diepte. Indonesië bevindt zich in de zogenaamde 'Ring of Fire', een 40.000 km lange lijn van vulkanen en breuklijnen langs de randen van de Stille Oceaan.
A strong 5.9 magnitude aftershock has rocked an eastern Indonesian province, one day after a 6.6 magnitude quake prompted a brief tsunami alert, the meteorology and geophysics office says. The aftershock struck at 10:41 am (local time) and was centred 248 kilometres north west of Saumlaki town in Maluku province, the office said in a statement.
There is no risk of a tsunami, the office said.
Indonesia sits on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" where continental plates meet, causing frequent seismic and volcanic activity. The nation was hardest hit by the earthquake-triggered Asian tsunami in December 2004, which killed an estimated 168,000 people in Indonesia's Aceh province.