Na zware overstromingen hebben in Zimbabwe honderden mensen hun dorpen in het zuidoosten van het land verlaten. Helikopters brachten volgens mediaberichten van woensdag hulpgoederen naar de getroffen regio's. Tot nog toe zijn minstens 27 mensen verdronken. In december heeft het nog nooit eerder zoveel geregend op het eind van het jaar, luidt het voorts. Ook in het noorden van Zimbabwe vernielde de watervloed honderden huizen en landbouwgronden.
In het aanpalende Mozambique waren meer dan 1.000 gezinnen van de buitenwereld afgesloten. Het water heeft er straten en bruggen overstroomd. De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) waarschuwt voor een verhoogd risico op malaria in het zuiden van Afrika voor de zomer van dit jaar.
Bron: HLN
Severe flooding in Zimbabwe and Zambia has killed at least 21 people and left thousands homeless in the past month, and threatens to affect farming.
In Mozambique, the authorities have declared a red alert, with rivers rising above "critical" levels.
The rains, which began in early December, have washed away homes and livestock throughout the area.

Heavy rain is expected to continue until February
A spokesman for the Red Cross has said that floods could lead to an increase in malaria and outbreaks of cholera.
More than 1,000 families, mainly in Zimbabwe's Mashonaland Central Province, have had homes and livestock washed away by the rains which began in early December, the UN news agency IRIN News reports
Thousands of homes in the Epworth informal settlement outside the capital, Harare, have collapsed as a result of the rains.
Zimbabwe's Agricultural Technical and Extension Service warned that the rains were adversely affecting farming, with most crops showing signs of nitrogen deficiency, the state-run Herald newspaper reported.
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Mozambique krijgt steeds meer last van overstromingen. De weg tussen havenstad Beira en Zimbabwe is afgesneden en het verkeer naar Zambia en Malawi is hevig ontregeld.
Dertienduizend mensen zijn gered uit het stijgende water. De autoriteiten overwegen nog eens tienduizend bewoners van de noordoever van de Zambezi te evacueren, als ze de aanhoudende waarschuwingen blijven negeren. Oorzaak van de overstromingen is de hevige regenval in Zimbabwe. Daar zijn inmiddels 27 doden gevallen en zijn meer dan vierhonderd gevallen van ernstige diarree geconstateerd.
De regentijd in het zuiden van Afrika blijft voor overlast zorgen. Momenteel komen meldingen van hevige regens uit Mozambique.
Hier zijn duizenden mensen geëvacueerd uit de Zambezi Vallei. De waterstand in de Zambezi is dusdanig hoog, dat overstromingen dreigen. De afgelopen dagen zijn al tienduizenden mensen in veiligheid gebracht.
Op sommige plaatsen langs de rivier is de schade al groot. Duizenden huizen zijn verwoest en oogsten zijn vernietigd. Verder zijn er zes personen verdronken en wordt gevreesd voor uitbraak van diarree en cholera.
Naast Mozambique zijn ook Zambia, Zimbabwe en Malawi getroffen.
Reuters reported that some 54,000 people in the region had already been evacuated after floods devastated parts of northern Zimbabwe, southern Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi, leaving crops destroyed, livestock drowned and over 110,000 homes washed away. Relief workers warned that if the torrential rain continues, a million more people across the region could be at risk. Particular concern is being paid to people in the Zambezi river valley in central Mozambique, where most of the flood water drains out to the east.
Paulo Zucula, director of the National Disaster Management Institute (INGC), Mozambique's emergency relief agency, warned of a deepening crisis if unrelenting rains continued in the tributary areas upriver in Zimbabwe and Zambia. "The situation is getting bad day by day and today we'll embark on compulsory evacuation where we know for sure that the waters will flood," he said, adding that the situation could spiral out of control in some areas.
In Zambia, severe flooding could worsen if water from rivers in the north flows into the hard-hit south, say officials, who estimate that 1.5 million people could be displaced. Floodwaters in Zimbabwe, where millions are struggling to feed themselves in the midst of an economic crisis, have cut road links to large parts of the country.Sibusisiwe Ndlovu, deputy director of the country's Civil Protection Unit, said floods had "generally subsided", but efforts to assist displaced people are still underway.
Rains in Mozambique also triggered flash floods in parts of Malawi's resort district of Mangochi, destroying over 100 homes, the district commissioner, Timothy Chirwa, told Reuters. "This in turn has caused floods destroying over 120 homes and washed away 14 hectares of maize fields, and if this continues it could have adverse effects on the food situation in this part of the country," Chirwa said.
Heavy downpours are common in the region in the annual rainy season, which runs from November to April, but the relentless rain is unusual and has caught officials off guard. There are now fears of outbreaks of diarrhoea and cholera due to contaminated flood water.
Bron: Guardian

Emergency workers in Mozambique have begun an operation to rescue thousands of people trapped on islands in the Zambezi river by rising flood waters. Crops have been destroyed and villagers living on higher ground are building temporary shelters for people whose homes have been washed away. Meteorologists have predicted no let-up, with more storms forecast for Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi. Aid agencies are warning of food shortages and waterborne diseases. The number of people affected by the floods is unclear but an estimated 50,000 people have been evacuated so far in Mozambique. The World Food Programme (WFP) says it is still feeding 250,000 people there who lost their crops in last year's floods. Most of those are affected again, and the WFP expects the numbers to rise even further.
Early days
From its head waters high in Zambia and Zimbabwe to the river mouth on Mozambique's Indian Ocean, the Zambezi river valley is a sodden mess. In Mozambique, a few major towns like the provincial capital of Tete are under water but it is the tens of thousands of villagers in small, isolated settlements who are suffering the most. Six people are known to have died - four drowned and two were killed by crocodiles. The BBC's Peter Greste, who is in Caia where the main relief effort is being co-ordinated, flew over the area and described the roofs of countless huts dotting the water like lilies. He said people displaced by the heaviest rains in a decade were wading through what used to be roads. Working with soldiers and international relief agencies, Mozambique's National Institute of Disaster Management is using boats and helicopters to move those affected to temporary accommodation centres.
It is not clear when the situation will begin to improve; the rains are still falling in the catchment area and the water will take time to flow down. The wet season is also in its early days but the Zambezi is rapidly approaching the 7.6m (25ft) level that it reached during disastrous floods in 2000, when half a million people fled their homes. In Zambia, the government has appealed for $13m (£6.6m) in foreign aid to help deal with the effects of flooding, which officials say has displaced thousands of people and caused extensive damage to infrastructure. In low-lying areas of Zimbabwe, flooding has destroyed homes, livestock and infrastructure, aid agencies report. Heavy floods have also destroyed homes and crops, displacing thousands of people in southern and central Malawi. The Malawian government is warning people to relocate from flood-prone areas, but many have been reluctant to leave their farms.
Bron: BBC | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:53 uur, door Joyce.s
Relief efforts are being stepped up in Mozambique where flood waters have displaced tens of thousands of people.
A ship is to dock in the port of Beira with 3,000 tonnes of food - enough to support 250,000 people for one month.
The supplies will be distributed by the UN World Food Programme overland but many of the most vulnerable live in remote and difficult-to-access areas.
The flooding in southern Africa has also affected Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Further rains are expected.
Shrinking pockets
The ship will begin off-loading its life-saving cargo immediately and send it by lorry to Caia, where the main relief effort is being co-ordinated, the WFP says.
Many of those relying on the aid also lost their crops in last year's floods.

The 2000-01 floods killed 700 people and displaced half a million
But the BBC's correspondent in Caia, Peter Greste, says getting the food there is only half the problem solved - most of the flood victims are still stranded along the Zambezi river valley.
Soldiers are working with international relief agencies and the National Institute of Disaster Management to move people to temporary accommodation centres away from the river.
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Het regenseizoen in het zuiden van Afrika blijft voor overlast zorgen. In Mozambique zijn al vijftig mensen om het leven gekomen door overstromingen.
Dertigduizend mensen moesten de afgelopen tien dagen geëvacueerd worden, zo meldt de VN-Dienst voor de Coördinatie van de Humanitaire Hulp (OCHA). Meer dan 70.000 mensen zagen hun huis vernield worden door het wassende water. Vooral de laaggelegen Zambezi Vallei is zwaar getroffen.
In 2000 en 2001 kwamen 700 mensen om het leven bij overstromingen in de Portugese ex-kolonie.
Bron: HLN | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:54 uur, door Joyce.s
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A ship loaded with relief supplies for flood victims in Mozambique has arrived in the port of Beira. The boat is carrying 3,000 tonnes of food, enough to support 250,000 people for a month. The United Nations World Food Program plans to truck the supplies north, to help those stranded along the Zambezi river valley. Thousands of people have retreated to high ground to escape the rising waters. Many are trying to salvage what they can from flood damage. The floods have killed at least 50 people and displaced tens of thousands in the southern African nation, a UN humanitarian agency said. Some 30,000 people have been evacuated from flooded areas, while another 72,000 have had their houses destroyed or required aid, said Odile Bulten of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Bron: ABC
MAPUTO - Door overstromingen in Mozambique zijn zeker 70.000 mensen geëvacueerd en enkele mensen gestorven.
Het Nationale Instituut voor Natuurrampen (INGC) verwacht dat de situatie tot half februari verergert, aldus een woordvoerder maandag. Officieel staat het dodental op vijftig, maar dat is volgens de woordvoerder een overschatting.
De autoriteiten hadden de bevolking al in november gewaarschuwd voor mogelijke overstromingen. Veel mensen hadden zich daardoor op tijd uit de voeten gemaakt. Mogelijk moeten nog eens 200.000 mensen evacueren.
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Foto ©abc
An aeriel view shows floodwaters near the bridge over the Zambezi River in Tete, Mozambique, January 12, 2008. Floods have swamped parts of Mozambique and forced some factories and schools to shut down. The National Institute of Disaster Management has used helicopters and boats to rescue 50,000 affected residents, assisted by 400 military staff and aid agencies. Picture taken January 12, 2008.
MAPUTO (Reuters) - Devastating Mozambique floods, which have killed seven people and displaced tens of thousands, could be the worst in recent memory, the United Nations said on Wednesday.
U.N. spokesman Luis Zaqueu said although Mozambique's emergency services were well-prepared, the scenario could change as raging waters engulfed agricultural lands and wrecked infrastructure like roads and bridges in the centre of the southern African country. "Because the rains started earlier than predicted and the high water levels -- which are getting higher each moment -- the situation is likely to be worse than in 2000-2001," Zaqueu told Reuters. Floods, compounded by a series of cyclones, in 2000-2001 were the worst disasters in memory in Mozambique and killed 700 people and caused $500 million damage.
This year heavy downpours in several southern African countries have resulted in swollen floodwaters rushing through central Mozambique. Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi also suffered floods, killing several people and leaving thousands homeless.
International development charity ActionAid warned on Wednesday up to 250,000 people in Mozambique were at risk as the lower Zambezi valley is being flooded by waters from the giant Cahora Bassa dam. "There are 250,000 people living downstream of the dam. This is the second year they will lose everything," ActionAid Mozambique director Alberto Silva said in a statement. ActionAid said it had worked with the Mozambique government to rescue 5,400 people who were cut off by the flood waters of the Zambezi River -- one of Africa's longest which cuts across four of Mozambique's provinces for 500 km (313 miles) before it reaches the sea. "More areas will be affected but the government has so far managed to reduce the death toll, damages are visible on infrastructure," Zaqueu said.
At least 60,000 people have so far been rescued -- most of them by helicopter from trees and rooftops. But there are still about 7,000 people in highly dangerous areas who needs to be evacuated. The country's relief agency, the National Disaster Management Institute (INGC), is using motor boats and canoes to carry the people rescued to a ferry which then transports them to resettlement areas. The U.N World Food Programme (WFP) said food distribution in affected areas needed to be increased as many badly hit towns and villages already face food shortages.
Bron: Reuters
Officials in economically ravaged Zimbabwe issued new warnings Wednesday of floods, as fears grew that flooding in neighboring Mozambique would be more extensive than in 2001 when 800 people died.
Mozambican authorities said at least 60,000 people had been evacuated and 22,000 houses were under water. But they were optimistic they could keep loss of life to a minimum — seven flood-related deaths have been reported in Mozambique so far — thanks to their disaster-prevention strategy.
Torrential rains in Zambia and Zimbabwe have swollen the mighty Zambezi river — Africa's fourth longest — to well above the flood limit, with valleys in Malawi and Mozambique bearing the brunt as the waters hurtle down toward the Indian Ocean.
©MSNBC | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:54 uur, door Joyce.s
Zambia has declared a national disaster after floods swept through the southern African nation and several neighbouring countries, killing at least 45 people and destroying roads, bridges, crops and livestock. "This is a national disaster and it requires concerted efforts of all of us to solve," Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa said on state television after inspecting flooded areas in southern Zambia.
Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi have been lashed by heavy rains for several weeks, causing swollen rivers to burst their banks and forcing thousands of villagers to flee flooded homes. Panicked residents have drowned or been killed by crocodiles as they attempted to cross rivers for higher ground. With no sign of a let-up in the rainy weather, there are growing fears the flooding could worsen in the coming weeks and devastate the largely agricultural-based economies of the region in the middle of the critical summer growing season. Heavy downpours are common in southern Africa in the rainy season, which runs generally from November to April, but the relentless rain is unusual and has caught officials off guard.
Zambia's Government has appealed for $13 million in emergency funds from Western donors to cope with the crisis. Authorities have closed schools, converting them into shelters for those displaced. Some refugees are living in tents provided by the government and relief agencies. Mozambique, which has resisted asking for foreign assistance, was bracing for more heavy flooding one day after the amount of water in the Limpopo river, one of its largest, rose to alarming levels. The Government is evacuating people from areas initially deemed safe but now considered dangerous. U.N. agencies have warned the flooding there could be worse than in 2000-2001, when 700 people died and another half a million became refugees.
Concerns also are high in Zimbabwe, which has struggled to feed itself amid a deep economic slide that has been marked by chronic shortages of food and fuel, rising poverty and inflation over 8,000 per cent.
Bron: ABC
In Mozambique zijn 71.000 mensen dakloos als gevolg van overstromingen. De wateroverlast wordt veroorzaakt door zware regenval. Dat meldt Unicef België vrijdag.
De Mozambikaanse overheid leidt de hulpoperatie aan de slachtoffers van de overstromingen. Unicef levert voedsel, zuiver drinkwater en medische goederen.
In de regio's Caia en Mutarara - waar het waterpeil in de Zambezi-rivier blijft stijgen - zijn zoekacties naar vermisten en reddingsoperaties volop bezig.
Meer dan de helft van de getroffen mensen zijn kinderen.
One of Kariba Dam's floodgates has been opened by Zimbabwean and Zambian water authorities prompting flood alerts along the Zambezi River. It was opened to prevent the dam wall from being damaged as a result of heavy rainfall this season.
Thousands of people in Mozambique have been evacuated from areas further down the Zambezi River valley already struggling to cope with flood waters. Zambia and Zimbabwe's armies are ready to intervene, says Reuters new agency.
Hundreds turned up to the Kariba dam to watch the spectacle
"Defence forces from both countries are ready to respond to any eventuality and are monitoring the situation," Zimbabwean energy official Munyaradzi Munodawafa is quoted by Reuters as saying.
The opening of the floodgate attracted hundreds of local and foreign tourists who came to witness the rare spectacle, which last took place in 2002, the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation reports. Torrential rains in Zambia and Zimbabwe have swollen the Zambezi river to well above the flood limits. Valleys in Malawi and Mozambique are bearing the brunt as the waters flow down to the Indian Ocean.
©BBC | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:54 uur, door Joyce.s