Three people were killed in Western Australia after bushfires engulfed a convoy of trucks on a highway.
Police found the bodies of two adults and one child late on Sunday on the Great Eastern Highway, east of the state capital, Perth.
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The victims were found in two burnt-out trucks, police said. Drivers of at least six other vehicles escaped.
The road had been closed several times over the weekend because of the fires, which have been blazing since Friday.
Police said that the convoy came through shortly after the road reopened on Sunday evening.
The trucks were driving west from the town of Coolgardie to Southern Cross, through an area of national park where the fires have been burning. One truck made it through to Southern Cross, its driver suffering burnt hands, police spokesman Graham Clifford said.
Drivers of the other trucks unhitched their trailers in order to make a quick return to Coolgardie, he said.
Police have not yet identified the three victims and an investigation is under way.
Since Friday, the fires have burned across more than 10,000 hectares (25,000 acres) of land and are being fanned by strong winds and high temperatures, officials say.
Bron: Reuters
PERTH - Drie Australiërs zijn zondag omgekomen nadat ze in hun vrachtwagens ingesloten waren geraakt door een bosbrand.
De politie had het drietal, dat op de vlucht was voor het oprukkende vuur, even daarvoor door een wegafzetting gelaten.
Dat meldde de Australische zender ABC maandag. Vijf andere voertuigen brandden ook uit, maar de inzittenden daarvan wisten aan het vuur te ontkomen.
De brand verwoestte in de regio, niet ver van de zuidwestelijke stad Kalgoorlie, sinds vrijdag 7500 hectare land. Bosbranden zijn tijdens de kurkdroge zomers een terugkerend probleem in Australië.
De belangrijkste snelweg van het oosten naar de kuststad Perth in het westen is afgesloten door een brand, die sinds 28 december al meer 45.000 hectare struikgewas in de as heeft gelegd. Ruim een week geleden moesten drie vrachtwagenchauffeurs een poging om zich een weg door de vlammenzee te banen met de dood bekopen. Politici willen de Great Eastern Highway heropenen zodat het handelsverkeer weer op gang komt, maar de autoriteiten waarschuwen dat de situatie door de grote hitte en draaiende wind gevaarlijk blijft.

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The Country Fire Authority's Jenny Clow says the bushfire has destroyed 400 hectares of forest and grassland and is spreading in a southerly direction. "With regards to the residents and their bushfire plans, if you plan to stay, remember to seek shelter from the radiant heat," she said. "Should a fire reach your property, make sure that you close all your doors, windows and stay inside while the fire passes." Ms Clow says heavy smoke and embers are expected to affect surrounding communities. "Additional air attack aircraft will commence this morning," he said.
The weather bureau's Ward Rooney says a severe wind warning has been issued for several districts. "High temperatures and strong winds are a bad combination in terms of fire," he said. "There's a fire weather warning current for all of Victoria." A cool change is expected to develop late this morning.
Bron: ABC News
Lightning storms have sparked numerous blazes across Victoria, with six new fires sparked near Yea, north of Melbourne.
Fires have also started south of Deddick, north-west of Orbost in east Gippsland and south-east of Nojee in west Gippsland.
The 450 hectare fire near Elaine, south of Ballarat, is spreading in steep territory to the east and firefighters are struggling to contain it.
Crews will continue to work on the fire overnight and Country Fire Service spokesman Gary Weir says the cool change meant firefighters had to work in strong, unpredictable winds.
"It was a very big afternoon with the cool change that came through. It definitely tested us, however we've had a good outcome," he said.
This afternoon 200 firefighters managed to contain a grass fire near the Dromana drive-in on the Mornington Penninsula. The 48 hectare blaze destroyed a barn before it was brought under control.
Meanwhile, SES crews are mopping up after severe storms and what some people described as isolated mini-tornados, that swept across the state this afternoon.
Three cars were crushed when 50 trees came down at the Acheron caravan park, north-east of Melbourne and seven caravans were destroyed.
At Nagambie, a dozen vans were destroyed in the town's caravan park. No injuries were reported but the SES answered around 150 calls.
Nagambie Councillor Rhonda Richards says hundreds of trees have been destroyed.
"All along the highway from the south end of town, until probably about two kilometres before you get to the middle of town, all the trees along the highway are as though someone's twisted them in half," she said.
Bron: ABC news
A cool change hit the area near Ballarat after midday ending more than 24 hours of searing temperatures.
While it brought an immediate drop in temperature it has brought with it gusty south-easterly winds.
In Tasmania meanwhile, several bushfires have flared across the state as strong winds and soaring temperatures have stretched emergency crews.

Bushfires are flaring across Tasmania. Picture: Sam Rosewarne
A fire at Lower Snug was reported about 2.25 this afternoon and more than 10 crews are fighting the blaze which has jumped Old Station Rd and is burning in the Coningham Nature Reserve.
Another fire has broken out at Rokeby Hills late this afternoon and an out-of-control bushfire started in the foothills of Clarendon Vale earlier today but is now spreading towards Acton.
Other fires are burning in Tasmania at Bothwell, Rosebery, Ravenswood, South Port, Strahan and in the state's North East.
In central Victoria a bushfire burning between Geelong and Ballarat is understood to have jumped containment lines.
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Water bombers have been sent to tackle the blaze in the Mount Lawson State Park.
There are five fires burning across the state.
The largest is in rugged terrain near Deddick in the Snowy River National Park.
But Alan Slijepcevic, from the Department of Sustainability, says firefighters hope to contain the Deddick fire by this evening.
"With the conditions we have at the time - which is relatively light winds, humidity is up and temperatures are lower - we are not expecting too many control problems," he said.
A 500-hectare fire near Ballarat in central Victoria is under control.
Tasmanian firefighters are bracing for strong winds as they fight several bushfires around the state. Fresh fire crews are working at Lower Snug south of Hobart and in paddocks on the eastern side of the Channel Highway. At Clarendon Vale in Hobart's east, fire officers are working to control spot fires and in the state's north, a fire at Prossers Forest has jumped containment lines. More than 50 fire fighters are working to regain control and crews will stay with the fire throughout the night.
Bureau of Meteorology spokesman Glen Perrin says conditions tomorrow could be dire around Tasmania. "We don't have a warning out for severe winds at the moment, but there's every likelihood that we will be," he said. "Basically there is the potential for gusts of up to 100 kilometres an hour, particularly tomorrow morning."
Bron: ABC
Lightning strikes have started 14 bushfires across Victoria today. Firefighters are busy trying to contain eight small fires continuing to burn in public land in the state's east.
Lightning has also sparked a fire on the border of New South Wales in the Moira State Forest. Five other fires started today have been contained and three fires lit yesterday continue to burn south of Yea and at Lake Eildon. A six hectare fire in rugged terrain in the Snowy River National Park has not been contained, but crews are pulling out of the area for the night. Water bombers are being used to battle the blazes as authorities fear they could spread quickly.
Bron: ABC
Firefighters hope to take advantage of favourable conditions to contain 12 blazes burning in Victoria. Lightning sparked 14 new fires yesterday, mainly in the east of the state. Eight small fires continue to burn on public land at Cann River, Thompsons Dam, Lake Eildon near Yea, and Mitta Mitta. A fire is also burning in the Moira State Park across the border in New South Wales. Department of Sustainability spokesman Alan Slijepcevic says crews will work to contain the largest fire at Deddick in East Gippsland before a return to extreme fire conditions on Tuesday. "We wouldn't call it yet contained as there is a large amount of smouldering material in the areas, so we will do a bit more work and on Monday we will decide [whether] to call it contained," he said.
Bron: ABC
Smoke rises from a bushfire, which has so far destroyed at least 400 hectares of forest and grassland near Ballarat, west of Melbourne. Fire crews urged people in Morrisons, Ballark, Meredith, Steiglitz, Moorabool Valley and the Pioneer Ridge Road area to remain alert, predicting heavy smoke and embers would affect nearby homes. Photographer Stephen Shaw says the fire started about 1:00pm, January 10, 2007, in a hay shed at Elaine, outside Ballarat.
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A FESA Helicopter takes on a load of water from one of the lakes at Ballajura before heading off to fight the bushfires at Cullacabardee, north of Perth
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A helicopter flies over a bushfire raging near Stoneville Road in the Perth suburb of Parkerville
Bron: ABC
Firefighters have spent the night dampening down a bushfire in Eden Hill, north-east of Perth. A fire in the area on Friday re-ignited late yesterday. Three helitacs and the Fire King were called to help extinguish the blaze, which burnt mainly through swampland. Firefighters expect to remain on site throughout the day.
Bron: ABC
Weather conditions are expected to worsen this afternoon as fire crews battle several bushfires in Tasmania. The Fire Service says the biggest concern today is an almost 300 hectare fire at Prossers Forest north of Launceston. About 50 fire fighters are strengthening containment lines around the blaze, using 18 trucks and three bulldozers. Incident Controller Steve Lowe says locals have been told to decide whether to leave early or stay and defend their properties. "We've obviously got Prossers Forest Road closed, now that's closed to general traffic, we will allow residents through to help protect their properties and prepare properties. However, we would ask the general public not to pass through there," Mr Lowe said.
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Firemen issue warning after candle sparks blaze
The Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) is frustrated by people who continue to ignore warnings about lighting candles in their bedrooms. Fire investigation officer John McMillan says a 12-year-old girl was lucky to escape with her life after a fire in her Yokine unit was started by a candle she lit before going to sleep. The blaze caused about $300,000 damage to the property and the family and neighbouring tennants have been forced to find alternative accommodation. He says firefighters are called out too often to house fires caused by unattended candles. "Obviously the message is not getting through - people need to question their use or their children's use of candles," he said. "It is not appropriate to light a candle in any instance and have it going in your bedroom. I don't know how many other ways we can say it."
Bron: ABC
The fire at Wingan River, south of the Cann River, has burnt out 145 hectares since being sparked by lightning yesterday.
It is the largest of five blazes burning in the state.
The Wingan River fire is 10 kilometres from a campsite, but incident controller Laurie Jeremiah says campers are safe for the time being.
"The road to get to the camp ground is the same road we are using and depending on how successful we are in containing this fire, the Wingan Road may actually become the boundary," he said.
"We will review that on a daily basis, but if the fire does get much bigger we may need to consider closing the camp ground."
He says the terrain is making it difficult for crews.
"There are a lot of little creeks and swamps in this part of Victoria, so when the crews think they have just got around the fire they will run into a swamp and some get bogged and we have to pull them back out," he said.

Difficult terrain is hindering firefighters in the north east of Tasmania. (ABC News: Mark Smith
A bushfire in Tasmania's north east has crossed the Tasman Highway in several places, and it is feared may threaten St Helens if not controlled.
The fire at Goshen, about 10 kilometres north-west of St Helens, started yesterday afternoon, and has burnt out about 200 hectares.
The Fire Service's acting chief officer, Mike Brown says the steep, heavily forested terrain is difficult for fire crews to work in.
He says there are a number of farms and timber plantations in the area.
Properties at risk from falling embers were monitored overnight.
Mr Brown says it is essential to get the fire under control quickly, given the proximity to St Helens.
"That could well, if not controlled properly, cause a threat to St Helens in later days," he said.
Mr Brown says an 80 hectare fire at Bridport in the north is also causing concern.
Meanwhile, the Fire Service says it has contained a 750 hectare bushfire at Coningham in southern Tasmania and a fire which has burnt almost 300 hectares at Prossers Forest north of Launceston.
©abc | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 10:56 uur, door Joyce.s
Firefighters in the Fitzgerald River National Park on the state's south will continue back-burning this morning in an effort to contain a blaze before a forecast change in wind direction around midday. Emergency services say the wind will test containment lines they have set up since the fire was sparked by lightning last Tuesday. The Fire King helicopter was brought in late yesterday to transport crews to and from the fire front. Crews have faced major problems with parts of the park being inaccessible and trying to protect two species of rare native animals, the Ground Parrot and Dibblers.
Bunbury fire
Firefighters in Bunbury have worked through the night dampening down a fire that burnt 200 hectares of farmland and destroyed a machinery shed. The fire started about 4:00pm yesterday in Waterloo, 10 kilometres east of Bunbury and closed the South West Highway for several hours.
Bron: ABC
The Tasmania Fire Service backburned to protect properties near snug on the weekend (user submitted: Alan Bottomley)
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Fire at Snug (user submitted: Alan Bottomley)
The Tasmania Fire Service says no homes are under threat at this stage from a bushfire at Goshen, near St Helens on Tasmania's east coast. Firefighters are hoping for calm winds as they battle to control the blaze, which has burnt more than 200 hectares of forest since yesterday afternoon. It is feared the fire could pose a threat to the township of St Helens if it is not controlled soon. Ken Burns from the Fire Service has told ABC Local Radio residents should prepare their homes for the worst. "We've been round all of the properties, well most of the properties, near where the fire is and where it may go and we just encourage everyone to make sure they're vigilant and clean up around their properties, it's still not too late to do that," he siad. "And if the fire approaches, if they're undertaking preparations, to stay with their homes and help us defend them." The Tasman Highway is open to traffic but motorists are being asked to avoid the area if possible. Meanwhile, the fire service says it has contained a 750-hectare bushfire at near Snug in southern Tasmania and a fire which has burnt almost 300 hectares at Prossers Forest north of Launceston.
Bron: ABC
ACT fire crews battling a small bushfire burning at the southern end of Namadgi National Park have been bolstered this morning. The blaze is suspected to have been started by a lightning strike on Saturday night and authorities say it poses no threat to ACT properties. Darren Cutrupi from the Emergency Services Agency says firefighters are stepping-up their attack this morning. "Two heavy units and a light tanker were initially sent down late last night, once we were alerted to the fire," he said. "This morning we're responding with the use of three helicopters including a specially trained remote aerial firefighting team from the rural fire service as well as six rural fire service tankers." Mr Cutrupi says today's cooler conditions should help ease the threat. "There is a high fire danger today in the ACT and that's reduced from a very high fire danger yesterday," he said. "The lower the temperature the better the conditions are for our firefighters but there's a number of other factors such as the wind direction and wind speeds as well."
Bron: ABC
The Fire Service says most blazes around Clarendon Vales are suspicious
Tasmania fire crews are creating fire breaks around the Clarendon Vale foothills east of Hobart to guard against arson attacks. A bushfire in the area had threatened homes on Friday, but fire crews managed to contain it over the weekend. The Fire Service says it's pleased with how well people have prepared their properties. The Incident Controller for the Hobart area, John Green says a bulldozer is being used to create a fall-back position for crews in case another fire is lit. "Unfortunately yes, from past experience we've had a lot of fire activity in that area from various reasons," he said. "Most of which have been suspicious in the past so we need to ensure that we've got adequate safe edges to protect the public." The Fire Service says a bushfire at Goshen, near St Helens on the east coast has burnt more than 200 hectares, but no homes are threatened at this stage.
Bron: ABC
Tasmanian fire crews have managed to contain a number of bushfires around the state, but a blaze at Launceston's Cataract Gorge is still not under control.
The Tasmanian fire service says around 10 hectares of the nature reserve near the second basin are burning out of control, and walking tracks are closed in the area.

Tasmanian Firefighters backburning near, Clarendon Vale, Jan 14, 2008 (ABC News: Simon Frazer)
There is no immediate risk to property, although the fire is burning near some power lines. The pool and restaurant at the first basin remain open at this stage.
Fires crews are working to contain the blaze, which started at around 10:30 am.
In southern Tasmania, the fire service says helicopter reconnaissance shows all blazes are under control.
Fires at Lower Snug and in the foothills of Clarendon Vale have been contained.
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