A tornado has ripped tiles from roofs, knocked over trees and scattered debris in a village in Cambridgeshire.
The destruction hit at Bottisham near Cambridge, at the height of a gale early on Saturday morning.
No-one was hurt but residents were left with a big clean-up. They said they hope to finish before New Year's Eve.
Tim Rahman said he spent over an hour clearing debris from Tunbridge Lane. "When I spoke to the police they did not know what happened."
He added: "Some of trees which were knocked over have been there since I moved in 16 years ago and they have been ripped in half and spread across roads along with other debris.
"The rest of village is relatively untouched, it's really bizarre."
The weather forecast for Cambridgeshire had predicted a moderate to fresh south westerly breeze but meteorologists admitted stronger winds may well have hit some parts of the county.
Villagers said they were now hoping to have all the repairs completed in time for New Year celebrations.
Bron: BBC | Gewijzigd: 2 februari 2017, 09:10 uur, door Joyce.s
Noodweer heeft zaterdag in het Engelse dorp Bottisham ten oosten van Cambridge voor schade gezorgd.
De passage van een bui ging gepaard met schade aan daken en omgevallen bomen. De schade in het dorp was lokaal groot. Eén straat was vooral getroffen. De rest van het dorp bleef schadevrij. Volgens de BBC was sprake van een windhoos of een tornado.