Another punch of snow loomed over the northern Midwest while thunderstorms crashed through the interior Southeast early Tuesday, potentially hampering voting in many of the states holding primaries and caucuses.
The heaviest snow on Super Tuesday was to sock Colorado, the northern Plains and the Great Lakes by nightfall. Rain and thunderstorms were to splash the southern Plains, the Mississippi and Ohio valleys, the Appalachians and portions of the Northeast.
The forecast Tuesday for Wisconsin ran the gamut — including a dense fog advisory in the south and southeast regions, a winter storm warning in those areas through Wednesday afternoon and a winter storm watch for parts of the southwest into Wednesday morning.
"We're expecting for the Milwaukee area anywhere between 9 and 11 inches," said J.J. Wood, a National Weather Service meteorologist. He said up to 10 inches was expected in a swath from southwest Wisconsin through the Madison area up toward Port Washington.
Several inches of snow fell in central and northern Wisconsin Monday and caused some high school basketball and hockey games to be canceled along with other events. A gymnastics meet at Mosinee was among the sports events called off because of the weather.
The snow triggered a rash of traffic accidents in some areas. While the north had snow, southeastern Wisconsin had to deal with rain and freezing drizzle that gave sidewalks and streets a mix of slushy water and ice. So far this winter, Milwaukee has recorded 52.8 inches of snow, or just over the normal average of 52.4 inches for the entire season with about a month and a half still to go, Wood said.
That's far short of the record of 109.8 inches set in winter of 1885-86.
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Story Highlights
* Snow out of Colorado heads toward upper Midwest
* Rain, thunderstorms extend from Oklahoma to New York state
* Heavy rain forces Indiana residents from their homes
* Voters heading to caucuses in Alaska face lows of 50 degrees below zero
DELPHI, Indiana (AP) -- Thunderstorms and snowstorms spread across the eastern half of the nation Tuesday, making travel miserable for voters in states holding primaries and causing flooding that chased some people from homes in Indiana. Snow spread out of Colorado on a path across the central Plains and was likely to reach the upper Great Lakes by nightfall. Up to 11 inches of snow was possible in parts of Wisconsin. A band of rain and thunderstorms extended from Oklahoma up the Ohio Valley to New York state. Snow or rain fell during the morning in parts of Super Tuesday states Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York and Oklahoma. That band of stormy weather was headed toward the Southeast, with a threat of damaging wind, hail and a chance of tornadoes in places, worrying Tennessee's election coordinator.

Snowed-in Mitt Romney supporter Dian Campbell sent in this view from her porch near Antonito, Colorado.
In Alaska, voters heading to party caucuses faced lows of 50 degrees below zero, with more than a foot of new snow in Juneau, the state's capital. Officials in two northwest Indiana counties urged people who live along the Tippecanoe River to evacuate Tuesday after heavy rain fell during the night. "Early this morning Carroll County sheriff's deputies began driving up and down the roads waking people up with sirens and public address announcements," said Carroll County Emergency Management director Dave McDowell. McDowell said many people were still out of the area because of January flooding that killed three people and caused more than $33 million damage. High water closed roads in other parts of northern Indiana and flood warnings and watches were in effect for much of the state.

On Tuesday, thick fog covered much of Illinois, closing Chicago's Midway Airport for much of the day and canceling hundreds of flights at O'Hare International Airport. Snow and sleet were expected Tuesday. In California, two skiers who disappeared near Lake Tahoe during a weekend storm were rescued Monday. In Southern California, a 53-year-old hiker was found Monday on Mount San Jacinto a day after she was reported missing during the storm
Bron: CNN
‘Coldest and snowiest’ conditions create harried commutes, school closures

DES MOINES, Iowa - A major winter snowstorm swept across Iowa and into Wisconsin on Wednesday, creating a harried morning commute in Des Moines and closing hundreds of schools and businesses in both states.
Up to 15 inches of snow was possible across south central and eastern Iowa, while up to 18 inches of snow was expected in southern Wisconsin before the storm moved on later Wednesday.
In Des Moines, school officials told nearly 31,000 students to stay home after 8 inches of snow fell in Polk County. The Des Moines International Airport remained open.
© msnbc
A flood watch remains in effect for Logan County until 7 p.m. Thursday. However, ice is now a new threat to the area.
The water remains high in many streets around the Indian Lake area and other low-lying locations. Now that temperatures have dropped, the water has turned to ice.

The Logan County Sheriff reported 24 accidents Thursday morning, including 2 with injuries. They said two semi trucks jacknifed when the drivers lost control on icy roads.
Many schools were also closed on Thursday due to flood waters.
Een echtpaar en hun hond hebben bijna twee weken in de besneeuwde bergen van de Amerikaanse staat Utah overleefd. Volgens de krant Salt Lake City Tribune werd het paar enkel voor een lichte bevriezing van handen en voeten behandeld.
Meedogenloze koude
"De koude was meedogenloos", zei Tamitha Garner na hun redding. De 38-jarige vrouw en haar 40-jarige echtgenoot waren op 26 januari met hun kleine vrachtwagen op een afgelegen weg in de sneeuw blijven steken. Ze hielden het tien dagen in hun voertuig uit. Toen hun voedsel op was, vertrokken ze te voet met hun hond.
Vijftien kilometer
Met sneeuwschoenen, die ze van de autozetels hadden gemaakt, baanden ze zich een weg door de sneeuw die vaak tot aan de heupen reikte. In drie dagen legden ze 15 kilometer af.
Woensdag werden ze door de chauffeur van een sneeuwruimer ontdekt. "Hun toestand was stabiel", zei een bijgeroepen arts, "wat verbazingwekkend is, gezien de inspanningen die ze achter de rug hebben".
©HLN | Gewijzigd: 24 februari 2017, 13:26 uur, door Joyce.s
De VS heeft te maken gehad met echt winterweer. Er viel hevige regen, sneeuw en hagel en kreeg te maken met onweer en tornado's.
Recent raasde een krachtige storm over een deel van de VS, deze zorgde ervoor dat er een paar dagen geleden er veel tornado’s ontstonden. Hetzelfde systeem zorgde voor hevige sneeuwval in het midden en westen van de VS en voor een grote hoeveelheid neerslag in Northeast Indiana en Northwest Ohio.
Gisteren en vannacht zorgde de regen die op het ijs en de sneeuw viel voor ernstige overstromingswaarschuwingen voor rivieren in het noordwesten van Ohio. In de stad Findlay hebben de overstromingen ervoor gezorgd dat er veel mensen uit huizen en bedrijven langs de Blanchard River moesten verlaten, veel van de huizen en bedrijven zijn inmiddels al ondergelopen.
Indiana, Illinois en New York lopen ook gevaar voor de overstromingen.
Er wordt verwacht dat vandaag het hoogtepunt van de overstromingen wordt bereikt, want er wordt droger weer verwacht voor de komende dagen voor het midden en westen van de VS.
Er wordt verwacht dat er zich dit weekend opnieuw een lagedrukgebied ontwikkeld, ditmaal verder naar het oosten, in de buurt van de Great Lakes. Deze storm zal zich naar noordwesten van de VS verplaatsen en begin volgende week zorgen voor sterke, extreem koud wind en hevige sneeuwval.
Bron: WeerOnline
Windy, bitterly cold weather spread from the northern Plains to the Northeast on Sunday, with blinding snow canceling church services in parts of Michigan and causing a 68-vehicle pileup in Pennsylvania. A woman died in the Pennsylvania pileup when her car became wedged underneath a tractor-trailer, said Lt. Jason Zoshak of Hazleton Township Fire and Rescue. About 35 people were injured, and at least 24 people whose cars were not drivable were taken to shelters, he said.

A United Parcel Service truck drove through the snow on Saturday, south of Brainerd, Minnesota.
Firefighters used ropes to rescue people who had scrambled out of their cars and jumped down an embankment to avoid being hit. They had a heavy snow squall going through the area, zero visibility, high winds," Zoshak said. "There were vehicles everywhere. Also in Pennsylvania, a 60-foot tree toppled by high winds fell onto a sport utility vehicle traveling along a Berks County road, killing a 48-year-old man and critically injuring his 49-year-old wife, state police said.
The bitter cold snap and strong winds created icy driving conditions that shut down interstates and highways in Wisconsin. Wind chills sent the temperature plunging to at least 35 degrees below zero on Sunday. The Wisconsin State Highway Patrol closed a seven-mile stretch of Interstate 39/90 just south of Madison for about an hour and a half because of icy driving conditions. Strong winds blew snow around to create near-whiteouts and snow drifts.
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It lived up to its name: The temperature in International Falls fell to 40 below zero Monday, just a few days after the northern Minnesota town won a federal trademark making it officially the "Icebox of the Nation." It was so cold that resident Nick McDougall couldn't even get his car trunk lid to close after he got out his charger to kick-start his dead battery. By late morning, the temperature had risen all the way to 18 below zero.
"This is about as cold as it gets, this is bad. There's no wind — it's just cold," said McDougall, 48, a worker at The Fisherman, a convenience store and gas station in the town on the Canadian border. "People just don't go out, unless you have to go to work."
Like many Minnesota residents, he uses an electric engine block heater to keep his car from freezing.
You plug in your car, for sure, and you put the car in the garage if you can, McDougall said. His garage is full of other things, so he had to park outside a big mistake. The previous record low for Feb. 11 in International Falls was 37 below, set in 1967, said meteorologist Mike Stewart at the weather service in Duluth. The cold was expected, he said: "When the winds finally died off and the skies cleared off, it just dropped."
The temperature also fell to 40 below in Embarrass, 80 miles southeast of International Falls. That's just one degree above the all-time record in Minneapolis, 250 miles to the south, that was set in January 1888, the weather service said. Chilly air also spread into the Northeast on Monday and many schools in New York state between Buffalo and Syracuse closed or opened late. Single-digit temperatures plus high wind drove the wind chill factor to nearly 20 below across much of upstate New York.
Philadelphia had a "Code Blue" alert in effect, sending outreach crews to coax homeless people into shelters. Monday's low of 10 above zero.
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O'Hare flights cancelled; storm warnings from Tennessee to New England
Pedestrians make their way along Market Street during a winter storm in Philadelphia
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - Winter’s latest treachery slid across the East Coast on Tuesday, tying up travel and snarling primary-day voting, as Ohio Valley residents began emerging from ice-induced hiding. In Chicago, meanwhile, more than 400 flights were canceled and all were delayed at Chicago’s busy O’Hare International Airport by Tuesday evening. Freezing rain in Kentucky laid ice on top of 4 inches of snow that melted as temperatures moderated in the afternoon, but roads and bridges were expected to ice up again overnight.
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Bron: MSNBC | Gewijzigd: 24 februari 2017, 13:26 uur, door Joyce.s
Blast Of Ice And Snow Moves Further Into New England, Mid-Atlantic Regions
A person carries an umbrella as she walks in falling snow in Trenton, N.J., Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2008.
Commuters are facing a slow and slippery commute as the latest winter storm brings a messy mix of precipitation to New England.
What began as snow was expected to gradually change over to sleet and rain in Massachusetts. By early Wednesday, the change had already occurred in the immediate Boston area and along the coast. But snow continued to fall in areas north and west of the city where temperatures remained below freezing.
Plows were out in force overnight but conditions were icy or slushy on many highways and secondary roads. The speed limit on the Massachusetts Turnpike was reduced to 40 mph.
Many school districts delayed or canceled the start of classes.
Another concern was the potential for flooding once the precipitation changes over to all rain. Forecasters predicted between 1 and 2.5 inches of rainfall in southern New England, and the National Weather Service said a flood watch was in effect through early Thursday.
Further south, an ice storm warning was scheduled to end at 7 a.m. in Washington D.C. and two nearby counties in Maryland, Prince George's and Charles.
To the north and west of the District, ice storm warnings were in effect until 11 a.m. in Howard, Montgomery and Frederick counties.
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Bron: CBS News
Feb. 13: A pedestrian carries a snow shovel past chest-high snow banks in Montpelier, Vt.
Bron: Fox News | Gewijzigd: 24 februari 2017, 13:27 uur, door Joyce.s
A snowstorm brings out all of the usual preparations in a community accustomed to winter's white knockout. Schools are closed. Roads are cleared. Shovels come out of the closet. Markets sell out of bread and milk.
But freezing rain the exacting intersection of precipitation and falling temperatures is more rare. And it seems that pedestrians and drivers alike are caught off guard. Just ask Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who broke his shoulder Tuesday night after a nasty slip on a sidewalk following ice storms in the Washington, D.C. area.
Gates was not alone. Emergency rooms in the national capital were flooded with injuries. Area roads and highways were clogged with traffic due to multiple pile-ups and countless fender-benders. The polls in Maryland's primary election were extended by an additional 90 minutes as voters struggled to get to voting booths in the icy conditions.
And with forecasts calling for continued poor weather up and down the East Coast this week, its anyone's guess where the ice storm will land next. Dr. Robert Shesser, M.D., head of Emergency Medicine at George Washington University hospital, said his emergency room had seen "a 30 percent surge in volume over the last 24 hours."

Paducah Power System crews work to remove a fallen tree across a road in order to repair fallen power lines and snapped poles following an ice storm, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2008, in Paducah, Ky.
Dr. Robert Shesser, M.D., head of Emergency Medicine at George Washington University hospital, said his emergency room had seen "a 30 percent surge in volume over the last 24 hours."
Compared to a winter blizzard, an ice storm has "a danger that kind of sneaks up on you," says Robert Kelly, Chief of NOAA's Forecast Operations. "In anticipation of a blizzard, people tend to take mitigating actions ahead of time. With freezing rain, people don't."
Shesser said people injured by Tuesday's ice storm are still trickling into his emergency room, most with minor injuries from slips and falls. It is the exact opposite phenomenon that he sees in the emergency room during a snowstorm. "For us, volume goes way down during a blizzard because nobody comes out."
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©ABC news
A surprise storm lashed San Diego County with rain and snow, stranding as many as 500 motorists on a mountain freeway and pouring mud down onto another roadway but causing no major damage or injuries. The weather was expected to clear Friday. A 27-mile stretch of Interstate 8, which runs through the mountains in the eastern county and is a main artery from California into Arizona, was reopened before dawn Friday following a 12-hour shutdown.
The California Highway Patrol began escorting cars through, although big-rig trucks still were not allowed. The freeway was closed shortly after 4 p.m. Thursday when blowing snow and ice made the roadway impassable. "It was just a big dump of snow, real fast," accompanied by high winds, California Highway Patrol Officer Jim Bettencourt said.

A car lies on its roof Thursday in San Diego County, California, afer a surprise storm that closed roads.
Cars spun out and hundreds of motorists were stopped in their tracks. I've been here for a while and trying to get around, but there's no going around, so you just have to be patient, stranded motorist Patty Kresin told KNSD-TV in San Diego. Search-and-rescue teams went car to car. At least 30 people were taken to temporary shelters at a fire station and a casino nearby, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

Crews work on a section of road washed out by rain Thursday in San Diego County.
By early Friday, authorities were pretty sure they had found all the stranded motorists, but teams were still checking for cars that might have gone over the side of the road, Bettencourt said. The abandoned cars hampered snow plows. "Now we have a virtual parking lot of empty vehicles," Bettencourt said. "You've got big rigs that are jackknifed. So it's going to be a pretty daunting task."
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In het noordoosten van de VS is een flink blizzard aan de gang. Minstens 900 vluchten werden niet uitgevoerd.
De zwaarste sneeuwstorm van deze winter houdt thuis in het noordoosten van de VS, met name New York ondervindt hinder hiervan: het vlieg- en autoverkeer liep behoorlijke vertraging op.
Bron: VWK
Storm snarls air travel in Northeast
Snowstorm blankets NYC, causing commuter headaches, shutting schools
NEW YORK - A snowstorm blanketed New York City early Friday, causing headaches for commuters and delaying flights at the region's major airports.

A person walks down the steps of the Farley Post Office in New York on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2008 as a winter storm hit the city. Airport delays and traffic snarls were mounting along with snowfall as the New York metro area grappled with what may be its biggest snowfall so far this winter. The National Weather Service is forecasting five to seven inches in the area.
The National Weather Service predicted 5 to 7 inches for New York City, and more in some northern suburbs. The storm is the first significant snowfall so far this winter in the city. Flights at John F. Kennedy International Airport were delayed more than five hours. Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey had delays of almost seven hours, and LaGuardia Airport was reporting delays of up to three hours.
Several airlines, including JetBlue Airways and Delta Air Lines, were letting passengers flying to or from the area rebook their tickets without paying a change fee. Schools from Ohio to Connecticut called off classes for Friday. Before moving into the northeast, the storm dropped up to four inches of snow on parts of southwest and central Ohio. Dozens of crashes were scattered across highways.
Foto ©ABCnews | Gewijzigd: 23 februari 2008, 09:20 uur, door Marga
Subway commuters wait on a platform at the Prospect Park station as a winter storm forced service delays in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Friday, Feb. 22, 2008. Airport delays and traffic snarls were mounting along with snowfall as the New York metro area grappled with what is its biggest snowfall so far this winter. The National Weather Service is forecasting five to seven inches in the area.
A subway commuter naps on a Q train as a winter storm caused service delays in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Friday, Feb. 22, 2008.
A person walks as snow falls Friday morning, Feb. 22, 2008, in Newtown Township, Pa. A heavy snowstorm moved into the Northeast Friday, blanketing New York and delaying flights at airports in the region.
Passengers disembark from the Havestraw-Ossining ferry as the snow falls near the Ossining Metro North train station in Ossining, New York early Friday, Feb. 22, 2008.
A person is seen walking partially obscured by the snow-covered steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art in Philadelphia, Friday, Feb. 22, 2008.
Traffic is stopped along Interstate 95 North in Lynnfield, Mass., as a sport utility vehicle is loaded onto a tow truck following an accident during a winter storm, Friday, Feb. 22, 2008, in Lynnfield, Mass.
A pedestrian walks up an approach ramp to the Metro North train station as snow falls in Ossining, New York early Friday, Feb. 22, 2008.
A pedestrian walks along Eastern Parkway as a winter storm blankets the area with snow in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Friday, Feb. 22, 2008. The storm caused headaches for commuters and delayed flights at the region's major airports.
A man gives advice to a woman in a car stuck in the snow at the top of a steep embankment after skidding off Route 95 near West Trenton, N.J., Friday morning, Feb. 22, 2008. A winter storm blanketed much of the Northeast on Friday, delaying flights at the region's major airports and causing havoc during the morning commute.
©CBSnews | Gewijzigd: 24 februari 2017, 13:27 uur, door Joyce.s
A winter storm blanketed much of the Northeast on Friday, delaying flights at the region's major airports and causing havoc during the morning commute. Already, this is the most significant storm of the season for New York City, said National Weather Service meteorologist Jim Connolly. The massive system, which had brought everything from freezing rain to sleet to snow in parts of Kentucky, Missouri and Illinois on Thursday, lumbered eastward and northward overnight.

Jane Kratochvil photographed a cloud-shrouded Brooklyn Bridge as snowstorms moved into New York on Friday.
The weather service predicted 6 to 9 inches for New York City, where snow began before dawn. Up to a foot was forecast in some suburban counties, and 10 inches in Connecticut. Storm warnings extended northward across Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. In many places, snow was changing over to rain, sometimes freezing rain. Flights at John F. Kennedy International Airport and Newark International Airport were delayed more than five hours, and in Philadelphia the average arriving flight was 4½ hours late. Some airlines waived their fee for passengers rebooking tickets.

A pedestrian walks on a snow-covered street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Friday morning.
Driving was no more fun than flying. The speed limit along the New Jersey Turnpike was reduced to 35 mph, and jackknifed rigs shut down southbound lanes of Interstate 95 for a couple of hours in Greenwich, Connecticut. I didn't go over 30 mph on the expressway, said Paul May, whose commute on New York's Long Island on Friday took three times as long as normal. It's very slippery. The roads are treacherous.
In the New York suburb of Pelham, though, grandmother Margaret Sisto welcomed the change in routine. Since her daughter was staying home from work, she had the day off from taking care of her granddaughters, ages 1 and 2.
"I got a snow day," she said as she shoveled her front walk.
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In Central Park lag een dikke laag sneeuw.
Sneeuwstormen en ijzel hebben gisteren (lokale tijd) in New York voor verkeerschaos gezorgd. Wegens de onverwachte winterprik moesten op de drie luchthavens van de stad tegen de avond bijna 1.100 vluchten geannuleerd worden. Er waren wachttijden tot negen uur. Op de spekgladde wegen viel het verkeer op vele plaatsen stil. Ruim 2.000 arbeiders waren zonder rusten aan de slag om de in totaal ongeveer 10.000 kilometer aan wegen in de miljoenenstad vrij te maken. De stad moest bijkomende hulp inhuren.
Gisterenvoormiddag ontving de ombudsdienst meer dan 50.000 oproepen van radeloze New Yorkers, die niet wisten hoe ze op hun werk konden geraken. Tegen de avond ontspande de situatie zich enigszins. In de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag kwam er na enkele dagen helder weer plotseling een sneeuwstorm opsteken.
In Central Park in hartje Manhattan viel volgens de weerkundige dienst 15 centimeter sneeuw, in de wijk Staten Island viel met 20 centimeter een record. Voor New York was het de zwaarste sneeuwval in twee jaar. Omdat de auto's niet met sneeuwbanden waren uitgerust, kwam het al erg snel tot chaotische toestanden. (afp/adv)
© hlm | Gewijzigd: 24 februari 2017, 13:27 uur, door Joyce.s
Story Highlights
# Storms cause 2 deaths: woman killed by tree in Alabama, man dies in Ohio wreck
# Thousands without power after thunderstorms in Alabama, Georgia
# Snow closes schools in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio
# Parts of Ohio could get a foot of snow, National Weather Service says

Jacob Jondro brushes snow off his car Tuesday in Monroe, Michigan
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (AP) -- A broad storm system spread heavy snow across the Great Lakes region Tuesday and fired up violent thunderstorms that knocked out power to thousands of homes and businesses in the Southeast. At least two deaths were blamed on the stormy weather. Fallen trees and other debris on roads slowed travel and several traffic accidents brought morning rush hour traffic to a standstill in Birmingham, authorities said. A falling tree struck a mobile home and killed a 71-year-old woman in Leeds, a town outside Birmingham, The Jefferson County coroner's office said.
Utilities said about 42,000 homes and business lost electrical service across central Alabama early Tuesday. About 93,000 more were blacked out in northern Georgia, mostly in the Atlanta metropolitan area, said Georgia Power spokeswoman Carol Boatright. Snow fell from Illinois to New England, with more than 6 inches on the ground by late morning in northern Indiana and Ohio.

Severe winds and rain sent a tree branch on top of this car in Marietta, Georgia, early Tuesday.
Up to a foot of snow was possible in parts of Ohio, the National Weather Service said. Schools were closed in parts of southern Michigan and northern areas of Indiana and Ohio, where the University of Toledo also closed for the morning. Some local government buildings closed in Ohio and the Akron zoo also closed for the day. Several accidents shut down a stretch of slippery Interstate 75 in northern Ohio, and one man died in a wreck on a snow-covered Ohio highway, police reported.
Bron: CNN | Gewijzigd: 26 februari 2008, 23:36 uur, door Marga
At least 2 deaths blamed on stormy weather; power woes in Southeast

Nick Brandfon, a Northwestern University Law School student, takes advantage of an overnight winter storm that dumped several inches of fresh snow in Chicago's Lincoln Park on Tuesday
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - A broad storm system spread heavy snow across the Great Lakes region Tuesday and fired up violent thunderstorms that knocked out power to thousands of homes and businesses in the Southeast. At least two deaths were blamed on the stormy weather. Fallen trees and other debris on roads slowed travel and several traffic accidents brought morning rush hour traffic to a standstill in Birmingham, authorities said.
A falling tree struck a mobile home and killed a 71-year-old woman in Leeds, a town outside Birmingham, The Jefferson County coroner's office said.
Utilities said about 42,000 homes and business lost electrical service across central Alabama early Tuesday.
Georgia Power spokesman Jeff Wilson said the number of customers without power rose to 93,000 by 8 a.m. Tuesday, with most outages in the Atlanta area. By 10:30 p.m., service was restored to all but about 1,000, Wilson said. Snow fell from Illinois to New England, with more than 6 inches on the ground by late morning in northern Indiana and Ohio. Up to a foot of snow was possible in parts of Ohio, the National Weather Service said. Schools were closed in parts of southern Michigan and northern areas of Indiana and Ohio, where the University of Toledo also closed for the morning. Some local government buildings closed in Ohio and the Akron zoo also closed for the day. Schools closed early in parts of New York state. Several accidents shut down a stretch of slippery Interstate 75 in northern Ohio, and one man died in a wreck on a snow-covered Ohio highway, police reported. Up to 16 inches of snow was possible across northern sections of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, the weather service said. By the time snow stops falling Wednesday, Burlington, Vt., could surpass its February snowfall record of 34.3 inches and its December- January-February of 96.9 inches. Concord, N.H., already had set a record this year for the snowiest December, January and February with 89.1 inches. "We'll be plowing for the next couple of days, at least," said Steve Goodkind, director of public works in Burlington, Vt.
'People can't keep up with the snow'; cities’ snowiest months on record
Another snowstorm swept across New England on Wednesday, toppling seasonal snowfall records and dumping so much heavy snow on buildings that some collapsed under the weight. An unoccupied summer pizza shop collapsed at Weirs Beach in Laconia, after the roof sagged about halfway into the two-story building and bowed the walls out, officials said.
On Tuesday, several people had to flee as the roof fell in at the Over Easy Cafe in Ossipee, N.H. The dangerous snow load has kept roofing contractors and homeowners been busy. People can't keep up with the snow. They think it's going to stop, but it's just not stopping, said Shawn Greenwood, owner of Greenwood Construction, in St. Johnsbury, Vt.
"I've been roofing for 20 years and this is the worst I've ever seen," he said. "I was shoveling a roof off one day two weeks ago and the house next door caved in."
In Vermont, Burlington's 7.6 inches pushed the official snowfall past the February record of 34.3 inches and the winter record from December, January and February of 96.9 inches. Around a foot of snow had fallen in parts of Vermont and New Hampshire.
Concord already had set a record for the snowiest December, January and February, and the storm pushed the total for the three months to 97.5 inches. For the entire snow season, Concord has seen 99.6 inches, off the record of 122 inches, set in the winter of 1873-74, but still enough to make it the 10th snowiest winter on record.
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©MSNBC | Gewijzigd: 24 februari 2017, 13:28 uur, door Joyce.s
Hevige sneeuw heeft het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten geteisterd.
In Vermont en New Hampshire viel ongeveer 30 centimeter sneeuw. In de plaats Concord in New Hampshire was daarmee sprake van een sneeuwrijke winter. In totaal is deze winter bijna 2,5 meter sneeuw gevallen. Daarmee komt de winter op de tiende plaats van de sneeuwrijkste winters ooit.
Ook in het oosten van de staat New York viel 30 centimeter sneeuw. Hierdoor was het dagelijks leven ontregeld. Scholen werden gesloten en wegen waren onbegaanbaar. Voor maart wordt er meer verwacht.