Zware hagelbui trekt over Middelburg, Zuid-Afrika
Een zware hagelbui trekt een spoor van vernielingen door het plaatsje Middelburg in Zuid-Afrika. Helaas was het dubbel pech aangezien op dezelfde dag (27 maart) de lockdown voor Zuid-Afrika inging.At Middelburg Hoerskool, more than 400 windows were reportedly smashed. According to the middle school principal Johan Stronkhorst, he immediately tried to drive his car to safety during the storm. However, it still received damages. He also saw pigeons being struck to death by huge hailstones.
As the storm subsided, the area was filled with dead birds, leaves, and branches. Three roofs at the campus were torn off while two ceilings collapsed.
The school's farm was severely hit-- more than 100 windows in the place were shattered, and most of the vegetables were ravaged. "At least the corn heads were relatively big, so we should have a harvest," Stronkhorst said.
Video - A heavy hail storm hit eMhlabaneni, Middelburg and surrounding areas.
— mzansistories (@mzansistories) March 30, 2020
To my suprise, the shape of the hail look similar to that symbol of COVID-19.
Verder lezen & meer plaatjes? Klik dan onderstaande link:A heavy hail storm hit eMhlabaneni, Middelburg and surrounding areas.
— mzansistories (@mzansistories) March 30, 2020
To my suprise, the shape of the hail look similar to that symbol of COVID-19.
Bron: - Intense hailstorm hits Middelburg, South Africa
Zo blijkt maar weer, er is méér dan één Middelburg, Groningen en Ermelo (en ga zo maar door). Dan voelden de emigranten uit het koloniale tijdperk zich ook een beetje thuis in hun nieuwe exotische woonplaats.
Voorlopig is er in Middelburg, Zeeland in ieder geval nog geen zware hagel in de verwachting.