Bright fireball explodes over Cyprus
A brilliant fireball was spotted across the island of Cyprus on Tuesday, January 21, 2020, at around 20:00 UTC (22:00 LT). The American Meteor Society (AMS) said they received around 144 eyewitness reports.
The fireball was seen over Ammochostos, Beirut Governorate, Famagusta, Larnaca, Limassol, Nicosia, North District, and Paphos. AMS has so far received three videos that captured the event.

image credit: AMS
According to the Cypriot Astronomy Organization, a similar event occurred in Aegina on January 19, when a fisherman saw a light object over the island at dizzying speed, followed by a loud noise. According to other observers, the object was green and had a long tail. The agency also urged the public to report their sightings.