Vorticity 3 - Mike Olbinski
Ga er even voor zitten, hier zijn de beelden van het chaseseizoen van 2020! In de Amerikaanse Plains waren er dit voorjaar vrij weinig tornado's. Daarentegen zit het weer vol met machtige supercels!
Vandaag is Monsoon 6 uitgekomen. Deze is weer van hoge kwaliteit en zit vol met timelapses van microbursts, haboobs (stofstormen in West-USA), gustnado's (kortdurende wervelingen in een windfront, bijvoorbeeld bij een valwind), bliksems en prachtige wolkenluchten!
The 2021 season was no different. The number of supercells we saw and the level of structure was absolutely amazing. From Sudan, Texas to Malta, Montana…the chases were a blast and the time-lapses I caught were just fantastic fun. So many supercells, so many chases…I think I counted about 27 days we chased from late April to late June. Definitely one of the more active springs in recent years. It was good enough that I felt I could put out another worthy entry in the Vorticity series, so hopefully you agree!
I hope everyone enjoys this film! Some epic storms in there, some bucket list moments like the Sudan tornado with unbelievable structure above it, or the incredible quadruple downburst that ends the film…I enjoy so much capturing these scenes, these moments, and sharing them with the world. I know storms can be scary, and deadly, and definitely can be devastating for many people…but they are also beautiful and mesmerizing…and hopefully that feeling is conveyed in the films I put together.
Mike Olbinksi | Gewijzigd: 21 september 2021, 16:13 uur, door Thijs.