80.000 Japanners geëvacueerd na zware regenval in door tyfoon getroffen gebied
De Japanse overheid heeft opdracht gegeven tot de evacuatie van 80.000 mensen in een gebied net ten oosten van hoofdstad Tokio. De autoriteiten vrezen voor landverschuivingen en overstromingen door hevige regenval vandaag in het gebied dat twee weken geleden nog zwaar getroffen werd door tyfoon Hagibis.Op sommige plekken is vanochtend binnen een uur 86 millimeter regen gevallen. Naar verwachting houdt het slechte weer tot de avond aan en verplaatst het regengebied zich dan richting het noorden. De Japanse meteorologische dienst verwacht vandaag in het gebied rond Tokio tussen de 200 en 300 millimeter regen.
Het is de derde natuurramp in korte tijd. In september raasde tyfoon Faxai al over het gebied. Twee weken geleden was het de beurt aan Hagibis. Bij die laatste tyfoon vielen 82 doden en raakten 300 mensen gewond. In het getroffen gebied is op sommige plekken al wekenlang geen stroom.
Bron: AD.nl
— Kjeld Duits (@KjeldDuits) October 25, 2019
Lots of warnings today for #landslides and #floods in central, east and northeast Japan
Be careful!
Stay updated at https://t.co/GPMGoSct67 pic.twitter.com/IvB5I0Ihsg
Ten killed as storms ravage eastern Japan: NHK
TOKYO - The death toll from torrential rains that caused flooding and mudslides in Japan climbed to 10 on Saturday, with three others missing, public broadcaster NHK reported, just two weeks after the region was hit by a powerful typhoon. Landslides ripped through waterlogged areas in Chiba and Fukushima prefectures, in eastern and northeastern Japan, on Friday. In some places, a month’s worth of rain fell in just half a day.Evacuation orders and advisories were issued along much of the northern corridor already hit by two typhoons since last month. The city of Ushiku in Chiba received 283.5 mm (11 inches) of rain over 12 hours. Although the storm had moved away from Japan by Saturday, hundreds of residents were still in evacuation centres and some rail and bus services remained suspended.
Some roads were closed and about 4,700 households were still without water in the city of Kamogawa, Chiba, the public broadcaster said. Smartphone screen maker Japan Display Inc said it had suspended production at its Mobara factory in Chiba on Saturday, due to a partial blackout. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a disaster task force meeting on Saturday. Authorities warned of the chance of further landslides and floods, especially in areas where levees remained broken after Typhoon Hagibis. That typhoon killed at least 88 people, with seven others still missing and more than 300 injured, according to NHK.
Bron: reuters.com
Heavy rain floods parts of Japan recovering from typhoonshttps://t.co/wu469440ae pic.twitter.com/N3vJS56aqW
— The Mainichi (Japan) (@themainichi) October 25, 2019
Flood, mudslides from strong rain in Japan kill at least 7 https://t.co/HSzfOUbKEY pic.twitter.com/66z1nIlf4X
— CP24 (@CP24) October 26, 2019
| Gewijzigd: 26 oktober 2019, 12:03 uur, door LakoTen people have died following heavy rain in areas already hit by typhoons in Chiba and Fukushima Prefectures, The Yomiuri Shimbun has found. #Chiba #Fukushima #heavyrain #flooding #floods #typhoon #naturaldisaster #recordrainfall #Japanhttps://t.co/jeRGYguZQo pic.twitter.com/BHGzpxHrUH
— The Japan News (@The_Japan_News) October 26, 2019