Een door zware regenval verzwakte stuwwal dreigt in te storten. Hierdoor kan de Britse plaats Whaley Bridge, met 6.500 inwoners, onder het water worden bedolven.
De 6.500 inwoners van de Britse plaats Whaley Bridge zijn donderdagmiddag opgeroepen te evacueren omdat een nabijgelegen dam op instorten staat en het gebied dreigt te overstromen. Dat meldt de politie van Derbyshire op Twitter. Volgens de politie is de situatie levensgevaarlijk. Omliggende wegen zijn afgesloten.Op sociale media worden beelden gedeeld van de stuwwal van het Toddbrook Reservoir, waar water overheen gutst. Ook is een deel van de dam al zwaar beschadigd. De oorzaak is waarschijnlijk de zware regenval in het gebied van de afgelopen dagen.
Bewoners zijn gevraagd zich te melden bij een lokaal schoolgebouw. Bewoners die niet thuis waren, worden met klem verzocht ook niet meer langs huis te gaan. „We begrijpen dat dit een grote impact geeft op de gemeenschap. Maar dit besluit is niet lichtzinnig genomen. Dit is een ongekende noodsituatie die zich snel ontwikkelt”, schrijft de lokale politie-eenheid op Twitter.
Britse politica naast dam op instorten: “We don’t do Panic up here”. Heerlijk volk. #keepcalm #whaleybridge
— Rolf Bakker (@rolfbakker) August 2, 2019
Here's a full update on the operation in Whaley Bridge from @DerbyshireFRS's Chief Fire Officer Terry McDermott - talking to @BBCBreakfast. #WhaleyBridge
— BBC Radio Manchester (@BBCRadioManc) August 2, 2019
Work's been taking place in #WhaleyBridge through the night to try and divert water away from a reservoir.
— Heart North Lancashire & Cumbria News (@HeartNLCNews) August 2, 2019
A hole appeared in the wall at Toddbrook Reservoir yesterday #HeartNews
Chinooks seem to be arriving every 5-10 minutes here at #whaleybridge armed with aggregate
— Laura Foster (@misslfoster) August 2, 2019
Village of #WhaleyBridge in #Derbyshire this morning.
— Hanna Sillitoe (@HannaSillitoe) August 2, 2019
Shops & cafes that would usually be buzzing are eerily still as ‘limited access only’ is being granted to people collecting pets
The #chinook helicopter flying over & emergency services working tirelessly to keep us safe????????
Residents in #WhaleyBridge are waking up this morning, anxiously waiting for news about the stability of the dam and if emergency teams have diverted the flow of water.
— Hits Manchester News (@hitsmcrnews) August 2, 2019
Lynn and Matt were evacuated yesterday, they’re worrying about whether they’ll have a home to return to...
NEWS FLASH @01.00hrs this morning crews from @PreesFire_SFRS @shropsfire were put on standby for the weekend to support #WhaleyBridge incident with our heavy pumping unit if required. #alloneteam
— Craig Jackson (@SFRS_cjackson) August 2, 2019
Fingers crossed that pets separated from their owners as a result of the emergency incident in #WhaleyBridge are reunited safely and quickly????????Thank you @AnimalSearchUK ????????
— Bekki Ford (@IckleEeyore) August 2, 2019 via @MetroUK
Still working to shift over 500 ton bags of sand and gravel to the #WhaleyBridge dam we now have the assistance of the RAF and Army ????????
— Rob (@RobSharp170) August 2, 2019
Officers from @TamesideCouncil and from across Greater Manchester remain on stand by to support the communities affected by #WhaleyBridge #flood
— Tameside Place (@tmbc_places) August 2, 2019
Massive thanks @WiganCouncil teams who worked late last night to get 1500 sandbags over to @StockportMBC to support the #Civilcontingency response to #WhaleyBridge dam - shout out to other @greatermcr Councils helping too @boltoncouncil #localgov @LGAcomms
— Alison MckenzieFolan (@AlisonMc_F) August 2, 2019
The team is heading into the second day helping the residents on #WhaleyBridge @BBCNews @SkyNews @DerbysPolice @DerbyshireFRS
— Buxton Mountain Rescue Team (@Buxton_MRT) August 2, 2019
Whaley Bridge Dam is critical at the moment. Everyone’s leaving. We have all had to flee including the police. Not sure what’s going on. Very scary. Blue lights and sirens to get out of the town. #whaleybridge
— Stuart Littleford (@StuartLittlefo3) August 1, 2019
#Flooding over the Toddbrook reservoir in Whaley Bridge.
— #StormHour (@StormHour) August 1, 2019
Video by Gerard Boardman #WhaleyBridge #StormHour
Eerie feeling in #WhaleyBridge tonight. Parts of New Mills and Furness Vale now also evacuated more on @BBCNews at Ten and @BBCNWT
— Annabel Tiffin (@annabelvtiffin) August 1, 2019