Bosbranden teisteren Canadese staat Alberta
Duizenden mensen in de Canadese provincie Alberta zijn geëvacueerd vanwege felle bosbranden. In het dunbevolkte noorden van de provincie is al 80.000 hectare bos in vlammen opgegaan. Zeker 5000 mensen moesten hun huizen in Mackenzie County verlaten, maakte het provinciebestuur dinsdag bekend.Evacués moeten ervan uitgaan dat ze zeker 72 uur niet naar huis kunnen. Het vuur is nog niet onder controle. De autoriteiten hebben bijna honderd brandweerlieden ingezet naast 25 blushelikopters en vliegtuigen. Ook wordt zwaar materieel ingezet om te voorkomen dat de branden verder om zich heen kunnen grijpen.
Door hoge temperaturen en droogte is het gevaar voorlopig niet geweken. Vandaag kunnen wel enkele buien voorkomen. Donderdag en vrijdag worden er wat meer buien verwacht, vooral in het midden en het zuidwesten van Alberta. Mogelijk met wat onweer. De regen zal niet genoeg zijn om het vuur te doven, maar het maakt de bluswerkzaamheden wel gemakkelijker.
Weekend vrij zonnig en overwegend droog
Het weekend verloopt vrij zonnig en droog. Ook neemt de temperatuur weer enkele graden toe. De wind is op de meeste plaatsen de komende tijd matig van kracht. Dat bemoeilijkt mogelijk het bluswerk. Pas in de tweede helft van volgende week worden er opnieuw regenbuien verwacht.
#Sentinel ???????????? update on the #Alberta #Wildfires
— Copernicus EU (@CopernicusEU) May 22, 2019
3 large fires are still out of control. They are clearly visible in yesterday’s #Sentinel3 acquisition ↖️
The burn scar of the fire near Lesser Slave Lake is 35 km long ↗️, while the one south of High Level 55 km long ↘️
More than 200 B.C. firefighters sent to Alberta to battle wildfires
— The Vancouver Sun (@VancouverSun) May 21, 2019
Sinds 23 mei zijn er al 17 actieve brandhaarden, 5000 mensen in veiligheid gebracht.
Massive wildfires burning in Alberta, Canada
Featured image credit: Alberta Wildfire
Several wildfires have broken out through Northern Alberta Region, Canada since May 23, forcing authorities to evacuate thousands of people.
Provincial authorities reported 17 active fires on May 23, with the most affected area near the town of High Level, Mackenzie County where nearly 5 000 people have been evacuated. More than 92 000 hectares (227 000 acres) have been scorched.
A State of Local Emergency has been declared for the county.
The wildfire was rated as Level 6, the top of the wildfire intensity scale.
The Government of Alberta has issued a warning from a very high to an extreme fire danger across the Northern Alberta Region, including an extreme fire danger for the Slave Lake Forest Area.
ccording to Meteorological Service of Canada, smoke from wildfires in northern Alberta is causing poor air quality and reducing visibility, in the already affected areas.
"We can't always rely on our experience and the history of what we've seen in fire; we're moving into new territory," Mike Flannigan, a professor of wildland fire at the University of Alberta told CBC Radio's special Smoked Out.
"Lock doors and windows, take small personal belongings including pets, identification, medication cash," the provincial government said in an emergency alert. "Within your homes please ensure all fuel and gas appliances are shut off, and hot water tanks are turned down if able to."
Another wildfire sprung up over the weekend near a remote community in northwestern Alberta, which has been put on alert to evacuate on short notice, Global News reports.
The wildfire is 14 km (8.7 miles) SE of the community of Trout Lake and the nearby Peerless Lake First Nation. Alberta Emergency Alert said the communities should be prepared to evacuate if necessary and to follow the directions of local authorities.
According to Natural Resources Canada, about 3.4 million hectares of land was consumed by wildfires in 2017. This is well beyond the annual average. Ministry data shows in recent years fire destruction has steadily climbed in terms of area covered.A new wildfire has started 14 kilometers southeast of Trout Lake. It is classified as out of control and is estimated to be 300 hectares in size.
— Alberta Wildfire (@AlbertaWildfire) 27 mei 2019
Visit for the latest information.
In 2013, for example, some 6 300 forest fires burned over 4.2 million ha (10.4 million acres). The following year, nearly 4.6 million ha (11.3 million acres) were scorched by about 5 200 wildfires.
Growing wildfire prompts evacuation of 5000 people in Alberta town, Canada.
— Fourth Television (@4thtelevision) 21 mei 2019
Bron: watchers.newsFirefighters continued to carry out a controlled burn around the town of High Level in Alberta, Canada yesterday in an effort to control the wildfire that has ravaged over 97,600 hectares of forest and threatened the small Canadian town.
— BBC Weather (@bbcweather) 24 mei 2019