A significant outbreak of severe thunderstorms, violent tornadoes, and heavy rain is expected across the U.S. Plains on Monday, May 20, 2019.
A potent spring storm system is expected to produce an outbreak of severe weather in parts of the Plains today, NWS warns. Very large hail, damaging winds, flash flooding, and large/violent tornadoes are possible.

mage credit: NOAA/GOES-East. Acquired 14:50 UTC, May 20, 2019
AccuWeather meteorologists said they are concerned that this latest outbreak will be even more significant than the days of severe weather late last week and over the weekend.
Around midday Monday (LT), NWS SPC highlighted a small corridor from the northeastern part of the Texas Panhandle to central Oklahoma in a 45 percent probability of EF2 - EF5 tornadoes to occur within 15 km (25 miles) of a point.
This is the first time a 45 percent tornado area has been issued by the SPC since April 14, 2012, AccuWeather meteorologist Renee Duff noted.

The greatest threat for large and devastating tornadoes will exist from southern Kansas through west-central Oklahoma and eastern parts of the Texas Panhandle. Residents in this area should be prepared to take cover in a basement or storm shelter at a moment's notice."
"It is likely that the storms will develop rapidly and begin producing tornadoes within 30-60 minutes after initiating," Duff said.

Bron: watchers.news
#Tornado footage captured in Mangum in Oklahoma yesterday and also McCook in Nebraska on Friday where more than 1000 residents were left without power. pic.twitter.com/y72ztUJ5my
— BBC Weather (@bbcweather) 21 mei 2019
4:54 a.m. CT: Radar-confirmed #tornado just east of Meeker, OK moving north. Take cover near Sparks and west of Prague, OK. #Damage reported near Dale, OK. #okwx pic.twitter.com/InMRAmzcHq
— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) 21 mei 2019
Tornado warning in Oklahoma. Radar confirmed tornado moving near Dale and moving east at 20 MPH. Take cover if you are in the path of this storm. #OKWX #TORNADO pic.twitter.com/zdHgkSWuWo
— WeatherNation (@WeatherNation) 21 mei 2019
@NWStulsa @MikeCollierWX @newson6wxguy
— Matthew Harden (@ECPhoto05) 21 mei 2019
This was taken from the South, looking North. I am roughly 6 miles West of Haskell, Oklahoma. This is the same one that ended up in Leach. pic.twitter.com/wog4v653Ek
128mph radar velocity measurement moments before the #tornado passed right over #leach #Oklahoma #okwx https://t.co/RkL5rPUNDP
— Lekendre Jackson (@ljacks0264) 21 mei 2019
Chasing today was difficult, but still managed to get some good footage of the #tornado by Mangum, OK as it was going strong-violent. Had some horizontal vortices coming off of it at times before it transitioned into a wedge. @USTornadoes @NWSNorman #okwx https://t.co/HihViMoRCx pic.twitter.com/pgGTcKXbEa
— Freddy McKinney (@FreddyMcKinneyR) 21 mei 2019
Recent nasty hook with #tornado debris ball type of appearance east of Tulsa #okwx pic.twitter.com/I8DkxCdvcU
— Stu Ostro (@StuOstro) 21 mei 2019
Small rope #tornado today in Paducah, #txwx pic.twitter.com/IM04rtptS6
— Wade Robberson (@LoneStarStorms) 21 mei 2019
My dad’s photo of the violent #tornado in #Mangum #OK today pic.twitter.com/Kv532K0zIN
— James Burch (@jamesburch93) 21 mei 2019
Minutes ago in Mangum, OK!!! Stay weather aware!!!! #okwx #MadWx pic.twitter.com/6pJivcbP9M
— Adriana Mozeris (@AdriMozeris) 20 mei 2019
Confirmed #tornado heading toward Leach and Cloud Creek, Oaks, Kansas, OK east of Tulsa Ok as of 1050 pm @breakingweather pic.twitter.com/mQNArR76di
— Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) 21 mei 2019
WOW! TWIN TORNADOES! Sky 5 captured video of two tornadoes near Crescent in Logan County, Oklahoma. #Oklahoma #Tornadoes #severestorms #KOCO5
— KOCO-5 Oklahoma City (@koconews) 20 mei 2019
FIRST ALERT TEAM COVERAGE CONTINUES: https://t.co/YGhGbMPyY7 pic.twitter.com/9eTpoyC0Ba
Video of tornadoes in MANGUM, OK earlier, including a large tornado that caused substantial structural damage west/northwest of town. We were unable to deploy the rockets after a few hook slices, then got stuck behind the monster line of storm chasers @chasinspin @skyforcex pic.twitter.com/9giIxyuYSZ
— Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) 21 mei 2019
Amazing video from Amabel Cabello in Pleasant Farms, TX about 7 minutes ago (5:45PM central time)
— Joseph Neubauer (@JNeubauerWx) 20 mei 2019
Moving east, nearly directly south of Midland INT'L Airport moving towards TX 349
Those in Midkiff and north of town need to take cover right now!#txwx pic.twitter.com/76wUdj0TFR
Mangum Oklahoma #tornado genesis earlier SW of the town #okwx pic.twitter.com/VG8AqdVZSZ
— Aaron Jayjack (@aaronjayjack) 20 mei 2019
SLO MO lightning from #tornado warned supercell near Crowell TX earlier this evening! @breakingweather @accuweather pic.twitter.com/80XjjSLhtL
— Reed Timmer (@ReedTimmerAccu) 21 mei 2019
Aerial video of Tornado Damage at Mangum @NWSNorman #okwx #tornado pic.twitter.com/j56FR8YWH6
— Brian Emfinger (@brianemfinger) 20 mei 2019
| Gewijzigd: 21 mei 2019, 13:10 uur, door LakoHere are some photos of the violent Mangum, OK tornado, and a rapidly rotating wall cloud north of Gould, OK from yesterday:
— Simon Brewer (@SimonStormRider) May 21, 2019
w/ @JustonStrmRider #weatherpicofday pic.twitter.com/ywqFuCBEsn
Doden door noodweer in Missouri
Noodweer heeft drie mensen het leven gekost in Golden City, in het zuidwesten van de Amerikaanse staat Missouri. Het Midden-Westen van de Verenigde Staten wordt al de hele week geteisterd door zware onweersbuien die en tornado’s, grote hagelstenen, zware windstoten en extereme hoeveelheden regen veroorzaken. Woensdagavond laat werd de regio rond Joplin getroffen, met naast Golden City ook Jefferson City en Carl Junction. Daar zijn verscheidene gewonden gevallen, meldt NBC News.Hoe ernstig de aangerichte schade is, zal pas donderdag duidelijk worden. Precies acht jaar geleden hield een verwoestende storm huis in Joplin, met als resultaat 158 doden. Delen van de stad werden met de grond gelijkgemaakt.
In de naburige staat Oklahoma is de wateroverlast de grootste zorg. De ongeveer 600 inwoners van Webber Falls is gevraagd te evacueren omdat de Arkansas-rivier op het punt staat buiten haar oevers te treden. Het gevaar werd in de loop van woensdag acuter doordat in Muskogee, ten noorden van Webber Falls, twee boten die aan elkaar vastzaten lossloegen van hun aanmeerplaats en tegen een dam dreigden te knallen.
Bron: Weeronline.nl
Cell phone video from Kayleigh De Rosa shows the structural damage to the Hawthorne Apartments in Jefferson City. “We’re homeless,” she says. #midmowx pic.twitter.com/aylubiiNxQ
— Elyse Smith KRCG 13 (@ElyseSmithWX) May 23, 2019
Major damage to many homes and at least one business from a tornado just north of Jay, OK. This dog was in shock but I checked and appeared to be ok. @weatherchannel #OKwx #tornado @NWStulsa pic.twitter.com/LczL64RgGY
— Charles Peek (@CharlesPeekWX) May 23, 2019
Incredibly detailed look at Carl Junction tornado.pic.twitter.com/euPU9judCl
— Dakota Smith (@weatherdak) May 23, 2019
El Reno, Oklahoma, getroffen door een tornado
A tornado destroyed a motel, swept through a nearby mobile home park and caused significant damage in the Oklahoma City area, according to the National Weather Service.Meteorologist Rick Smith in Norman told The Associated Press that the suspected twister hit El Reno on Saturday night as a powerful storm system rolled through the state. Crews were expected to arrive on the scene Sunday to determine the severity of the damage to the town located just west of Oklahoma City.
The American Budget Value Inn was destroyed by the storm. Images from the scene showed emergency crews sifting through rubble after part of the motel’s second story collapsed into a pile of debris strewn about the first floor and parking lot. Elsewhere, overturned cars and twisted metal could be seen briefly as intermittent lightning flashed across the sky and the wailing sirens of approaching emergency vehicles were heard in the distance.
Trailers at the Skyview Estates mobile home park adjacent to the motel also were damaged, as was part of a nearby car dealership. “We have absolutely experienced a traumatic event,” El Reno Mayor Matt White said during a news conference early Sunday.
White said several people were transported to hospitals in Oklahoma City, but did not give an exact number. No information was immediately available about possible fatalities. “We’re doing a search and rescue right now ... we have all hands on deck,” White said.
Tweety Garrison, 63, told The Associated Press early Sunday that she was inside her mobile home — along with her husband, two young grandchildren and a family friend — when the storm hit. Garrison said when she heard the storm coming she immediately hit the ground. Moments later, she said, she heard the mobile home next door slam into hers, before it flipped over and landed on her roof.
Garrison said the incident lasted five to 10 minutes. She said there was a tornado warning on her phone but the sirens did not go off until after tornado hit. Garrison’s 32-year-old son, Elton, said he’d heard the wailing tornado sirens and had just laid down at home about a half-mile (.8 kilometer) away when his phone rang. He recognized his mother’s number, but there was no voice on the other end when he answered. “I thought, ‘That’s weird,’” Elton Garrison said.
Then his mother called back, and delivered a chilling message: “We’re trapped.” Elton said when he arrived at his parent’s home, he found it blocked by debris and sitting with another trailer on top of it. He immediately began clearing a path to the home so that he could eventually lift a portion of an outside wall just enough so that all five occupants could slip beneath it and escape.
“My parents were in there and two of my kids, one 9 and the other 12 ... my main emotion was fear,” Garrison said, who has lived in El Reno for about 26 years. “I couldn’t get them out of there quick enough.” Garrison said he was not alarmed by the warning sirens when he first heard them at home. “We hear them all the time here, so it didn’t seem like a big deal ... I heard a lot of rain with the wind. But when it kinda got calm all of a sudden, that’s when it didn’t feel right.”
Garrison, whose sport utility vehicle remained at the mobile park early Sunday because the area had since been cordoned off by authorities, said his parents had only recently recovered after losing their previous home to a fire a few years ago. “Now this,” he said, before expressing gratitude that everyone inside his parents’ home had emerged without serious injury. In the next breath, Garrison added: “Items can be replaced. Lives cant.”
Bron: APnews.com
I’m in El Reno. I was just in a tornado. I’m ok but the hotel across the street from us was leveled. Victims are being pulled from the rubble @NEWS9 pic.twitter.com/IjZI3Jcvgk
— Aaron Brilbeck (@AaronBrilbeck9) May 26, 2019
Awful damage from a likely tornado in El Reno, OK. Severe damage with roofs destroyed and significant damage to buildings. pic.twitter.com/hzLdXOaNMl
— Mackenzie King (@MackenzieKing97) May 26, 2019
12:13AM - This is what is left of the American Budget Value Inn in EL Reno. Search and rescue operations are continuing. @kfor #OKWX pic.twitter.com/y6xDf2z2nd
— Aaron Brackett (@Aaron_Brackett) May 26, 2019
NEW drone video showing near total destruction of trailer home park in El Reno! Search and rescue workers can be seen picking through the rubble for survivors! @kfor #OKWX pic.twitter.com/rHAu2hChiZ
— Aaron Brackett (@Aaron_Brackett) May 26, 2019
As unfortunately exemplified tonight, it's not just supercells that can produce destructive tornadoes -- MCSs like this can too #okwx pic.twitter.com/0laKKPRCNu
— Stu Ostro (@StuOstro) May 26, 2019
Tornado's richten ravage aan in Indiana en Ohio
Zeker twee tornado's hebben een spoor van vernieling getrokken door de Amerikaanse staten Indiana en Ohio.De meeste schade is vermoedelijk aangericht in Trotwood, Ohio. Even na 23.00 uur plaatselijke tijd werd het stadje getroffen door een tornado die volgens de National Wheater Service "groot en gevaarlijk" was. Veertig minuten later kruiste een tweede tornado het pad van de eerste.
Of er mensen zijn omgekomen of gewond zijn geraakt, is niet bekend. "We zitten er nog middenin, het is een puinhoop", zei een woordvoerder van de hulpdiensten.
Even naar het oosten, in de buurt van de stad Dayton, raakte de Interstate 75-snelweg geblokkeerd. De beheerder stuurde vrachtauto's met sneeuwschuivers op pad om de rijbanen schoon te vegen. "Als ze weer open zijn, gaan we grondiger te werk", zei een woordvoerder. "Dan slepen we ook de beschadigde auto's weg." Ook veel andere wegen raakten geblokkeerd.
In Dayton zelf was een middelbare school als plek voor noodopvang aangewezen. Dat is herroepen, omdat ook de school beschadigd is geraakt.
Het Rode Kruis richt in totaal vier opvangcentra in voor mensen van wie het huis onbewoonbaar is geworden.
Bron: nos.nl
Destructive EF-3 tornado kills 2, injures 29 in El Reno, Oklahoma

Featured image: Damage after EF-3 tornado hits El Reno, Oklahoma City, OK May 25, 2019. Credit: NWS Norman, OK
A powerful EF-3 tornado ripped through the Oklahoma City suburb of El Reno late Saturday, May 25, 2019, killing 2 people and injuring 29. The event took place almost 6 years after the world's widest tornado on record hit El Reno, killing 8 people and injuring 151 others.
The tornado touched down around 22:28 LT, May 25 near Highway 81 and Interstate 40 and lasted only 4 minutes. It was about 68 m (75 yards) wide at its widest point and was on the ground for 3.5 km (2.2 miles).
It destroyed multiple structures, including a hotel and mobile homes, killing 2 people and injuring 29 others

Credit bovenstaande foto's: Damage after EF-3 tornado hits El Reno, OK on May 25, 2019. Credit: NWS Norman, OK
"It's been a serious, serious event here," El Reno Mayor Matt White said. "We have all hands on deck."
On May 31, 2013, El Reno was hit by the widest tornado on record. It killed 8 people and injured 151 others.El Reno Mayor Matt White said the situation is traumatic after American Budget Inn hit as well ask Sky View trailer park. pic.twitter.com/Ne5u5KXzcY
— Robert Medley (@mrokcmed) 26 mei 2019
"It was the largest, one of the fastest, and - for storm chasers - the most lethal twister ever recorded on Earth. Among those it claimed was Tim Samaras, revered as one of the most experienced and cautious scientists studying tornadoes," National Geographic said in their special video documentary about the event. See it below:
A Slight to Enhanced Risk of severe thunderstorms is forecast this Memorial Day, May 27, from the central High Plains east into the Midwest states with threats for large hail, damaging winds, and possibly a few tornadoes. There is also a risk for heavy rain and flash flooding for these areas.
Bron: watchers.news
Extensive damage after multiple powerful tornadoes hit Dayton area, Ohio
At least one large and destructive tornado (EF-3) ripped through the city of Dayton and surrounding communities, Ohio late Monday night, May 27, 2019. Damage surveys are still in progress for at least three suspected tornadoes in the area.The first tornado touched down around 23:07 LT, prompting a 'tornado emergency warning,' the highest the weather service issues. NWS called it a life-threatening situation as the tornado swept through a heavily populated area. The second tornado hit about 30 minutes later.
NWS storm survey has confirmed at least an EF-3 tornado with winds up to 225 km/h (140 mph) in Beavercreek, Greene County, NWS Wilmington office said just minutes ago.
At least one person was killed in Celina, authorities said, adding that several people were injured.
"A large, dangerous tornado touched down last night in northwest Montgomery County, we are focused on supporting life-saving measures, such as shutting down gas lines or locating people who are trapped by debris. Call 911 or contact your local fire station for emergency assistance," Montgomery County officials said.
"At this time, it is dangerous to be on the road near affected areas with downed power lines, broken gas lines, and debris. Please stay safe in your current location, and we appreciate your kindness and concern."
Due to the widespread power outages, all Dayton and Montgomery County water customers were asked to conserve water.
Storm survey teams are scheduled May 28 for Mercer, Montgomery, Pickaway, and Greene counties. "Additional teams will be sent as additional resources become available," NWS said. Storm surveys will likely take several days.

Map of areas where circulations, potentially producing tornadoes, impacted parts of Ohio. Tornadoes did not necessarily occur in every indicated area, but multiple tornadoes have occurred. NWS will be surveying many of these areas in the coming days. Credit: NWS, Google, TW
Bron: watchers.news