De kracht van de zonnestorm was vooraf niet verwacht
Zaterdagnacht ontstond er een scheur in ons magnetisch veld, waardoor de zonnewind vrije toegang had, met als resultaat een G3 klasse zonnestorm.Op het hoogtepunt van de storm was de aurora borealis te zien in heel Canada, Michigan, NewYork, Montana, Wisconsin en Indiana. Tegelijkertijd was het zuiderlicht te zien in delen van Nieuw Zeeland.
Ook Noorwegen en Zweden konden van dit schouwspel genieten.
Northern lights : Night to Remember by villeairo ( #photography #auroraborealis
— Jukka Heinovirta (@k009034) 27 augustus 2018
Second #Auroraborealis video from last night over Mackinac Bridge. Got some purples in this one. @spann @9and10News @auroras_live #northernlights #miwx #stormhour #puremichigan
— Dan(iel) Butler (@DanTheWxMan0) 26 augustus 2018
dancing the night away ???? real time aurora over Fairbanks, Alaska! #Northernlights #Auroraborealis #astrophotography #alaska #fairbanks #realtime
— Andy Witteman (@CNLastro) 26 augustus 2018
Incredible dancing #Auroraborealis in the #upperpeninsula of Michigan. The one second shutter speed at the end is crazy. #miwx #stormhour @ReedTimmerAccu
— Dan(iel) Butler (@DanTheWxMan0) 26 augustus 2018
Gorgeous #auroraborealis and #noctilucentclouds from #Senja in #norway tonight! The #NLC season is obviously still ongoing even though nearing the end at high latitudes while the aurora season is slowly taking over. @StormHour @TamithaSkov @PoSSUMAstronaut @chunder10
— Adrien Mauduit (@ADphotography24) 27 augustus 2018
what a spectacular night! #NorthernLights #auroraborealis #nikon #nature #aurora #fairbanks #alaska
— Andy Witteman (@CNLastro) 26 augustus 2018
Full moon G3 #Aurora captured over the Range Lighthouse where the #SaugeenRiver meets #LakeHuron in #Southampton Ontario Canada // August 26, 2018 | 3:13AM EST @stormhour @TamithaSkov #northernlights #auroraborealis
— Scott Rock (@scottrockphoto) 26 augustus 2018
The light from the full moon didn't stop the aurora from being seen in Southern New Hampshire (the "marshmallow field" in Rollinsford) but those clouds were a real heartbreaker. #NHwx #StormHour #aurora #auroraborealis #northernlights @TamithaSkov
— Rob Wright Images (@RobWrightImages) 26 augustus 2018
So, we had some #auroraborealis show up last night. Photo taken with iPhone & @NightCapApp. #TAWBAS #WoodBuffaloNP #DarkSky Festival
— Calgary RASC (@CalgaryRASC) 27 augustus 2018
The #AuroraBorealis last night taken between Eckerman, MI and the Mackinac Bridge. The show lasted for hours and despite the full moon, fog, and some clouds, was stretching behind us. @ReedTimmerAccu @JimCantore @spann @Aurora_Alerts @NorthLightAlert #stormhour #northernlights
— Isaac Polanski (@wxchaser97) 26 augustus 2018
WOW! We had a G3 (STRONG) Geomagnetic Storm last night, which produced widespread #AuroraBorealis
— Scott is going to FanExpo (@ScottWx_TWN) 26 augustus 2018

Ok so this is a really strange occurence seen during the kp7 event last night. What could those streamers be emanating from the top edge of the #auroraborealis oval. Look at how it is perpendicular to it. At first thought it was some cirrus clouds. #spaceweather #shotoftheday
— Craig Birnie (@Cgstorm5) 26 augustus 2018
Pretty strong #Auroraborealis around 2:15 am CEST in Västerbotten, Sweden tonight, despite the night sky not being totaly dark yet up here in the north. My first shots for this season. ???? @TamithaSkov #photography #NorthernLights #astrophotography #nature
— A. Lindberg (@yazzy_swe) 26 augustus 2018