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De temperatuur bij Diepenbeek is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:41

De temperatuur bij Dourbes is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:41

De temperatuur bij Mont rigi is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:40

De temperatuur bij Bierset is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:40

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor St. Lucie, FL.

10 Mar 2025 18:01:06

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor St. Lucie, FL.

10 Mar 2025 17:55:58

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Orange, FL; Osceola, FL.

10 Mar 2025 16:26:09

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Volusia, FL.

10 Mar 2025 15:17:49

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Lake, FL; Orange, FL; Seminole, FL; Volusia, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:21

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Charlotte, FL; Manatee, FL; Sarasota, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:21

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Seminole, FL; Volusia, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:20

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Sarasota, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:20

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Duval, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:26:11

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Orange, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:16:53

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Lake, FL; Orange, FL.

10 Mar 2025 13:53:06
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Woonplaats: Stiens
Berichten: 3425
Lid sinds: 19 mei. 2014
Laatste 4 prijzen van de wekelijkse fotowedstrijd
1 augustus 2018, 10:49 uur | Bericht #488109

Warmste maand ooit in Deathvalley, VS: maandgemiddelde temperatuur van 42'C!

Weerstation Death Valley. Bron afbeelding: Jeff Masters/

July 2018 has been one of the hottest months in California history, and in Death Valley, California, the temperatures were so extreme in July that they set a new record for the hottest month ever measured at a U.S. station: an average temperature of 108.0°F (42.2°C). According to WU weather historian Christopher C. Burt, this beats the previous U.S. record for all-time hottest month, set just last year (July 2017), of 107.4° (41.9°C)--also at Death Valley. There is still one day remaining in July to add to tabulate the final record; with the July 31 average temperature for Death Valleylikely to be near 112°F, that would push the final monthly number up to 108.1°F. According to weather records expert Maximiliano Herrera, that would fall just short of the world record for hottest monthly temperature: 108.5°F (42.5°C) at Dehloran, Iran in July 2000. (Note that the average temperature for a day is computed by averaging together the high and low temperature; these daily averages are then used to compute the average temperature for the month).

Zelfs voor Deathvalley een ecxtreme grafiek. Vanaf 24 juli tot en met 31 juli maar 2 uur temperaturen lager dan 100'F/ 37,5'C Bron afbeelding:

According to Mr. Burt, the week of July 24 – 30, 2018 was the second hottest week on record for Death Valley (excluding the bogus period of 1913 – 1924; the observer on staff during this time was later found to have made unreliable observations). Only the week of June 28 - July 4, 2013 was hotter. Here are the temperatures recorded at Death Valley during the week of July 24 – 30, 2018; an asterisk* indicates a daily record beaten or tied. During this week, the average high was 125.6°F, the average low was 99.3°F, and the average temperature was 112.4°F:

DATE     MAX      MIN
24-7       127°F *  95°F
25-7       127°F *  102°F *
26-7       127°F *  100°F
27-7       127°F *  94°F
28-7       124°F    101°F *
29-7       124°F    100°F
30-7       123°F    103°F*

The four consecutive days of 127°F is in second place for the longest such stretch on record at Death valley. Excluding the unreliable July 1913 data, only a June - July 2013 event beat that, with five such days in a row. Also, daily records for warmest minimum temperature were set on these dates in 2018:

25-6:  97° F
9-7:    103°F
17-7:  102°F
18-7:  103°F
31-7:  103°F

Omrekenen van Fahrenheit naar Celcius:

Death Valley: hottest place on Earth
Death Valley recorded Earth's hottest reliably measured temperature on record on June 30, 2013, when the mercury hit 129.2°F (54.0°C). This record was tied on July 21, 2016 when a temperature of 54.0°C (129.2°F) was also recorded at Mitribah, Kuwait. The only higher temperatures ever officially recorded on the planet were measured in Death Valley: July 10, 12, and 13, 1913, when 134°F, 130°F, and 131°F were recorded. This 105-year-old record heat wave has many doubters, though, including Mr. Burt, who noted in a 2010 blog post that "The record has been scrutinized perhaps more than any other in the United States. I don't have much more to add to the debate aside from my belief it is most likely not a valid reading when one looks at all the evidence. Normally when Death Valley records its hottest temperatures they occur during region-wide heat waves. On July 10, 1913, the next highest temperatures recorded in southern California (aside from Greenland Ranch) were just 119° at Heber and 118° at Mammoth Tank." If Mr. Burt is correct, the 129.2°F in Death Valley in 2013 and in Kuwait in 2016 are the hottest temperatures in recorded history on Earth. (The official second hottest place in the U.S. is Lake Havasu City, AZ, which recorded 128° on June 29, 1994, but Mr. Burt says that record is questionable, as are some obviously bogus readings from sites like Salton, CA in the 1880s of 130°). See Mr. Burt’s July 22, 2016 post, Hottest Reliably Measured Air Temperatures on Earth, for more information.

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