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Woonplaats: Helmond
Berichten: 3066
Lid sinds: 13 jan. 2015
13 maart 2018, 10:21 uur | Bericht #486073

Increased activity at Kick 'em Jenny: Alert level at Orange, 5 km exclusion zone

Kick 'em Jenny submarine volcano is showing signs of increased activity on March 12, 2018, forcing authorities to raise the alert level to Orange.

The National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) has been informed of ‘increased activities’ at the Kick ‘em Jenny submarine volcano located north of Grenada, the agency reports.

The Government of Grenada through the National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA) has therefore imposed a 5 km (3.1 miles) exclusion zone around the volcano. All mariners are asked to strictly observe this restriction and to continue to monitor releases from the Government of Grenada, the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), and the Seismic Research Centre (SRC).

There is currently no tsunami threat for St. Vincent and the Grenadines or the region, and these activities are in no way related to La Soufriere volcano, the agency said.

Residents in the Southern Grenadines are asked to continue to monitor and mariners to strictly observe the exclusion zone.

Please be reminded that the official advisories on Kick ‘em Jenny are under the jurisdiction of the NaDMA.
Geological summary

Kick 'em Jenny, a historically active submarine volcano 8 km (5 miles) off the north shore of Grenada, rises 1 300 m (0.8 miles) from the sea floor. Recent bathymetric surveys have shown evidence for a major arcuate collapse structure that was the source of a submarine debris avalanche that traveled more than 15 km (9.3 miles) to the west.

Bathymetry also revealed another submarine cone to the SE, Kick 'em Jack, and submarine lava domes to its south. These and subaerial tuff rings and lava flows at Ile de Caille and other nearby islands may represent a single large volcanic complex.

Numerous historical eruptions, mostly documented by acoustic signals, have occurred at Kick 'em Jenny since 1939, when an eruption cloud rose 275 m (0.17 miles) above the sea surface. Prior to the 1939 eruption, which was witnessed by a large number of people in northern Grenada, there had been no written mention of Kick 'em Jenny. Eruptions have involved both explosive activity and the quiet extrusion of lava flows and lava domes in the summit crater; deep rumbling noises have sometimes been heard onshore. Historical eruptions have modified the morphology of the summit crater. (GVP)

Kick'em Jenny Volcano with Dr. Steve Carey | Nautilus Live
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