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NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Foard, TX; Hardeman, TX.

3 Mar 2025 17:06:08

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Harmon, OK; Jackson, OK; Hardeman, TX.

3 Mar 2025 17:06:08

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Jackson, OK; Hardeman, TX.

3 Mar 2025 17:06:07

De temperatuur bij Dourbes is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

3 Mar 2025 04:14:34

De temperatuur bij Diepenbeek is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

3 Mar 2025 04:14:34

De temperatuur bij Retie is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

3 Mar 2025 04:14:33

De temperatuur bij Melle is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

3 Mar 2025 04:14:33

De temperatuur bij Stabroek is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

3 Mar 2025 04:14:32

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Kern, CA; Tulare, CA.

2 Mar 2025 23:33:04

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Madera, CA; Mariposa, CA; Merced, CA.

2 Mar 2025 23:16:46

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Greer, OK; Harmon, OK.

2 Mar 2025 22:34:36

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Greer, OK; Harmon, OK; Jackson, OK.

2 Mar 2025 22:32:29

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Harmon, OK; Jackson, OK; Hardeman, TX.

2 Mar 2025 22:14:44

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Harmon, OK.

2 Mar 2025 22:14:44

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Jackson, OK; Hardeman, TX.

2 Mar 2025 21:46:44
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Woonplaats: Helmond
Berichten: 3066
Lid sinds: 13 jan. 2015
24 januari 2018, 10:43 uur | Bericht #485103

Joel Taylor Dead: Storm Chaser Dies at Age 38

Joel Taylor, a well-known storm chaser who appeared on the Discovery Channel TV Series, has died young at the age of 38, according to reports from close friends in the industry.

“RIP my best friend and storm chasing partner, Joel Taylor,” Taylor’s storm-chasing partner Reed Timmer, wrote on Twitter. “I am shocked and absolutely devastated by the loss of my incredible, caring friend. We chased so many intense storms, and I wish we could have just one more storm chase. I’ll miss you forever, Joel. We lost a legend.”

Other colleagues confirmed Taylor’s death, and fans flooded social media with tributes in memory of the Oklahoma-raised storm chaser whose passion was weather. He was remembered as a “storm-chasing icon,” and his untimely death left those who knew him and the show in shock.

©Sean Schofer
Rest In Peace Joel Taylor. You’re going to be missed.

Taylor’s Life Seemed to Be Going Well & His Cause of Death Remains Unclear

On Facebook, Timmer indicated that Joel was at a good place in his life, writing, “…I can tell you that Joel was at a very happy time in his life, and we’ve been brainstorming non-stop this winter about chasing plans this spring. He has the biggest heart of anyone I know, and has always been there for me through thick and thin. I’ll miss you forever, Joel. My heart goes out to the Taylor family. We lost a legend.”

How did Taylor die? What was his cause of death? Whenever someone dies young and suddenly, that’s the obvious question. However, thus far, the circumstances and cause of Taylor’s reported death have not been released. On Facebook, Taylor gave no public hint that anything was wrong. Colleagues who were close to him either wrote on social media that they did not know how he died or stressed that people should focus on remembering his life.

His last public post came on January 15 and was about the birth of a niece. “My first niece arrived this morning!” he wrote. One of his photos from 2017 indicated he may have been on a cruise at that time, as he posed with water behind him, and with one friend writing, “I recognize that lanyard! Have fun!!” and another asking him about his cabin. His cover photo on Facebook is of a storm.

Taylor Became Fascinated by the Weather Because He Grew Up ‘Near the Heart of Tornado Alley’
Joel Taylor appeared on Discovery’s show, Storm Chasers. “Growing up near the heart of tornado alley, Joel had a front-row seat to plenty of severe storms and tornadoes,” the show’s bio for him reads.

“Always fascinated by these phenomena, he attended the University of Oklahoma to study meteorology. There, he met someone who shared his passion for severe weather and storm chasing, Reed Timmer. The two have intercepted countless tornadoes, and with Joel’s keen knowledge of the back roads of the Great Plains, he has long been the trusted driver of Reed’s TVN team.”
Taylor wrote on Facebook, “Many of you may not know but I grew up a cowboy on a ranch in Western Oklahoma.”

The Facebook page Team Western OK Chaser reported on January 23, 2018 that Taylor had died, writing, “Our community of Elk City and the Storm Chasing community lost a great guy today. Joel Taylor was truly an inspiration to myself and many who knew him. He was one of the most level headed chasers on the roads and truly a classy guy outside of chasing.”

The site notes that Taylor “didn’t chase for the glory he chased because he had a true passion for storms. In the last few years he’d load up with his dad and go chase and not even take a camera. Our hearts are hurting for his mom Tracy and dad Jimmy along with his brother and sister and their children. Please know you are in our prayers. RIP Joel.”

Texas Storm Chasers also shared the news, writing, “Sad news tonight. Joel Taylor, featured in the Discovery TV series ‘Storm Chasers’, has passed away at the age of 38.”

Other friends joined the Team Western OK Chase comment thread to say the report was true. “I can confirm it 100%. It is widely known in our community,” wrote one friend of Joel Taylor.

Taylor Was Remembered for His Friendly Personality & His Death Has Devastated Friends
Blake Brown, a video stringer for a media company, wrote on Facebook, “Today has been a rough day… Joel Taylor, a guy I have always looked up to growing up, passed away. He was a very respected chaser and one of the nicest guys out there. I’m still in shock from this devastating news. Sending my thoughts and prayers to his family.
Enjoy every single moment of every day. Tomorrow is never promised.”

As word spread quickly through the storm chasing community that Taylor had died, others expressed their pain.
Molly Houchins, of Molly’s Weather HQ, wrote on Facebook, “Devastating news out of the storm chasing community tonight. We have lost Joel Taylor… He was a great person, always chasing because it was his passion. Many of you have seen Joel chasing with legend Reed Timmer, Joel was usually the driver of the Dominator on Discovery Channel’s ‘Storm Chasers.’ Reed has confirmed this as true and it is a devastating loss to everyone. My thoughts and prayers go out to Joel’s families and closest friends. Rest in peace Joel… — feeling devastated.”

Fans Felt Like They Knew Taylor Personally After Watching His Storm Chasing Exploits
Fans who enjoyed watching Joel Taylor on Storm Chasers expressed great shock, with one writing, “NOOOO!!!! Reed and Joel were awesome on Storm Chasers!!! Felt like we knew them personally…. R.I.P. Joel ????????????” Fans remembered his friendliness.
Others praised him as an icon in the storm chasing world. “I’m literally in tears right now I spent so much time watching storm chasers and that helped feed my want to be a meteorologist I can’t believe Joel Taylor is gone. RIP to one of the best,” wrote one woman.
This post will be updated as more is learned about Joel Taylor’s death.
| Gewijzigd: 24 januari 2018, 11:05 uur, door Joyce.s
Woonplaats: Helmond
Berichten: 3066
Lid sinds: 13 jan. 2015
24 januari 2018, 11:13 uur | Bericht #485104

Hoe kunnen we Joel beter eren, dan nog even stil te staan bij zijn lust en zijn leven: het stormchasen

Waarom deze advertentie?
Woonplaats: Deventer
Berichten: 108
Lid sinds: 8 jun. 2010
24 januari 2018, 12:30 uur | Bericht #485108
Tragisch....Eerst al Matt Hughes uit het TIV team, toen Tim Samaras en zijn zoon en chauffeur en nu Joel... Er blijft weinig over van het Discovery Channel stormchaser team... ????????
Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.
Woonplaats: Almelo
Berichten: 213
Lid sinds: 28 jun. 2011
24 januari 2018, 21:30 uur | Bericht #485119
Als ik het Artikel zou moeten geloven is hij overleden aan een overdovis.
Hoe dan ook een trieste dag voor de chaser community

'Storm Chasers' star Joel Taylor reportedly died of suspected overdose on Royal Caribbean cruise ship

By Kathleen Joyce | Fox News
[Joel Taylor of Discovery Channel’s “Storm Chasers” dead at age 38.]Joel Taylor of Discovery Channel’s “Storm Chasers” dead at age 38.  (Facebook)

Joel Taylor, of Discovery Channel’s defunct show “Storm Chasers,” reportedly died from a suspected overdose on a cruise ship Tuesday. He was 38. 

TMZ reported Taylor was on Royal Caribbean's Harmony of the Seas when he was discovered dead in his cabin. A cruise official told TMZ law enforcement officials were notified of Taylor's death when they docked in San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

"It appears the death could be an overdose and Joel Taylor was consuming controlled substances," law enforcement sources told TMZ. 
 Guests on the cruise told TMZ a few people were arrested for drug possession at the port in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., before the boat departed. 

On the night of Taylor's death, "Grease" star Olivia Newton-John and Swedish DJ duo Galantis performed on the ship. 

Taylor studied meteorology at the University of Oklahoma before becoming a driver with his friend and “Storm Chasers” co-star Reed Timmer and chasing storms in Oklahoma's Tornado Alley. Taylor starred on “Storm Chasers” from 2008 until it was canceled in 2012. The show followed a group of scientists as they “chased” tornadoes in order to study the storm’s path and behavior.

Taylor’s friends and co-stars paid tribute to the storm chaser on social media Tuesday.

“RIP my best friend and storm chasing partner, Joel Taylor. I am shocked and absolutely devastated by the loss of my incredible, caring friend,” Timmer wrote. “We chased so many intense storms, and I wish we could have just one more storm chase. I’ll miss you forever, Joel. We lost a legend.”

Mike Olbinski also remembered his friend Taylor.

“I was lucky enough to meet Joel a few years ago at Reed’s wedding. He was so kind to me and we got to hang out for a bit during those few days,” Olbinski tweeted. “I snapped this photo of him and that just seemed like who he was. A huge smile. RIP Joel Taylor…you will be so missed.”

Team Western Oklahoma Chaser, a group Taylor was a part of, also paid tribute to the young storm chaser. The post has since been taken down. 

“He didn’t chase for the glory he chased because he had a true passion for storms. In the last few years he’d load up with his dad and go chase and not even take a camera,” the group stated. “Our hearts are hurting for his mom Tracy and dad Jimmy along with his brother and sister and their children. Please know you are in our prayers. RIP Joel.”

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