Overstromingen en aardverschuivingen als gevolg van Cempaka worden 11 mensen fataal.

Head of Information Data Center and Public Relations of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said floods and landslides that hit Pacitan Regency, East Java, have caused 11 people died.
According to Sutopo, 11 died victims consisted of nine people due to buried landslides and two people washed away by floods. Landslide victims came from Klesem Village, Kebonagung Sub-district as many as seven people and from Sidomulyo Village, Ngadirojo Sub-district as many as two people.
"The nine deaths from the landslide have not been able to be evacuated yet, the difficulty of access to the location and the high intensity of the rain is an obstacle," Sutopo said in a written statement received on Tuesday (11/28/2017).
Sutopo further explained that the flood caused two people to die and the victims have been found. People affected are more than 4,000 people and need to be evacuated and damaged properties are still being collected. Meanwhile the evacuees in the Pacitan Sub-District placed in Pacitan Sports Stadium and Sirnoboyo Mosque.
Sutopo said the joint SAR team from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Pacitan along with Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), National Police (Polri), National SAR Agency (Basarnas), Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD), volunteers and the community are still evacuating. Obstacles in the field are high winds and river discharge is still high, but the search for victims continues.
"Public kitchens will be established and logistical aid is distributed," said Sutopo.
For information, the Pacitan area is the closest to the tropical cyclone Cempaka which was hit by heavy rains causing floods and landslides on Tuesday (11/28/2017) early morning.
The overflowing rivers caused thousands of homes to flood. Floods occurred in 13 villages of three sub-districts, including Pacitan, Kebon Agung and Arjosari.
Bron: http://www.en.netralnews.com/news/currentnews/read/15606/closest.to.cyclone.cempaka.pacitan.hit.by.landslide..floods.causing.11.died
Tropical Cyclone Cempaka Expected to Move away from Indonesia Tomorrow
JAKARTA, NETRALNEWS.COM - Head of Information Data Center and Public Relations of National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said it is estimated tropical cyclone Cempaka will move away from Indonesia on Thursday (11/30/2017).For information, tropical cyclone Cempaka resulted in floods, landslides and tornadoes in Java and Bali.
Although predicted to move away from Indonesia, tropical cyclone Cempaka still causes the impacts of heavy rain and high waves in Java and Bali. So people are encouraged to improve preparedness against the threat of floods, landslides and tornadoes.
"The impact of tropical cyclone Cempaka has caused floods, landslides and tornadoes in the Java region, areas in Yogyakarta, Wonogiri, Pacitan and Ponorogo are the most affected areas as they are closest to the tropical cyclone Cempaka," Sutopo said in a written statement, Wednesday (11/30).
Sutopo further said the search and rescue of landslide victims in Pacitan are still being done. Some areas in Pacitan are also still flooded and isolated because the road is covered by landslides.
Sutopo said the Pacitan regent has set the emergency response for floods and landslides. The reason is on Tuesday (11/28) tropical cyclone Cempaka was just 32 km south-southeast of Pacitan, East Java Province. It also resulted in extreme weather and caused floods, landslides and tornadoes in 28 regencies/cities in Java and Bali.
"Urgent needs are rubber boats, heavy equipment, fast food, blankets, environmental hygiene kits and so on," Sutopo said.
Bron: http://www.en.netralnews.com/news/currentnews/read/15627/tropical.cyclone.cempaka.expected.to.move.away.from.indonesia.tomorrow
Mohon doanya kawan... TANAH KELAHIRANKU... #Penggung #PakisBaru #Nawangan #Pacitan @adlimoer @lanny_simarmata @Januisback pic.twitter.com/oeGhZZ0dEN
— a anata vp (@aan_vp) 29 november 2017
#PACITAN BERDUKA - Ada 454 trafo masih padam sehingga 76.000 dari 123.000 pelanggan PLN mengalami pemadaman listrik. https://t.co/tsVDxjv3cF
— SurabayaVideo (@SurabayaVideo) 29 november 2017
Semoga seluruh keluarga di kabupaten pacitan selalu dalam lindungan allah SWT...
— AGUS SETIAWAN (@Aguiesetiawan) 28 november 2017
Amiin...#PrayForPacitan #Pacitan#Riau#Kampar#Rohul pic.twitter.com/UYB1Cv9AaR
Bencana longsor & banjir terjang Pacitan, Jawa Timur. Seperti apa kondisinya saat ini? Klik https://t.co/j5IrFot6y1 #Pacitan #BanjirPacitan pic.twitter.com/4e430L2UEh
— VisualTVdotLive (@VisualTVdotLive) 28 november 2017
semoga banjir di #Pacitan segera surut. @cyberPACITAN @PemkabPacitan #PrayForPacitan pic.twitter.com/VoajRfLS02
— Gilang Fathurr (@Gilang67611190) 28 november 2017
Evakuasi pengunsian warga sirnoboyo pacitan yg di landa banjir.#Pacitan #PacitanBerduka #BanjirPacitan pic.twitter.com/llJYVf9Ayv
— PBC_jakarta (@pbc_jakarta) 28 november 2017
Pray for pacitan. #pacitan pic.twitter.com/vwwqpiYJJn
— riza nugroho (@rizanugroho2) 28 november 2017
@e100ss banjir pagi tadi di pacitan dikabarkan ada 1 korban meninggal yg tenggelam terbawa arus #pacitan #banjir pic.twitter.com/m40hhZqIYP
— Achmad Agung s (@Aggung0857) 28 november 2017
14.45: RT @perkeretaapian: Situasi terkini, di lokasi antara Tanggulangin-Porong sdg hujan & ketinggian permukaan air mencapai 39 cm. KA 146 Jayabaya ditarik Lok CC300 melintas lokasi banjir. #ElshintaNewsAndTalk pic.twitter.com/jzLhFIo1tM
— Radio Elshinta (@RadioElshinta) 27 november 2017
21.07 : Situasi sore tadi (28/11) di Kaligawe Payak Tengah, Srimulyo, Piyungan, DIY #ElshintaNewsAndTalk pic.twitter.com/6loy8G0VHW
— Radio Elshinta (@RadioElshinta) 28 november 2017
07.32: Kondisi Bunder pagi ini. Sudah bisa dilewati dengan catatan waspada dan hati-hati. (via @KabarGunkid) #ElshintaNewsAndTalk pic.twitter.com/y2mGH6GdQJ
— Radio Elshinta (@RadioElshinta) 29 november 2017
Waspadai siklon tropis Cempaka yang dapat menimbulkan cuaca ekstrem Jateng, DIY dan Jatim bagian Selatan. Siklon bergerak ke selatan akan luruh 2/12/2017. Dampak siklon per 29/11/2017 pagi 19 orang tewas, ribuan rumah terendam banjir dan kerusakan lainnya. Waspadalah. pic.twitter.com/rh4jsnUAGB
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_BNPB) 29 november 2017
Pengungsi erupsi Gunung Agung per 29/11/2017 sore sebanyak 43.358 jiwa tersebar di 229 titik. Pengungsi di Buleleng (5.992 jiwa), Klungkung (7.790), Karangasem (22.738), Bangli (864), Tabanan (657), Kota Denpasar (1.488), Gianyar (2.968), Badung (549), dan Jembrana (312 ). pic.twitter.com/uKSrj9n6bm
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_BNPB) 29 november 2017
Banjir masih menggenangi beberapa wilayah di Klaten. 6 kecamatan terendam banjir sebagai dampak siklon Cempaka apda 28/11/2017 yaitu Kecamatan Prambanan, Gantiwarno, Wedi, Bayat, Cawas, Trucuk. pic.twitter.com/mRJvsssA4Q
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_BNPB) 29 november 2017
Sirine gerakan tanah berbunyi di dk Denansri Desa Donorejo Kec. Kaligesing, 55 jiwa mengungsi dan di dk Jogowono 6 jiwa mengungsi. Sementara lobgsor yang menutup jalan ruas Loano - Sedayu pada petang hari sudah terbuka. pic.twitter.com/d0ZkeZmAfo
— BPBD Kab Purworejo (@BPBDPurworejo) 28 november 2017
Detik-detik hanyutnya jembatan Nangsri, Pundong, Kab Bantul Yogyakarta. Hujan ekstrem terjadi akibat pengaruh siklon tropis Cempaka. Di Yogya 4 meninggal akibat longsor. #Yogyakarta #ElshintaNewsAndTalk #staytunedelshinta pic.twitter.com/9Igsh5h9Xp
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_BNPB) 28 november 2017
Warga Jawa Tengah dan DIY bagian selatan diminta meningkatkan kewaspadaanya terkait potensi hujan lebat. Siklon tropis Cempaka akan meningkatkan hujan dan cuaca ekstrem. Waspadai banjir, longsor, puting beliung dan gelombang tinggi. pic.twitter.com/PQSCNnEqFP
— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_BNPB) 27 november 2017