Huge fireball over western Germany, 295 reports within several hours

A huge fireball has been observed streaking across the sky over western Germany at 16:48 UTC (17:48 CET) on November 14, 2017. The event lasted between 7 and 20 seconds, according to eyewitness reports.
The International Meteor Organization (IMO) received 295 reports by 22:50 UTC. The event was primarily seen from southwestern Germany but people from northern Switzerland, northeastern France and as far south as northern Italy also reported seeing the event.
IMO has so far received just one photo of the event and is asking people who observed, recorded or photographed the event to submit their reports.

Western Germany fireball on November 14, 2017 as seen from Maselheim, Germany. Credit: S. Kobsa, IMO
The trajectory displayed on the map below has been automatically computed based on all the witness reports and may not be the most optimized.

Western Germany fireball on November 14, 2017 - heatmap and preliminary trajectory. Credit: IMO
This event comes just 9 days after a very bright fireball exploded over northern Germany.
Featured image: Western Germany fireball on November 14, 2017 as seen from Maselheim, Germany. Credit: S. Kobsa, IMO
ESA's #NEO team confirms such bright events are rare! Typical entry speeds are 70,000 km/h. Estimate for this object size is >few cm but <1m. Report sightings via @IMOmeteors Tweet any nice pics, pls. #meteor
— ESA Operations (@esaoperations) 15 november 2017