Japan is getroffen door een zware aardbeving.

De beving had een kracht van 6,6 op de schaal van Richter. Het epicentrum lag in de regio Niigata, in het noord-westen van Japan. Maar de beving was ook voelbaar in de hoofdstad Tokio, dat 260 kilometer verder ligt. Er zijn zeker twee doden gevallen. 150 mensen raakten gewond. Tientallen gebouwen zijn ingestort.
Ook zouden er nog mensen onder het puin vastzitten. Een aantal kerncentrales in de regio heeft zichzelf uitgeschakeld. Bij één centrale ontstond brand, maar er zou geen straling zijn vrijgekomen.
Direct na de beving werd een tsunami-alarm ingesteld, maar dat werd later weer ingetrokken. Japan wordt vaker getroffen door aardbevingen. In 2004 kwamen bij een zware aardbeving in hetzelfde gebied 40 mensen om het leven.
© RTL Nieuws.nl
# Two elderly women reported killed from quake
# Magnitude-6.8 earthquake strikes just off northwestern Japanese coast
# In Kashiwazaki, police said several buildings collapsed, at least 20 injured
# Small fire at nuclear power plant outside Kashiwazaki, Tokyo Electric Power said

TOKYO, Japan (CNN) -- Two elderly women were killed and at least 33 people were injured when a magnitude 6.8 earthquake, centered 17 kilometers below sea level, struck just off the northwestern Japanese coast Monday morning, knocking down several small buildings, authorities reported. A spokesman at Kashiwazaki Chuo Hospital said the two women who were killed were at least 80 years old.
While government sources would only confirm 33 people hurt, local media reports place the number at over 260.
The quake struck at 10:13 a.m. (0113 GMT), the Japanese Meteorological Agency reported. The quake caused minor shaking in Tokyo, about 240 kilometers (150 miles) south of its epicenter.
The Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning for Sado Island and the coast of Niigata prefecture, where waves were expected to rise about 50 centimeters (20 inches) because of the quake, but the warning was lifted about an hour later.
In Kashiwazaki, in Niigata prefecture, police told Japanese broadcaster NHK that several buildings collapsed and 33 people had been treated at area hospitals.

The temblor triggered an automatic shutdown of the three reactors at a nuclear power plant outside Kashiwazaki, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. reported. A small fire broke out at the plant's electrical transmission facility shortly after the quake, sending a plume of black smoke over the plant, but there was no release of radiation, company spokesman Kaoru Yoshida reported.
The same area was hit by a trio of earthquakes in 2004 that killed 25 people and injured more than 1,200.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was campaigning in Nagasaki at the time, but flew back to Tokyo to lead a government task force assessing the damage, the Japanese government reported
©CNN | Gewijzigd: 24 april 2017, 11:20 uur, door Joyce.s
