Ooggetuigen melden zich van LA tot San Diego
A possible meteor strike was mistaken for an airplane crash over the Victor Valley desert Monday night. Emergency crews were dispatched as a precaution after numerous sightings of a "fireball" flash in the sky were reported over the Hesperia airport. 40King, the Sheriff's helicopter conducted a search of the area and was unable to located anything. A search on Twitter indicates people from Los Angeles to San Diego witnessed the light in the sky.Bron: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php
#Meteor lights up the #SouthernCalifornia night sky: https://t.co/nR1qHNWNio, https://t.co/Finyia6Kvt pic.twitter.com/W8VSAsdbvR
— Astronomy World (@AstronomyEye) 11 april 2017
East Lake #SanDiego #Meteor @ABC7 @Daledemi19 pic.twitter.com/2bujXekrKR
— Faye Heddings (@heddingsfaye) 11 april 2017