Jupiter is de hele nacht te zien
Aangezien de aarde, Jupiter en de zon in oppositie staan vannacht, is Jupiter, zijn manen en zijn stormen zelfs met een lichte telescoop te bewonderen...als een wolkendek geen roet in het eten gooit
Today, April 7th, the sun, Earth and Jupiter are almost perfectly aligned. Or, as an astronomer would say, "Jupiter is at opposition." From our point of view on Earth, Jupiter and the sun are on opposite sides of the sky. At opposition, the giant planet rises at sunset and stays up all night long. This is also the time when Jupiter is closest to Earth. Even small telescopes reveal Jupiter's moons and stormy cloud belts.
To appreciate the view, cross your eyes and stare into this picture taken by Sylvain Weiller of Jerusalem, Israel:

© Sylvain Weiller
"This was the view through my 10-inch telescope," says Weiller. By taking the pictures at slightly different times, he allowed the rapid rotation of Jupiter to create a stereoscopic effect. Crossing your eyes and mentally merging the two images, Jupiter pops out of the screen in 3D
Bron: http://spaceweather.com/