photo Chris Erikson
This is called a "reflection rainbow." To understand where it comes from, remember how normal rainbows form: Sunlight bounces in and out of falling raindrops. Those raindrops act like tiny prisms, spreading sunbeams into their constituent colors. Reflection rainbows form in the same way, except the source of light is not the sun; it's the reflection of the sun from a body of water.
"The sun must have been reflecting from the Columbia River, which was only 200 feet to my left," says Erikson. "Here's a map showing where I was."
Rainbows come in a variety of forms. The reflection rainbow Erikson photographed is just one of many you can see if you are alert for the unusual.
Bron: http://spaceweather.com/ | Gewijzigd: 30 januari 2017, 12:51 uur, door Joyce.s