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De temperatuur bij Mont rigi is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

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Woonplaats: Helmond
Berichten: 3066
Lid sinds: 13 jan. 2015
23 mei 2016, 08:20 uur | Bericht #470815

Gebouwen staan nu extreem dicht bij het water

One of the most popular tourist areas in Ukraine is under threat. The small resort town of Kobleve on the shores of the Black Sea is sounding an alarm. The sea levels are rising, causing the water to creep out of its banks causing major concern for businesses and residences along its coastline. Locals say this beach disappeared during the winter storms, and now the buildings are standing extremely close to water. Oleksandr Zolotov, local resident: "The waves were really strong, the water washed everything off up until there." Kobleve officials claim they are trying to figure out ways to protect what is left. The beach territory was increased by moving several buildings back. Although most of the shoreline remains fairly at the same level, ecologists say the Black sea waters are steadily swallowing the sand near Kobleve. Oleh Derkach, ecologist: "The beaches are almost destroyed, because the configuration was changed. We need to stop digging for sand and stop building things chaotically." The town administration supports the efforts to build levees or dams. They say they are currently in the process of raising funds for construction.

Rising Black Sea levels threaten popular resort town in Ukraine

Kobleve officials look for funds to start constructing levees
One of the most popular tourist areas in Ukraine is under threat. The small resort town of Kobleve on the shores of the Black Sea is sounding an alarm. The sea levels are rising, causing the water to creep out of its banks causing major concern for businesses and residences along its coastline.
Locals say this beach disappeared during the winter storms, and now the buildings are standing extremely close to water.
Oleksandr Zolotov, local resident: "The waves were really strong, the water washed everything off up until there."
Kobleve officials claim they are trying to figure out ways to protect what is left. The beach territory was increased by moving several buildings back. Although most of the shoreline remains fairly at the same level, ecologists say the Black sea waters are steadily swallowing the sand near Kobleve.
Oleh Derkach, ecologist: "The beaches are almost destroyed, because the configuration was changed. We need to stop digging for sand and stop building things chaotically."
The town administration supports the efforts to build levees or dams. They say they are currently in the process of raising funds for construction.

| Gewijzigd: 23 mei 2016, 08:20 uur, door Joyce.s
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