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Northern/Central Europa lightning areas...
...diurnal heating in combination with cool upper level airmasses lead to the development of a few hundred J/kg of CAPE during the day. Seasonal warm water of the Baltic Ocean and the North Sea will further support this. A few short wave features enhance the lift ingredient and thus the development of convection. This is for instance true for Central Germany where a maximum of IPV is travelling eastward during the day.
Most parts of Northern Europe are influenced by only weak shear. Pulsating convection that may bring especially strong wind gusts and marginal hail/graupel is thus the prominent mode. Since several storms and showers travel over the same area the amount of precipitation can reach higher values in accumulation of the whole forecast period. This is mainly true for the western coastal areas of Denmark, Norway and Sweden due to the westerly flow.
The area affecting Central Germany also shows enhanced values of DLS between 0 and 6 km (around 20 m/s). Thus a few better organized thunderstorms are possible that may produce locally severe wind gusts and marginal hail. However, the lack of CAPE prevents a LVL1 area.
Berichten samengevoegd door Marga | Gewijzigd: 12 augustus 2014, 19:51 uur, door Marga
Mooie luchten en dikke rommels.
zie het op ligthningmaps (let op de tuba wolken)
Op buienradar, mooie foto | Gewijzigd: 12 augustus 2014, 11:17 uur, door Lako