KMI is nog wakker, waarschuwing voor west-vlaanderen en de kust:
Van 18/07 22u tot 19/07 06u : Vannacht komen er in de provincie West-Vlaanderen onweders vanuit Frankrijk. Plaatselijk kunnen deze onweersbuien hevig zijn en gepaard gaan met hagel.Vrijdag, 18 juli 23:17
Hebben ze nog snel eem geupdated in half uur tied helden

Vrijdag, 18 juli 22:52 Het blijft warm, met om 23h temperaturen tussen 23 en 28°. De wind waait meestal zwak uit oostelijke tot zuidoostelijke richtingen.
| Gewijzigd: 18 juli 2014, 23:19 uur, door Tatanka
Tropische dagen 2019: 13 (warmste dag: 25 juli 2019 met 41,5°C)
Onweersdagen 2020: -
Tropische dagen 2020: -
Hoogste temperatuur 2020: -

Edit Ries: Let wel de kaart van deze detectie pikt enkel de CG (Cloud to Ground) bliksems op niet de CC (Cloud to Cloud). Lokaal kunnen dus veel meer bliksems zijn, in de KNMI Guidance werdt al op de hoge wolkbasis en de vele CC ontladingen gewezen, | Gewijzigd: 18 juli 2014, 23:40 uur, door Ries

Zonet ook hevige hagel gehad, toch ook vrij grote!
Iedereen in de straat naar buiten om zijn auto te gaan afdekken, ik een buil van eentje op mijn kop te krijgen.
In onze verande zitten er wat extra gaten vrees ik...
Aan welke kant van Ieper zit je? ( Ik aan omloopstraat). Grote druppels maar daar stopt het... Boezinge om exact te zijn, zeg steeds Ieper, want geen kat weet Boezinge liggen
Het ergste lijkt inderdaad voorbij, wel nog enkele mooie CC's mogen spotten in noordelijk richting.
Maar die hagel was hiier toch even verschieten! Echt wel dikke bollen!

Edit Ries: Let wel de kaart van deze detectie pikt enkel de CG (Cloud to Ground) bliksems op niet de CC (Cloud to Cloud). Lokaal kunnen dus veel meer bliksems zijn, in de KNMI Guidance werdt al op de hoge wolkbasis en de vele CC ontladingen gewezen,
Ha buurman. Hier dreischor

A level 1 and level 2 were issued for England, France and BeNeLux for large hail, severe wind gusts, excessive precipitation and to a lesser extent for tornadoes.
Main feature is an Atlantic trough which slowly proceeds eastward over the British Isles and the Bay of Biscay. A mid-level jet streak rounds the tip of the trough over Spain and circles northward over France into England. In these regions, a 500 hPa flow between 20 and 30 m/s and travelling vorticity maxima set the stage for another day of organized convection. The main focus for convective initiation is provided by a wavy frontal zone, which separates a tongue of very hot air of African origin to the East from cool maritime air to the West.
In the rest of Europe, warm and partly moist air is present under weak geopotential gradients. A diffuse, V-shaped upper-level low stretches from Southern Sweden via Western Russia into Turkey, while a highly amplified ridge extends from the Central Mediterranean across Central Europe and the North Sea to Northern Scandinavia.
... England, BeNeLux, N France ...
Remnants of nocturnal convection will likely affect Western and Northern France and especially England in the morning hours. Since these storms will mostly be elevated, the severe weather risk should temporarily be low, though some heavy rainfall may still extend into the current forecast period. Activity will move northward into Scotland and onto the North Sea while it gradually decays.
Forecast models largely agree on clearing in the wake of these storms. With mostly sunny late morning and noon hours, a quick recovery of the air mass can be expected with CAPE values on the order of 1000 to 2000 J/kg (even higher per GFS) under deep-layer shear around 20 m/s. From the early afternoon onwards, more and more storms are forecast to initiate in the vicinity of the main frontal zone or along the mess of old outflow boundaries laid out by overnight's convection. They can quickly turn into multi- and supercells with a threat of large hail and severe wind gusts. Backbuilding and training activity may also easily produce a few flash floods, as the moisture content is exceptionally high (precipitable water around 40 mm).
Of particular concern are areas of reduced vertical mixing, which allow a moisture accumulation and the maintenance of enhanced low-level shear and helicity. This can be expected along the sea breeze front in Northern France and Belgium, and in general in Eastern England, where warm air advection re-intensifies on the forward flank of a weak surface low which is forecast to track from Northwestern France (06 UTC) into Northern England (18 UTC). If diurnal heating and/or the lift impulse by outflow boundaries suffice to break the capping inversion in these regions, particularly well-organized supercells could spawn a few tornadoes, possibly even including a strong one.
However, mesoscale developments need to be awaited before the degree of this threat can further be specified.
Despite remaining uncertainties due to downstream effects of overnight's vigorous storms, a level 2 seems to be warranted.
Onweer 2015: 14x
Onweer 2016: 10x
Onweer 2017: 12x
Onweer 2018: 14x
Onweer 2019: 15x
Onweer 2020: 8x
Onweer 2021: 11x
Onweer 2022: Niet bijgehouden
Onweer 2023: 20x
Onweer 2024: 10x 31-3 een paar flinke flitsen en donders, 15-4 3 donders, 30-4 donders en bliksems in de verte. 2-5 flinke donders en bliksem 19-5 uren lang gerommel, uiteindelijk een paar flinke donders. 21-5 Een aantal lekkere donders. 26-5 donders 9-7: matig, zware donders 23-7 vele zware diepe ' bass' donders 7-8 Een diepe donder