Storm Forecast
Valid: Tue 10 Jun 2014 06:00 to Wed 11 Jun 2014 06:00 UTC
Issued: Tue 10 Jun 2014 00:31
Forecaster: GATZEN
A level 2 was issued for eastern France, south-western and central Germany mainly for large hail, excessive precipitation, and severe wind gusts.
A level 1 was issued for Germany, southern Scandinavia, Benelux, northern and central France, and southern Poland mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts.
A level 1 was issued for central UK mainly for tornadoes.
A level 1 was issued for central Spain mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts.
A level 1 was issued for Slovakia, Romania and south-western Ukraine mainly for large hail and excessive precipitation.
A level 1 was issued for southern Turkey mainly for large hail and excessive precipitation.
A level 1 was issued for the Atlas mountains mainly for large hail and severe wind gusts.
High geopotential stretches from the west Mediterranean to Austria and Czech Republic. It is flanked by a polar trough over western Russia and an Atlantic trough that yields a deep south-westerly flow over western Europe. An embedded short-wave trough is moving from western France to southern Scandinavia on Tuesday. Ahead of this trough, warm air advection will support an intensification and amplification of the European high.
At lower levels, an elevated mixed layer will spread northwards into central and eastern Germany. It will partly overlap with rich boundary-layer moisture present along a frontal boundary from south-west France to north Germany.
South-western, central, and eastern France, the Alps, Benelux, most of Germany, Denmark, southern Sweden
At the start of the day, current storms will still affect parts of the forecast area, especially parts of northern and cdentral Germany into western Poland. Large hail and local severe wind gusts are possible. Behind the remaining of these storms, low-level cold air advection sets in over most of France, the Benelux countries, and western and north-western Germany, and a weak low-pressure center spreads into central Germany. From south-eastern France to the Alps and south-eastern Germany, very warm air will remain. Diurnal heating may also lead to low-level mixing over central and eastern Germany, where outflow of overnights storms will be present on Tuesday morning.
Weak QG lift is expected during the day as the anticyclonically sheared flank of the mid-level jet streak overspreads the area. However, frontogenitical lift can be supposed along the cold front and outflow boundaries and may support some storms, especially over central France and Benelux. Every storm that forms to the north-west of the low-level frontal boundary will profit from veering profiles and augmented vertical wind shear, reaching 120 m²/s² and 15 m/s in the lowest 3 km. Supercells capable of producing large or very large hail as primary threat are therefore not ruled out. A tornado is also not excluded with the best potential near old outflow boundaries.
Additional storms are forecast to form over parts of the Alps, especially over eastern France, Switzerland, and western Austria, but also over southern Poland due to upslope flow. These storms will pose a threat of severe wind gusts and large hail as they form in a deeply mixed unstable air mass.
Main activity is expected in the evening and night hours in the wake of the short-wave trough due to the QG lift underneath the right entrance region of the mid-level jet streak. Together with warm air advection, steep lapse rates will be in place over the moist boundary layer, resulting in 30 hPa MLCAPE of more than 1000 J/kg well into the night.
Current thinking is that storms over the western Alps and along the frontal boundary will merge in the evening and night hours and will spread north-east into Germany. Favourable QG lift is expected to support an MCS moving east-north-east, although vertical wind shear will be rather weak with only 10 to 15 m/s in the lowest 6 km. Main threat seems to be severe wind gusts together with excessive rain, but also large hail is possible. Until the morning, this system is expected to move into north-east Germany or western Poland and maybe even into eastern Denmark and southern Sweden.
Central UK
Near the base of the Atlantic short-wave trough, strong QG lift is expected at the cyclonically sheared flank of the mid-level jet streak. Low-level ageostrophic flow will provide some warm air advection over the central UK as well as increasingly strong low-level vertical wind shear of more than 10 m/s in the lowest km. CAPE is expected to develop due to rather moist low-level air and increasing lapse rates near the base of the trough. Thunderstorms that form are forecast to organize due to the strong low-level vertical wind shear and a few tornadoes are possible. Activity will decay after sunset.

Onweer 2015: 14x
Onweer 2016: 10x
Onweer 2017: 12x
Onweer 2018: 14x
Onweer 2019: 15x
Onweer 2020: 8x
Onweer 2021: 11x
Onweer 2022: Niet bijgehouden
Onweer 2023: 20x
Onweer 2024: 10x 31-3 een paar flinke flitsen en donders, 15-4 3 donders, 30-4 donders en bliksems in de verte. 2-5 flinke donders en bliksem 19-5 uren lang gerommel, uiteindelijk een paar flinke donders. 21-5 Een aantal lekkere donders. 26-5 donders 9-7: matig, zware donders 23-7 vele zware diepe ' bass' donders 7-8 Een diepe donder

Marga: Namens de gehele crew: Dank je wel | Gewijzigd: 10 juni 2014, 08:49 uur, door Marga
Daar zaten gisteren ook de buien die vannacht de binnenlanden meepakten. I moet zeggen dat ik zeer verbaasd was dat ik om een uur of hoe laat was het nog gerommel hoorde? Mooie lange dreunen maar het geflita was niet zo sterl dat het door mijn gesloten oogleden heen ging. Ook geen klappen dus dichterbij dan een kilometer of 3 zal het niet geweest zijn.
Dat was dan toch de bui van het jaar, zo één die we maar zelden, eens in de zoveel tijd, zoveel jaar meemaken. Zit er dik in dat het met het veranderende klimaat meer zal voorkomen maar dat is ook een gelijdelijk proces, ook van van eens in de 5-10 jaar naa 5 tot 10 keer per jaar.
Wel een "droomstorm"voor de volgers, althans voor Nederland, meer dan wat overlast voor Pinkpop en wat schaade heeft het niet opgeleverd, geen gewonden en doden. Zou wel anders geweest zijn als het meer westelijk getrokken was.
Edit: Lees even mijn facebook en al mijn bekenden op Pinkpop hebben zich prima vermaakt, voelden zich niet bedreigd of angstig en vonden het wel een gaaf voorprograma voor Metallica

| Gewijzigd: 10 juni 2014, 08:19 uur, door jcroon
Vannacht uurtje of 4 / 5 nog wakkergeworden van een prachtige lichtshow buiten met donders die de ramen en spullen deed trillen, echt hard!.
Was een heerlijk verfrissend buitje, nu temperaturen weer terug naar normaal.......21graden.
Daar zit ik ook al naar te kijken. Hirlam heeft hem ook goed in de smieze: In de loop van de dag trekt ie de Noordzee op en zal vanavond vanaf zee het land in trekken. Is er nog een reele kans dat dit voor (flink) onweer zal zorgen aan de kust?
(is dit trouwens het koufront? Want als ie flink vertraagd dan kan de tempratuur toch ook aan de kust veel hoger uitpakken als verwacht?
| Gewijzigd: 10 juni 2014, 08:54 uur, door C.A.D.

Marga: Namens de gehele crew: Dank je wel
Daar sluit ik mij bij aan. Het is een genot om hier te now-casten.. Zonder moderators zou t hier 1 groot klaagzang worden.