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De temperatuur bij Diepenbeek is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:41

De temperatuur bij Dourbes is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:41

De temperatuur bij Mont rigi is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:40

De temperatuur bij Bierset is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

12 Mar 2025 07:57:40

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor St. Lucie, FL.

10 Mar 2025 18:01:06

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor St. Lucie, FL.

10 Mar 2025 17:55:58

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Orange, FL; Osceola, FL.

10 Mar 2025 16:26:09

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Volusia, FL.

10 Mar 2025 15:17:49

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Lake, FL; Orange, FL; Seminole, FL; Volusia, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:21

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Charlotte, FL; Manatee, FL; Sarasota, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:21

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Seminole, FL; Volusia, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:20

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Sarasota, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:58:20

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Duval, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:26:11

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Orange, FL.

10 Mar 2025 14:16:53

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Lake, FL; Orange, FL.

10 Mar 2025 13:53:06
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Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
18 juni 2007, 22:36 uur | Bericht #3566

Yuriko Colocho, 16, rests on the steps of a porch that washed away from a mobile home during floods Monday in Haltom City, Texas.


• Two die, including 4-year-old, in Texas storms
• Some families awaited rescue from their rooftops
• Some homes in Haltom City washed from their foundations

HALTOM CITY, Texas (AP) -- Torrential overnight rainfall flooded a handful of north Texas towns Monday, killing two people and stranding residents and their pets on the roofs of their homes awaiting rescue.

Creeks swollen by as much as 8 inches of rain inundated parts of the towns of Gainesville and Sherman near the Oklahoma state line.

A 4-year-old girl, Alexandria Collins, was swept away to her death while firefighters were trying to rescue her and her mother from their home in Haltom City, a Fort Worth suburb. Her body was found more than two hours later.

"We were in the boat when the boat capsized," her mother, Natasha Collins, tearfully told KXAS-TV of Dallas. "The current swept her from my arms."

But firefighters said the girl was already missing by the time they pulled her mother onto a boat.

A woman died in Sherman, about 60 miles northwest of Dallas near the Oklahoma state line, after her car stalled in rising water and was swept away, Sherman police Sgt. Bruce Dawsey said. A firefighter was struck by lightning but went back to work helping with rescues, he said. Watch floodwaters flow through city Video

About 125 residents of a Sherman nursing home were being evacuated, and an unknown number of people were being rescued from an office building where the roof started caving in, Dawsey said.

Mobile home residence Karana Diaz looks at damage from floods Monday in Haltom City. Overnight rain brought flooding that forced residents to evacuate.

In Gainesville, aerial video showed dozens of people seeking refuge from the high water on a railroad crossing. Families awaited rescue on their roofs, some having hacked their way to the outside from their attics. Some were joined by their dogs. Watch rescuers pull residents from rooftops Video

Water had receded from parts of downtown Gainesville by midday.

About 100 mobile homes in Haltom City were inundated and many were washed off their foundations, emergency officials said.

"When I looked out the window, water was up to the bottom of the window and the current was so fast houses were washing away, said Haltom City resident Rachel Hawkes. "You could hear people screaming but we couldn't get out to help."

About 37,000 people live in Sherman and about 16,500 in Gainesville.

Authorities closed Interstate 35 from Gainesville to the Oklahoma state line for several hours, the Texas Department of Public Safety said. Some other roads in the region also were closed by high water.

The National Weather Service said rain fell at a rate of an inch every 15 minutes in some places early Monday.

"We get heavy rains in North Texas, but the rate, the amount, the duration and the coverage of this are just amazing," said Gary Woodall, the warning-coordination meteorologist for the weather service office in Fort Worth.

The weather service forecast a chance of isolated thunderstorms in the area Monday and Tuesday but said overall the weather was expected to improve.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press.
Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
20 juni 2007, 15:31 uur | Bericht #3627

Life is slowly returning to normal in flood-stricken parts of north Texas. At least five people died as rain fell at a rate of an inch every 15 minutes in some places.

A five-year-old girl and her grandmother were swept to their deaths after the family's mobile home was carried off its foundations. The girl's two-year-old sister was among five people reported missing in the Gainesville area.

A firefighter walks through a pile of rubble caused by the flooding in the Fort Worth area. Here, a four-year-old girl died after her family attempted to escape the flooding in a passing boat. Reports said it flipped over and the girl disappeared into the rushing water

Lupe Nava and other neighbours in Gainesville improvised a way of getting about safely.

Oscar Del Rio plays on a neighbour's trampoline. About 100 mobile homes in Haltom City were inundated and many were washed off their foundations.

Whole sections of road were washed away and three of the victims were motorists caught in the rising water

©Sky news
Every cloud has a silver lining
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