Forecast Update
Valid: Mon 29 Jul 2013 13:00 to Tue 30 Jul 2013 06:00 UTC
Issued: Mon 29 Jul 2013 13:47
A level 3 was issued for Northern Italy mainly for large to very large hail, severe to extremely severe wind gusts, tornadoes and to the lesser extent for excessive precipitation.
A level 3 was issued for Northern Austria towards the Czech Republic and Southwestern Polad mainly for severe to extremely severe wind gusts, large to very large hail and excessive precipitation.
A level 2 was issued for Northern Austria, Czech Republic and Southwestern Poland mainly for severe to extremely severe wind gusts, large to very large hail and to the lesser extent for excessive precipitation.
A level 2 was issued for Northwestern to Northern Poland mainly for large to very large hail, severe wind gusts and tornadoes.
A level 1 is surrounding level 2´s with isolated events of severe weather possible.
Refer to the storm forecast
... Northern Italy ...
Satellite loops show unseasonably strong trough crossing NW Italy at the moment with first signs of surface based development. 12 UTC soundings from Milano and Udine show backed low-level flow with 30 m/s of southwesterly flow around 500 hPa. Combined with dew points over 20°C rendering moderate degree of buoyancy, conditions look to be sufficient for an outbreak of supercells and/or bow echoes capable of damaging wind gusts and large to very large hail. In case of supercells, tornadoes will be possible too.
... Northern Austria through Czech Republic towards Southwestern Poland ...
Confidence has increased in the scenario involving a fast moving MCS moving north-northeast after 15 UTC, affecting areas from N Austria towards the central parts of the Czech Republic and Southwestern Poland. Impressive mid to upper troposphere forcing as suggested by a pronounced dry slot associated with the trough along with strong low-level convergence in the surface cyclone hint on the rapid clustering of cells that, in given conditions of strong environmental shear and moderately unstable airmass, should result in a wide swath of severe to extremely severe wind gusts. So called "tail-end Charlie" cells of the developing system might be supercells capable of large to very large hail besides severe wind gusts. Especially over the western part of the area, very heavy rainfall might also be observed, as revealed by NWP.
Level 1 was also expanded towards southeast, as surging cold front along with the trough might produce storms capable of severe wind gusts and/or marginally large hail.
er ontstaat opeens een hevige onweersbui in zuid belgie

Berichten samengevoegd door Debbieke | Gewijzigd: 29 juli 2013, 18:04 uur, door Jenss
net ten oosten van etten-Leur bloemkolen de lucht in zien schieten, blijft mooi.
Edit Marga: Hier staan ook een aantal filmpjes van het noodweer in Italië: http://www.onweer-online.nl/forum/topic/38869/noodweer-treft-sanremo-itali/#message404911 | Gewijzigd: 29 juli 2013, 19:15 uur, door Marga
Mensen laat je niet gek maken. Pas in september gaat het donderen en bliksemen, wellicht laatste deel van augustus. Tot die tijd: nada.
Althans niet wat ik onweer noem.
Vanmiddag ook al leuke conversatie met de "weerman" van Omroep Brabant hier over gehad............ die gelooft er ook niks van HAHA prima, zelf weten.
mark my words people
enorme cumului richting zuidwesten nu met erachter het aambeeld van de buien in frankrijk Het zal grotendeels ten zuiden van de taalgrens blijven denk ik.
tuurlijk is ook helemaal geen punt!
meer dat ik nogal vaak ongelijk krijg | Gewijzigd: 29 juli 2013, 20:57 uur, door Marga

Ok, thanks voor de info, ik bevind mij iets westelijker regio Gent dus het ziet er precies zo wat naar uit dat het net mij zal passeren of dat ik er net nog zal inzitten... Of vergis ik mij?

Ik weet niet precies waar je woont (ik ben zelf Nederlander, mijn topografische kennis van Belgie is beperkt) maar dat kun je vast wel uit dit kaartje halen.