Terwijl het zuidwesten van de VS te maken heeft met een uitzonderlijke hittegolf, wordt er in het noordoosten van het land zware schade aangericht door de hevige regenval. Tal van huizen zijn beschadigd en hele regio's staan onder water. In verschillende gebieden is de noodtoestand afgekondigd.
In de staat New York is vandaag nog altijd een vrouw vermist nadat haar woonwagen vrijdag was weggespoeld. In de buurt van de stad Albany zoeken reddingswerkers met een helikopter het gebied rond de rivier Mohawk af.
Verschillende rivieren in de staat zijn ook uit hun oevers getreden. "De watermassa kwam uit het niets en heeft op enkele minuten tijd huizen vernield", verklaarde gouverneur Andrew Cuomo. "Het ergste hebben we echter doorstaan". Hoeveel huizen er door het water schade hebben opgelopen, is nog niet duidelijk.
Bron: HLN
Onweersdagen: 0
Tri-State Weather
Another shot of the towns underwater in Upstate New York after heavy rains moved through overnight causing widespread damaging flooding. Seen here is in the town of Herkimer. More rain expected later today
Photo by Rich Scalise
Tri-State Weather
Devastating destruction from the flooding rains in Oneida and Herkimer Counties in Upstate New York can be seen in this shot from Governor Cuomo's aerial tour of the damage yesterday. For those in flood ravaged areas and in need of assistance, call the state helpline at 518-630-1700
Tri-State Weather
Talk about a community coming together! Neighbors helping neighbors in upstate New York. The Fields family is using their personal backhoe to rescue people that are trapped in their home from the devastating floods in the town of Fort Plain this morning. Seen here is Dan's nieces and nephews being brought to safety
Photo via Dan Ahrens
Tri-State Weather
More shots of the devastating flooding coming in from Upstate NY where several towns are underwater after extreme rains moving through overnight. Seen here is the Family Dollar shopping center in the town of Fort Plain in the Mohawk Valley. More rain is expected later today
Photo via Tanya Lynn Cook
Tri-State Weather
A Flooding disaster is underway in Upstate New York after extreme rains during the overnight. Numerous towns are submerged and hundred of people are being rescued from their roofs. Seen here is Main Street in Fort Plain, Montgomery County
Photo via Stacy Stafford
Tri-State Weather
Roads in DuBois, Pennyslvania are under up to 4 feet of water after intense storms flooded the town. All roads into and out of the area are closed
Photo by Brenda Shannon/'yarnalchemist'
Tri-State Weather
More pictures of the flooding coming in from DuBois, Pennsylvania where the NWS says all roads are blocked into and out of town by flooding with some roads under as much as 4 feet of water
Photo by Jason Shoup
Tri-State Weather
Flash flooding in DuBois, Pennsylvania is occurring this afternoon from intense storms. NWS reported all roads in and out of DuBois are impassable with some roads now under 4 feet of water.
Photo taken by unknown
Tri-State Weather
Lots of flooding throughout Northern New Jersey this morning from the relentless heavy rains and T-storms. Seen here is Prospect Avenue in Glen Rock. Don't drive onto flooded roadways. We can't repeat that statement enough!
Photo by Al Miller
Tri-State Weather
More severe flooding in upstate New York this evening, this in the town of North Brookfield. Search and rescue teams have been going homes to bring people to safety as houses became surrounded by water. Flood Warnings remain in effect.
Photo by Sarah Penner