
A level 2 was issued for the Alps and Austria mainly for large hail and to a lesser extend for severe wind gusts, excessive precipitation and tornadoes.
Alpine region into southern Poland
A cold front currently crossing south-eastern Germany will enter the Czech Republic and Austria during the morning hours. Ahead of this cold front, latest soundings indicate an elevated mixed layer below 700 hPa. Low-level moisture was rather weak with low-level mixing ratios around 10 g/kg. Low-level convergence is expected together with increasing low-level moisture today. Together with diurnal heating, CAPE can rise to values near 1000 J/kg from the south Alps to Austria. Even higher values are expected by latest GFS model run across south-eastern Austria where QG forcing will also be associated with increasing lapse rates.Current thinking is that new thunderstorms will initiate along the cold front over the Alps and the Check Republic as early as noon and will spread eastward into Austria, Slovakia, and south-eastern Poland in the afternoon hours. The strong vertical wind shear will lead to spitting storms and supercells are forecast especially from Austria to Poland where low-level winds are slightly backed leading to favourable veering low-level profiles and 0-3 km SRH around 150 m²/s². Large hail seems to be the main threat especially over south-eastern Austria, where also very large hail with isolated supercells is not ruled out. Additionally, tornadoes are not ruled out especially in the evening hours when low-level wind shear will increase. Storms may merge into an MCS in the afternoon and evening hours given the strong QG forcing capable of producing excessive precipitation and severe wind gusts.
Further north, storms are expected to merge along the cold front given strong cloud-bearing winds parallel to the boundary and increasing cold pool potential. A squall line with rapidly moving bowing segments is forecast and severe wind gusts may become more pronounced in the late afternoon and evening hours. Tornadoes may develop along the leading gust front given the large overlap of low-level vertical wind shear and CAPE. Strong tornadoes are not ruled out.
Ook in de omliggende landen kunnen de buien zwaar uitpakken..aangezien er een groot omvangrijk Level 1 gebied omheen zit en delen level 2 ,Mocht er informatie over binnekomen dan posten we dat hier!!!!!!!
Eerste filmpje uit Oostenrijk
Gepubliceerd op 19 jul 2012 door smokeybubs
Bron: Estofex
In Hohenau net over de grens van Duitsland-Oostenrijk. Net iets buiten het level 2 gebied van vandaag, maar te mooi om niet te laten zien vond ik.

Estofex Level 1:
A level 1 was issued for N-Italy, S-Austria, W-Hungary, far SW-Slovakia and parts of Slovenia mainly for large hail (a very large hail event possible) and strong to severe wind gusts. An isolated tornado event can't be ruled out.
A level 1 was issued for most parts of Austria mainly for heavy rainfall.

DISCUSSION:... N-Italy, Slovenia, W-Hungary, far SW-Slovakia and parts of Austria ...
Placed beneath the right entrance of a 30 m/s 500 hPa jet and given moderate capping, we expect scattered thunderstorms to evolve during the early afternoon hours onwards within the highlighted area. Models disagree how far to the south initiation will occur but we see no significant reasons to go too far off the mountains. Given impressive directional and speed shear, a few well organized multicells and supercells are forecast over N-Italy, S-Austria and parts of Slovenia with large hail and severe wind gusts the main risk. An isolated very large hail event can't be ruled out next to an isolated tornado report, given strong LL shear in high resolution model data for S-Austria. The forecast becomes more uncertain over SW-Slovakia and W-Hungary, but models like WRF remain optimistic with initiation in a favorable environment for organized storms. Also, latest synop data reveal good moisture recovery, so the level 1 was expanded far eastwards. A broad upper trough and attendant forcing next to the favorable jet position assist in clustering of storms betimes with heavy rain also for areas to the north (mainly for parts of Austria).
Bron: Estofex,
| Gewijzigd: 20 juli 2012, 11:33 uur, door Tatanka
Onderweg naar onze eerste vakantiebestemming in Zell am See, zagen wij een tornado en de gevolgen daarvan in Saalfelden!
Gepubliceerd op 19 jul 2012 door geavanderveen8
Gepubliceerd op 19 jul 2012 door Mariusz Sz.

Quelle: ORF
In de deelstaat niederoosterreich is een 42-jarige jogger om het leven gekomen door bliksem.In het hele land waren zware onweersbuien en waren en meer dan 20 brandweerkorpesen actief

A Level 2 was issued for the E Alpine region mainly for excessive convective precipitation, large hail and severe wind gusts.
A Level 1 was issued for parts of central and SE Europe mainly for excessive convective precipitation, isolated large hail and severe wind gusts.
...E Austria, Hungary, S Czech / SW Slovak Rep., SW Romania, N Serbia...
Hot and moist air is advected into the region of interest by a low pressure system centered over the N Adriatic. Instability will increase during the day and MLCAPEs in order of 1 kJ/kg and more should become available in most parts of SE Europe, combined with some 10 - 15 m/s of 0-6 km bulk shear in the eastern part of the LVL2 area. Strong LL moisture advection leads to high values of effective PWAT (locally 30 - 50 mm) in an environment with weak winds at the lower levels. It is likely that most of the multicell storms in this area will move very slowly or tend to propagate upstream, which increases the chance of excessive precipitation and flash floods. Apart from the heavy rainfall risk, some storms may produce large hail and severe wind gusts as well. As the LL flow is very weak in most places and the cloud base is only a few hundred meters AGL, an isolated tornado cannot be ruled out either.In the western parts of the LVL2 area, the excessive precipitation threat is pronounced whereas large hail and severe wind gusts will likely dominate in the eastern parts of the LVL2 area. It is uncertain whether the clusters / MCSs will continue through the night hours or tend to decay in the evening hours.
...SE Germany, Czech and Slovak Rep., Austria, N Italy, W Romania and Balkans...
The region which surrounds the LVL2 will also get favorable conditions for multicellular storms which may produce large hail and severe wind gusts. Due to less LL moisture advection, the chance for excessive precipitation in that region is lower than in the LVL2 area.
Kortom heel veel regen in korte tijd mogelijk met een zeer grote kans op overstromingen etc etc
Noodweercentrale Oostenrijk
Tirol gebied

Neder oostenrijk

Alle gebieden dan wel voor zware regenval en onweerbuien
Actueel bliksem

Bron: Estofex,blitzortung,

Edit Marga: Bericht verplaatst naar nieuwstopic | Gewijzigd: 25 juli 2012, 17:09 uur, door Marga
Top dagen dit jaar 2012 ;
20 + 21 Mei
Top dagen vorig jaar 2011 ;
28 April, 10/11Mei, 28 Juni, 26 Augustus en 10/11 September
Tennisser Robin Haase is woensdag niet in actie gekomen op het toernooi in het Oostenrijkse Kitzbühel. Aanhoudende regen voorkwam dat zijn partij in de tweede ronde tegen de onbekende Oostenrijkse qualifier Philipp Oswald kon doorgaan. Haase won vorig jaar het toernooi in Kitzbühel. De beste tennisser van Nederland is dit jaar als derde geplaatst. Hij was vrijgeloot voor de eerste ronde.
Bron: Telesport
Aardverschuivingen en overstromingen hebben in Zuid-Tirol twee vrouwen het leven gekost. Dat heeft Südtirol-online vandaag bericht. Na zwaar onweer sleurden modder- en watermassa's huizen mee in Wipptal. Auto's raakten vast in een tunnel en de Brennerspoorweg raakte overstroomd. Hagel verergerde de situatie nog.
Bron: HLN
| Gewijzigd: 7 februari 2017, 11:13 uur, door Joyce.s
Gepubliceerd op 23 aug 2012 door Wishalloy
2012-08-22: Around 20:00 MESZ a large thunderstorm hits Völs in Tyrol, Austria. Coincidentally I filmed as a downburst fell the larch in front of the house. After a few minutes the Sun shine again.
Gepubliceerd op 23 aug 2012 door al2507so