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From March to April 2012, a team of scientists and technicians both at-sea and on shore will conduct exploratory investigations on the diversity and distribution of deep-sea habitats and marine life in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The 56-day expedition is divided into three 'legs.'
Through discussions and information stemming from the May 2011 Atlantic Basin Workshop, Fall 2011 Gulf of Mexico mapping expedition, and Leg I of the 2012 Gulf of Mexico expedition, NOAA and the broader science community have identified a number of exciting targets to explore during Legs II and III. In the coming weeks, we expect to explore cold seeps, deep coral communities, undersea canyons, shipwrecks – and perhaps even mud volcanos and brine pools.
The expedition also marks the return of the Institute for Exploration’s Little Hercules remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and NOAA’s Seirios camera sled and lighting platform to the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer.
When these systems are deployed from the ship, we will be able to provide scientists and the audiences onshore with real-time video footage from deepwater areas in important, yet largely unknown, U.S. waters.
Voor de complete omschrijving kun je hier terecht:
met toestemming van Marga | Gewijzigd: 27 maart 2012, 16:43 uur, door RayZor
| Gewijzigd: 29 maart 2012, 12:45 uur, door Sanwa
Planten en Vissen op 4 Km diepte
Schip wrak op 500 meter diepte | Gewijzigd: 30 maart 2012, 10:54 uur, door RayZor
Bron: | Gewijzigd: 4 april 2012, 22:23 uur, door Sanwa