An enhanced satellite image of the United States shows severe weather over Texas and the Midwest at 12:15 a.m. ET Wednesday.
• NEW: Storm leaves at least 81 hurt in town near Mexico border
• NEW: National Guard troops called out to help
• NEW: Emergency shelters house at least 300 residents
(CNN) -- At least six people were killed and 81 injured when a severe storm damaged homes near the southwest Texas border town Eagle Pass on Tuesday evening, according to a Maverick County official.
"We have a feeling there's going to be more bodies found," said Maverick County Judge Jose Aranda. He described the damage as "very devastating."
Video shot early Wednesday showed police officers searching through a medical clinic and an elementary school that sustained major damage.
National Guard troops were called out to help sort through what the Maverick County Sheriff's Department chief dispatcher called the "havoc" left behind as intense winds, quarter-size hail, flash flooding and at least one tornado swept through this community near the Mexico border.
Emergency shelters housed at least 300 residents, he said.
The six deaths were in several locations spread out in a well-populated area south of Eagle Pass, not far from a popular casino, according to the dispatcher.
While straight-line winds may have been the cause of the deaths, at least one tornadic funnel cloud was spotted, the dispatcher said
Debris surrounds a car in Cactus, Texas, Monday, April 23, 2007, as residents clean up from Saturday's tornado. More severe weather struck Texas on Tuesday, leaving at least six people dead in the border town of Eagle Pass, according to authorities. (AP Photo/Amarillo Globe-News)
©CBSNEWS.com | Gewijzigd: 2 februari 2017, 09:37 uur, door Joyce.s
De zes doden aan Amerikaanse kant vielen in een huis in Eagle Pass, 230 kilometer ten zuidwesten van San Antonio. De tornado verwoestte hier een basisschool, meer dan twintig huizen en de gemeentelijke vuilverwerkingsfabriek. Het ziekenhuis van Eagle Pass kreeg 74 gewonden binnen. Vier waren er slecht aan toe en werden naar grotere ziekenhuizen overgebracht.
Meer dan twee honderd reddingswerkers, onder wie leden van de grensbewaking, gingen dinsdag de deuren langs om slachtoffers op te sporen. 's Avonds moesten zij hun zoektocht staken omdat er opnieuw zware storm opstak.
[Copyright 2007, Novum]

Daylight Wednesday reveals damaged buildings and trees in Eagle Pass, Texas.
• NEW: Lightning death in Louisiana brings storm toll to 11
• NEW: Tornado injures more than 150 on both sides of border
• Family of five, including small girl, among the dead in Texas
• Storm brings floods in Iowa, Nebraska
EAGLE PASS, Texas (AP) -- Search teams worked their way through wreckage-strewn neighborhoods in this border town Wednesday after a tornado killed at least 10 people, destroyed two schools and damaged hundreds of homes.
At least of three of the victims died just across the border from Eagle Pass in Piedras Negras, Mexico, said Oscar Murillo, the city's civil protection director.
On the U.S. side, five of the dead were in a mobile home when the storm slammed it against a school building, said Maverick County Judge Jose Aranda.
"It was a whole family, and they were all together, probably like they were huddling," said police Officer Ezekiel Navjas. Aranda said a girl between 4 and 6 years old, her parents, and two other adult relatives were inside. (Watch chaos left in tornado's path)

Several mobile homes from the community of about 26,000 residents were still missing Wednesday, officials said. More than 70 people were reported injured in Eagle Pass.
In Piedras Negras, across the Rio Grande, 87 people were injured and 300 homes were damaged. About 1,000 people sought refuge in shelters. Three years ago, a tornado killed 32 when it hit Piedras Negras.
Lightning was blamed for an 11th death Wednesday as the huge weather system plowed through the Mississippi and Ohio valleys. The bolt started a fire near Shreveport, Louisiana, that killed a 101-year-old man, authorities and the man's family said.
The severe weather also spun off tornadoes Tuesday in Oklahoma and Colorado, caused flooding in Iowa and Nebraska and piled snow more than a foot deep in the Rockies.

A funnel cloud hangs from a bank of clouds near Wild Horse, Colorado, on Tuesday.
The tornado that struck the rural Rosita Valley area outside Eagle Pass destroyed two schools, City Councilman Ramsey English Cantu said Wednesday in an interview with AP Radio. Nobody was in the schools, officials said.
"There was one elementary that was destroyed," he said. "We have behind that a literacy academy for younger individuals that's like a preschool. That's not even standing, just completely leveled."
Teams were still assessing the damage Wednesday morning in the border area about 150 miles south of San Antonio.
[img width=480 height=241]http://www.cnn.com/interactive/maps/us/eagle.pass.texas/popup.texas.eagle.pass.gif[/img]
National Guard units attached to the Border Patrol were assisting local agencies in their door-to-door search and rescue efforts, Fire Chief Rogelio de la Cruz said.
"It's the worst I've seen," said Ricardo Tijerina, 38, who rode out the storm in a house near the school with his six children. He said he watched the storm destroy a mobile home across the street, but all of that home's residents survived.

First responders inspect damage to a mobile home Tuesday near Tigertown, Texas.
More than 350 people were in shelters Wednesday morning, Cantu said. "Of course, some also may be staying with relatives. It's just a very, very catastrophic event that has come into this community."
Officials said 76 people were taken to Fort Duncan Medical Center, the city's only hospital. Four were transferred to hospitals in San Antonio and Del Rio in critical condition.
"The hospital in the early stages was being overrun, but they had called in additional doctors and were able to take care of business," Eagle Pass Mayor Chad Foster said.

Denton, Texas, firefighters escort a driver from her stranded car to higher ground.
Severe thunderstorms also battered other parts of Texas with high wind, flooding rain and hail.
Streets were flooded and roofs peeled off homes in North Texas as the first thunderstorms moved through Tuesday afternoon, followed by another line of severe storms about six hours later. Television footage showed drivers and residents being rescued from flooded cars and suburban neighborhoods.
Airport control tower evacuated
American Airlines canceled about 200 flights in Dallas, spokesman Billy Sanez said. The airline also diverted about 80 flights bound for Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport to other airports, including San Antonio.
Sanez said American working with the San Antonio airport and the Red Cross to house passengers at a nearby high school because hotel rooms were scarce.
The DFW airport's flight control tower was temporarily evacuated Tuesday night but the airport remained open, said Ken Capps, the airport's vice president of public affairs.
Elsewhere, as much as 3½ inches of rain fell Tuesday on western and central Iowa, washing out roads, flooding basements and causing at least one landslide that buried part of Interstate 29 in Sioux City in trees and mud. No vehicles were driving through the spot when the mudslide happened, officials said.
More than 5 inches of rain fell at Holdrege and Kearney, Nebraska.
"We've got full ditches, water over the roads in some cities, urban areas," said meteorologist Cindy Fay at the National Weather Service office in Hastings.
Snow strands busloads of children
In Colorado, six buses carrying at least 60 children were stranded when the storm dropped more than a foot of snow in about two hours, said Rob Finley, assistant fire marshal for El Paso County. The children were taken to shelters in the county about 80 miles south of Denver.
Crews used Sno-Cats to rescue dozens of motorists from snow-covered roads on the plains east of Colorado Springs, said Lt. Clif Northam of the El Paso County sheriff's office. Evergreen, Colorado, in the foothills west of Denver, reported 16 inches of snow.

A dog paces a slab where a home used to be in Eagle Pass, Texas.
A tornado damaged several buildings near the small town of Wild Horse about 110 miles southeast of Denver, but no injuries were reported, the Cheyenne County Sheriff's Department said.
Another twister touched down in north-central Oklahoma but no damages or injuries were reported.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press.

In een dorp bij de Mexicaanse grens in Texas zijn zes mensen omgekomen door een tornado. De wervelstorm ontwikkelde zich tijdens zware stormen. Aan de Mexicaanse kant van de grens, in Piedras Negras, vielen drie doden en veertig gewonden en werden daken van huizen gerukt en elektriciteitsmasten omver geblazen.

Gebouwen verwoest
De zes doden aan Amerikaanse kant vielen in een huis in Eagle Pass, 230 kilometer ten zuidwesten van San Antonio. De tornado verwoestte hier een basisschool, meer dan twintig huizen en de gemeentelijke vuilverwerkingsfabriek. Het ziekenhuis van Eagle Pass kreeg 74 gewonden binnen. Vier waren er slecht aan toe en werden naar grotere ziekenhuizen overgebracht.
[img width=212 height=320]http://www.hln.be/static/FOTO/art/14/0/1/large_404600.jpg[/img]
Reddingsactie gestaakt
Meer dan twee honderd reddingswerkers, onder wie leden van de grensbewaking, gingen dinsdag de deuren langs om slachtoffers op te sporen. 's Avonds moesten zij hun zoektocht staken omdat er opnieuw zware storm opstak. (novum/hln)
A tornado struck the small town of Eagle Pass, Texas, taking lives and homes. Several mobile homes were swept away and are still missing. Gwen Belton has the latest.
(Bekijk de gevolgen van de tornado)
Bron: CBsNEWS.com
An official helps look through debris in Eagle Pass, Texas, Wednesday, April 25, 2007, after a tornado swept through the area Tuesday night. Search teams worked their way through wreckage-strewn neighborhoods along the Texas-Mexico border Wednesday after the tornado killed at least 10 people, destroyed 2 schools and damaged hundreds of homes. (Photo: AP Photo/Eric Gay)
[img width=480 height=319]http://www.cbsnews.com/images/2007/04/25/image2728109.jpg[/img]
Search and Rescue team members look through debris at a home in Eagle Pass, Wednesday, April 25, 2007, after a tornado swept through the area on Tuesday. Officials say the twister killed at least seven people in the Eagle Pass area and at least another three across the Rio Grande in Piedras Negras, Mexico. (Photo: AP Photo/Eric Gay)
[img width=480 height=319]http://www.cbsnews.com/images/2007/04/25/image2727922.jpg[/img]
A helicopter flies over an elementary school destroyed by a tornado in Eagle Pass, Texas.
[img width=480 height=319]http://www.cbsnews.com/images/2007/04/25/image2728022.jpg[/img]
Search and rescue team members take a break to give water to their search dog as they look through debris
[img width=480 height=258]http://www.cbsnews.com/images/2007/04/25/image2727953.jpg[/img]
Ricardo Tijerina, center, and his family are escorted by a border patrol agent to his home
[img width=480 height=275]http://www.cbsnews.com/images/2007/04/25/image2728071.jpg[/img]
Ricardo Tijerina, left, and his brother Fernando, carry water back to their home
Bron: CbsNEWS.com