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De temperatuur bij Buzenol is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

31 Jan 2025 19:13:12

De temperatuur bij Mont rigi is onder het vriespunt gekomen met voldoende luchtvochtigheid. Er is kans op gladheid in deze regio!

31 Jan 2025 19:13:12

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Comanche, TX; Eastland, TX; Erath, TX.

31 Jan 2025 18:00:21

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Butts, GA; Clayton, GA; Crawford, GA; Fayette, GA; Henry, GA; Lamar, GA; Monroe, GA; Pike, GA; Spalding, GA; Taylor, GA; Upson, GA.

31 Jan 2025 17:43:11

NWS: Tornado Warning uitgegeven voor Walton, FL.

31 Jan 2025 17:43:11

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Holmes, FL; Walton, FL; Washington, FL.

31 Jan 2025 17:43:10

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Comanche, TX; Eastland, TX; Erath, TX.

31 Jan 2025 14:36:30

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Concordia, LA; Tensas, LA; Adams, MS; Franklin, MS; Jefferson, MS.

31 Jan 2025 06:53:57

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Avoyelles, LA.

31 Jan 2025 06:17:35

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Avoyelles, LA; Evangeline, LA; St. Landry, LA.

31 Jan 2025 06:17:35

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Maui, HI.

31 Jan 2025 05:57:17

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Claiborne, MS; Hinds, MS.

31 Jan 2025 05:49:16

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Claiborne, MS; Hinds, MS; Madison, MS; Warren, MS.

31 Jan 2025 05:29:02

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Claiborne, MS.

31 Jan 2025 05:29:01

NWS: Severe Thunderstorm Warning uitgegeven voor Tensas, LA; Claiborne, MS; Warren, MS.

31 Jan 2025 05:29:01
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Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
14 april 2007, 21:16 uur | Bericht #2092

Lines of powerful thunderstorms rolled across southern states Saturday, and threatened to become stronger as they headed to the Northeast. "There is potential for a very bad storm," said Joseph Williams, rescue chief in Suffolk County, New York, where there is a risk of flooding. High winds tore roofs off homes in Texas Friday, and NASCAR Nextel Cup qualifying races at Fort Worth were halted as tornado sirens blared.

• Storm blamed for three traffic deaths in Kansas
• Two deaths in Texas also blamed on storm
• System to strengthen as it reaches Northeast on Sunday
• Nor'easter storm plus high tide could cause coastal surges

Black clouds are visible over Haltom City, Texas, on Friday, where the storm tore roofs off houses.

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP) -- A severe weather system blamed for five deaths plowed eastward Saturday, rattling the Gulf states with strong thunderstorms as the Northeast prepared for possible coastal flooding.

Tornado warnings were issued in Texas on Friday as the storm moved through the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

The storm blew across the southern Plains on Friday, piling snow a foot deep in Kansas and raking Texas with high wind.

"I felt my house start shaking like the wind and I ran in here and grabbed my little girl," Amanda Rymer, 21, said in Haltom City, Texas. "As soon as I moved her, the roof fell in right where she was standing."

The storm tore roofs off houses in Rymer's neighborhood and destroyed porches and garages. About a dozen tractor-trailer rigs were blown onto their sides.

One man was killed in Fort Worth by a pile of lumber that fell on him from his truck during the storm, and a police officer in Irving died when his patrol car slid on wet pavement and struck a utility pole, authorities said.

Three people were killed in Kansas in traffic accidents on highways covered with ice and slush, police said Saturday.

By midday Saturday, the system was spreading rain from Louisiana to Virginia and across much of the Ohio Valley.

Lines of strong thunderstorms rolled across Louisiana and Mississippi into northern Alabama, and the National Weather Service posted tornado warnings for wide areas of Mississippi.

The weather system was forecast to strengthen when it reaches the East Coast on Sunday and form a nor'easter, a storm that follows the coast northward, with northeasterly wind driving waves and heavy rain.

"This is very odd for this time of year," National Weather Service meteorologist John Koch said Saturday in New York. "This is something that you would expect to see more in the middle of winter."

A flood watch was posted for the New York City region, as the weather service forecast 2 to 4 inches of rain Sunday with wind gusting to 50 mph. Snow and sleet were possible inland, Koch said.

The combination of rain, onshore wind and the approach of one of the spring's highest tides on Tuesday could add up to significant coastal surges, Koch said.

The New York National Guard alerted units that might be needed for emergency work, and Long Island's Suffolk County told emergency workers to be ready for possible duty.

"There is potential for a very bad storm," said Joseph Williams, Suffolk County's commissioner of fire, rescue and emergency services.

Snow continued falling Saturday in eastern Kansas, where some schools and businesses closed Friday as blowing snow created whiteout conditions. Nearly a foot of snow fell near Syracuse, Kansas.

NASCAR Nextel Cup qualifying races at Texas Motor Speedway were halted and thousands of fans were advised to move to safety as tornado sirens blared at the speedway in Fort Worth. (Watch huge hailstones pound Texas neighborhood Video)

A tornado was spotted near Bedford, a suburb between Dallas and Forth Worth, though no damage was reported, the National Weather Service said.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press
Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
15 april 2007, 09:22 uur | Bericht #2094

The Northeast braced for severe weather that could bring severe coastal flooding, power outages and more than a foot of snow in some places. "There is potential for a very bad storm," said Joseph Williams, rescue chief in Suffolk County, New York. The unusually violent spring storm rattled Gulf states with thunderstorms, raked Texas with high winds and was blamed for five deaths.

As the system blew across the Plains, the unusually violent spring storm rattled Gulf states with violent thunderstorms, raked Texas with at least two tornadoes and was blamed for five deaths.

"This is very odd for this time of year," National Weather Service meteorologist John Koch said Saturday in New York. "This is something that you would expect to see more in the middle of winter."

A tornado Friday night tore roofs off houses and destroyed porches and garages in Haltom City, Texas. About a dozen tractor-trailer rigs were blown onto their sides.

"I felt my house start shaking like the wind and I ran in here and grabbed my little girl," Amanda Rymer, 21, said. "As soon as I moved her, the roof fell in right where she was standing."

A second tornado that night in Benbrook, southwest of Fort Worth, caused minor damage, according to the National Weather Service. (

More wind damage to power lines, trees and roofs was reported to the east in Dallas and Rockwall counties, but meteorlogists had yet to confirm Saturday whether tornadoes formed there.

One man was killed in Fort Worth by a pile of lumber that fell on him from his truck during Friday's storm, and a police officer in Irving died when his patrol car slid on wet pavement and struck a utility pole, authorities said.

Three people were killed in Kansas in traffic accidents on highways covered with ice and slush, police said.

Snow stopped falling by Saturday afternoon in eastern Kansas, where some schools and businesses closed Friday as blowing snow created whiteout conditions. Up to 15 inches of snow fell in southwestern Kansas.

By Saturday afternoon, the system was spreading rain from Louisiana to Virginia and across much of the Ohio Valley.

Lines of strong thunderstorms rolled across Louisiana and Mississippi into northern Alabama, and the National Weather Service posted tornado warnings for wide areas of Mississippi and some parts of Alabama.

By Saturday night the storm reached western South Carolina, where minor wind damage was reported.

Picking up strenght
The weather system was forecast to strengthen when it reaches the East Coast on Sunday and form a nor'easter, a storm that follows the coast northward, with northeasterly wind driving waves and heavy rain.

A flood watch was posted for the New York City region, as the weather service forecast 2 to 4 inches of rain Sunday with wind gusting to 50 mph. Snow and sleet were possible inland, Koch said.

Officials warned that coastal Long Island could see some of its worst flooding since a winter storm that wrecked havoc on the island in late 1992.

New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer said some low-lying areas may need to be evacuated, and deployed 3,200 members of the National Guard to areas predicted to be in the storm's path.

Further north, the National Weather Service said there could be as much as 20 inches of snow possible at higher elevations in the Adirondacks and several inches of rain in the Hudson Valley by the time the storm passes late Monday and Tuesday.

New Jersey was ready for whatever may fall -- snow or rain. About 250 trucks were ready to plow and spread salt on state highways if needed. The northwest corner of the state was expecting snow, while the rest of the state was bracing for possible flooding.

"We're ready for everything, which based upon the forecast, is pretty much what we could get," said Joe Orlando, a spokesman for the state Department of Transportation and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press.
Every cloud has a silver lining
Waarom deze advertentie?
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
15 april 2007, 16:57 uur | Bericht #2105
De Verenigde Staten van Amerika (VS) worden geteisterd door een zware voorjaarsstorm. Het Amerikaanse persbureau AP meldt dat twee tornados in Texas het leven van tenminste twee mensen hebben gekost.
Door onverwachte sneeuwval in de staat Kansas kwamen drie mensen om het leven bij ongevallen op de snelwegen.

In de staten die grenzen aan de Golf van Mexico veroorzaakte de ongebruikelijk sterke voorjaarsstorm zware onweer. Het systeem trekt momenteel via het midden van de VS naar het noordoosten. Daar wordt gevreesd voor zware overstromingen in de kustgebieden, het uitvallen van de elektriciteit en sneeuwval van meer dan dertig centimeter.

Vrijdagnacht (lokale tijd) werd de staat Texas opgeschrikt door twee tornados. Het zogenaamde tornadoseizoen begint in de zuidelijke staten pas in mei en duurt tot begin juni. In Fort Worth kwam een man om het leven toen hij werd verpletterd door boomstammen die op zijn vrachtwagen waren geladen. In de stad Irving verongelukte een politieman.

In Kansas gingen sommige scholen en winkels vrijdagmiddag (lokale tijd) dicht. Zaterdagmiddag (zondagochtend Nederlandse tijd) stopte de sneeuwval in de Amerikaanse staat. Op dat moment was er in de staten van Louisiana tot aan Mississippi sprake van regevnval veroorzaakt door het systeem.
Verwacht wordt dat de storm in kracht toeneemt als hij de Oostkust heeft bereikt. In New York wordt gevreesd voor overstromingen. Ook Long Island zou weleens de ergste overstroming sinds 1992 kunnen meemaken.

Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
15 april 2007, 16:58 uur | Bericht #2106
VS in de greep van winterweer

Delen van de VS zijn dit weekend getroffen door noodweer. Daarbij zijn vijf mensen om het leven gekomen.

Grote delen van het land waren dit weekend bedekt onder een regenzone. In Kansas ging het noodweer gepaard met sneeuw. In het zuidwesten van de staat viel 38 centimeter. Drie mensen kwamen om het leven bij ongevallen op de snelwegen. De meteorologische dienst spreekt van een zeer ongewone situatie voor april. In Texas kwamen ook zware buien voor en werden vier tornado’s waargenomen. Twee mensen kwamen om het leven door dit noodweer.

Het regengebied dat 50 tot 100 millimeter neerslag afleverde, trok zondag naar de Oostkust. Hier kwam ook harde wind voor. In  delen van het noordoosten waren de inwoners nog aan het bijkomen van een dik pak sneeuw dat daar vorig weekend was gevallen.

Verwacht wordt dat in de lagere delen overstromingen optreden. Voor de hogere delen van het gebied wordt 50 centimeter verse sneeuw verwacht.

Every cloud has a silver lining
Woonplaats: Den Haag
Berichten: 17643
Lid sinds: 25 jul. 2006
16 april 2007, 10:57 uur | Bericht #2117
Voorjaarsstorm teistert oosten van VS
(Novum/AP) - Een voorjaarsstorm die gepaard ging met harde windstoten en slagregens heeft zondag overlast veroorzaakt in het oosten van de Verenigde Staten. Zeker acht mensen kwamen om het leven. Bij de drie grote luchthavens van New York werden meer dan vierhonderd vluchten geannuleerd, voor de hele oostkust werd een stormvloedwaarschuwing gegeven.

In de staten New York en Maine werd landinwaarts zware sneeuwval voorspeld.

Copyright, Novum
Every cloud has a silver lining
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