Omstreeks 20.08 (onze tijd, zaterdag 6 uur 's ochtends lokale tijd) heeft er een zware aardbeving plaatsgevonden bij de Kermadec eilandengroep, 900 kilometers ten noordoosten van Nieuw-Zeeland. De beving vond plaats op een diepte van 39.8 km in zee en vooralsnog is er door het Pacific Tsunami Warning Center geen tsunami waarschuwing uitgegeven. Er zijn nog geen berichten over slachtoffers of mogelijke schade in de omringende eilanden. Deze aardbeving is de zoveelste in rij van krachtige aardbevingen die de Nieuw-Zeelandse regio heeft getroffen en dit jaar plaatsvinden.
© Onweer-Online

Magnitude 7.6
Date-Time Friday, October 21, 2011 at 17:57:17 UTC
Saturday, October 22, 2011 at 05:57:17 AM at epicenter
Location 28.941°S, 176.046°W
Depth 39.8 km (24.7 miles)
180 km (112 miles) E (79°) from Raoul Island, Kermadec Islands
870 km (541 miles) S (185°) from NUKU'ALOFA, Tonga
2978 km (1851 miles) WSW (240°) from PAPEETE, Tahiti, French Polynesia

BREAKING NEWS: A tsunami warning has been issued for New Zealand after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Kermadec Islands this morning.
The Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management issued the warning of a potential threat after the earthquake struck at 6.57am.
The ministry and scientific advisors are still assessing the threat to New Zealand.
The earthquake struck 230km east of Raoul Island and 310km east of Macauley Island.
Raoul Island is the northernmost of the Kermadec Islands and is around 1100km north-east of New Zealand’s North Island.
The National Crisis Management is being activated.
People in coastal areas should:
Stay off beaches
Stay out of the water (sea, rivers and estuaries, including boating activities)
Do not go sightseeing
Share this information with family, neighbours and friends
Listen to the radio and/or TV for updates
Follow instructions of your local Civil Defence authorities.