Het diepe zuiden van de Verenigde Staten is vrijdag getroffen door een sneeuwstorm die het gebied met een laag sneeuw bedekte, een zeldzaamheid in dit deel van de VS. Sommige plaatsen in het zuiden hadden al meer dan tien jaar geen sneeuw gehad.
Van Texas tot het noorden van Florida en langs de kusten van Georgia en South Carolina viel sneeuw. Dallas maakte de witste winter sinds 32 jaar mee: er viel dertig centimeter sneeuw. De sneeuwstorm veroorzaakte ruim tweehonderd verkeersongelukken en zorgde voor stroomstoringen bij duizenden mensen. Honderden vluchten werden geannuleerd.
Hoewel de sneeuwlaag niet zo groot was als in bijvoorbeeld Washington, was het effect minstens zo verlammend. De zuidelijke staten hebben niet het materiaal om de sneeuw te lijf te gaan. De verwachting van 2,5 centimeter sneeuw was dan ook voldoende om tientallen scholen in Noord-Florida, Georgia en delen van Alabama te sluiten.
Bron: Nieuws.nl
Forget red and blue -- color America white. There was snow on the ground in 49 states Friday. Hawaii was the holdout.
It was the United States of Snow, thanks to an unusual combination of weather patterns that dusted the U.S., including the skyscrapers of Dallas, the peach trees of Atlanta and the Florida Panhandle, where hurricanes are more common than snowflakes.
More than two-thirds of the nation's land mass had snow on the ground when the day dawned, and then it snowed ever so slightly in Florida to make it 49 states out of 50.
At the same time, those weird weather forces are turning Canada's Winter Olympics into the bring-your-own-snow games.
Who's the Great White North now?
"I'm calling it the upside-down winter," said David Robinson, head of the Global Snow Lab at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
Snow paralyzed and fascinated the Deep South on Friday. Snowball fights broke out at Southern Mississippi University, snow delayed flights at the busy Atlanta airport, and Louisiana hardware stores ran out of snow supplies. Andalusia, Ala., shut down its streets because of snow. And yet, Portland, Maine, where snow is usually a given, had to cancel its winter festival for lack of the stuff.
Weather geeks turned their eyes to Hawaii. In that tropical paradise, where a ski club strangely exists, observers were looking closely at the islands' mountain peaks to see if they could find a trace of white to make it a rare 50-for-50 states with snow.
The idea of 50 states with snow is so strange that the federal office that collects weather statistics doesn't keep track of that number and can't say whether it has ever happened. The office can't even say whether 49 out of 50 has ever taken place before.
Snow experts at the Global Snow Lab were combing their records but said it may be days before they find out if there has ever been a 50-for-50 snow day. Their best suspect -- Jan. 19, 1977 -- had snow in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, but then Robinson looked for snow in South Carolina and couldn't find any.
As of early Friday morning, 67.1 percent of the U.S. had snow on the ground, with the average depth a healthy 8 inches. Normally, about 40 or 50 percent of the U.S. has snow cover this time of year, Robinson said.
It snowed for only 10 minutes in Century, Fla., just north of Pensacola, barely enough to scrape a few snowballs from the hood of a truck. But that was enough for 6-year-old Kaleb Pace.
"I've only ever seen snow on TV till now," Kaleb said, smiling.
This is after a month that saw the most snow cover for any December in North America in the 43 years that records have been kept. And then came January 2010, which ranked No. 8 among all months for North American snow cover, with more than 7.03 million square miles of white.
The all-time record is February 1978, with 7.31 million square miles. There is a chance this February could break that. There is also a chance that this could go down as the week with the most snow cover on record, Robinson said.
Stay tuned. The weather pattern is in a snow rut.
At least in Washington, where snow is now measured by the yardstick, more snow may be coming soon. It looks like a little more snow on Monday and maybe a lot more about a week or so after that.
hmm, elders de melding dat er wél wat sneeuw op de bergtoppen van Hawaï ligt
Iemand definitieve melding van de sneeuw op Hawaï? Zou het idd een 'all states snow' maken | Gewijzigd: 13 februari 2010, 10:43 uur, door Richardus
Zie Doden door lawines in Afghanistan
Als je zo al die verschillende berichten hoort, zou je dat haast gaan denken! Ben nu al benieuwd hoe het de volgende winter zal vergaan. En of het een trend gaat worden de komende jaren... Ach over 10 maanden is het weer winter en dan zullen we het zien!