Taiwan was shaken by a magnitude 6.1 earthquake early Sunday morning local time, with the epicenter of the quake being about 100 miles from the capital city of Taipei, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
The earthquake shook the region at 1:36 a.m. There was no immediate word of injuries or damages.
This part of the world has been experiencing severe destruction recently with more than a week of devastation in the Asia-Pacific region.
More than 1,500 lives have been claimed after an earthquake Wednesday in Indonesia, a tsunami Tuesday in the Samoan islands. The Philippines has also been hard hit after suffering two typhoons this week with a third, Tyhpoon Melor, churning about 1,600 miles off shore to the east.

Magnitude 6.1
* Saturday, October 03, 2009 at 17:36:05 UTC
* Sunday, October 04, 2009 at 01:36:05 AM at epicenter
Location 23.635°N, 121.565°E
Depth 17.5 km (10.9 miles)
Distances 35 km (25 miles) S of Hua-lien, Taiwan
110 km (65 miles) ESE of T'ai-chung, Taiwan
110 km (70 miles) NNE of T'ai-tung, Taiwan
160 km (100 miles) S of T'AI-PEI, Taiwan