Forecasters say Tropical Storm Guillermo has formed far from land in the Eastern Pacific with winds sustained at 40 mph. The National Hurricane Center says the seventh named storm of the season in the Pacific formed Wednesday night about 760 miles southwest of Baja California. Some strengthening is forecast during the next day.

Meanwhile, forecasters say a tropical depression 800 miles west of Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic is struggling to survive. It has maximum winds of 35 mph. Forecasters say although it appears to be weakening, it still has the potential to become a tropical storm.
Orkaan Guillermo heeft zich vrijdag in de Stille Oceaan gevormd, maar zal vermoedelijk in het weekeind weer afzwakken.
Guillermo's maximale windkracht bedroeg 130 km/h. Een kleine aanwakkering zal nog mogelijk zijn volgens het U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami.
Vrijdag in de namiddag bevond de orkaan zich op 1.900 kilometer ten west-zuidwesten van de zuiderlijkste punt van het Mexico's Baja California schiereiland. De orkaan verplaatst in westerlijke richting met een snelheid van 24 km/h.
© | Gewijzigd: 14 augustus 2009, 20:09 uur, door Marga
Hurricane Guillermo has strengthened into a Category 2 storm far out in the Pacific. The National Hurricane Center says Guillermo's maximum sustained winds are near 100 mph. Winds are expected to stay about the same for the next 12 hours, but the hurricane is expected to weaken Saturday as it moves over cooler water.

Guillermo was centered about 1,275 miles west-southwest of the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California peninsula on Friday afternoon. It's moving west near 15 mph.
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