Meerdere steden aan de Australische oostkust zijn woensdag tot rampgebied uitgeroepen na overstromingen. Duizenden mensen zaten vast, honderden anderen moesten worden geëvacueerd.

Ruim tweeduizend mensen konden hun huis niet verlaten of brachten de nacht noodgedwongen door in scholen en restaurants. De plotselinge wateroverlast trof Coffs Harbour, bijna zeshonderd kilometer ten noorden van Sydney, en omliggende plaatsen. Binnen een etmaal was in de getroffen regio 450 millimeter regen gevallen.
©De Pers
The State Emergency Service has responded to more than 200 calls for help since the wet weather moved in yesterday.
The Sunshine Coast bore the brunt, with emergency crews working through the night rescuing stranded residents from cars and flooded homes. Seventy-two grade nine students, four teachers and four tour guides were taken to safety after floodwaters threatened their campsite in the upper reaches of the Noosa River yesterday. Students at two locals schools spent the night in their classrooms after they were trapped by floodwaters at Kin Kin and Pomona, and authorities evacuated a caravan park at Boreen Point last night amid fears a local lake would overflow.
©ABC | Gewijzigd: 21 april 2017, 17:47 uur, door Joyce.s
Floodwaters are continuing to rise in south-east Queensland tonight after heavy rainfall. The Sunshine Coast has been hardest hit with several small towns now isolated by floodwaters. The State Emergency Services have been forced to start sandbagging homes and businesses in the area. The townships of Kin Kin, Pomona and Cooran have been cut off by flooded roads.
A severe weather warning has been issued for
parts of south-east Queensland.
Dave Hanchard from the Noosa State Emergency Service says more than 50 SES volunteers are out responding to calls for help. "We have got Boreen point Cooroyba, Pomona, Cooran and Kin Kin, we've got almost the same scenario as we had last week," he said.
Sunshine Coast SES Controller Jenny Millers says rivers and streams are flowing fast and there could some real problems overnight and tomorrow morning. "Some flash flooding and roads have been cut the townships of Pomona, Cooran and Kin Kin are currently experiencing some isolation," she said. "We've in excess of 50 SES volunteers out at the moment and they are doing things like sandbagging, tarping rooves, we have had a couple of flood boat rescues and we have also had an evacuation of a home that was being inundated."
There have been unofficial reports of up 200 millimetres of rain falling near Bundaberg. One person has been injured in a landslide on the Bruce Highway at Black Mountain and several others have been rescued after driving their cars onto flooded roads. Police are still searching for a 12-year-old girl who was swept off a weir at Caboolture today. A severe weather warning has been issued for parts of south-east Queensland and a flood warning is current for coastal streams between Rockhampton and the Gold Coast. Localised and flash flooding is expected for coastal and hinterland areas.
©ABC | Gewijzigd: 21 april 2017, 17:48 uur, door Joyce.s