Five die in Chongqing
In southwestern Chongqing Municipality, five people have died since Saturday after rivers burst their banks in flash floods. The flood control and drought relief headquarters in Chongqing said 1,197 people had been displaced and 66 houses destroyed.
Update 22 doden, 20 vermisten, 2400 huizen vernield:
Around China: Over 20 killed in S China storms
CHANGSHA, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Floods, landslides and mud flows have killed 22 and displaced 197,000 in southern China since heavy rain began Saturday, prompting emergency response to evacuate affected people and prevent further damages in crops and buildings.According to China's Ministry of Civil Affairs, by 9 a.m. Monday, a total of 20 people are still missing.
More than 2,400 homes and 20,900 hectares of crops were destroyed. Direct economic losses from the floods hit 2.7 billion yuan (about 410 million U.S. dollars), the ministry said.
In southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, five people have died since Saturday as rivers burst their banks in flash floods.
The flood control and drought relief headquarters in Chongqing said1,197 people had been displaced and 66 houses destroyed.
In neighboring Sichuan Province, four people died Sunday after heavy rain and the ensuing landslides caused their houses to collapse.
Yongning River, a tributary of the Yangtze, saw its biggest flood in 80 years, with the water rising 1.43 meters above the safety line.
In northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, floods and hail have killed two people and another person is missing. Around 13,000 were relocated.
Three people lost their lives in east China's Anhui Province, also as a result of collapsed houses. The search for a missing child in Susong County continues, according to the civil affairs department of the province. The county was hit by heavy rain from Saturday morning, ruining 26,900 hectares of crops, destroying 266 houses and forcing 16,000 people to relocate.
In Guizhou Province, rescuers are trying to extract eight trapped miners from a mine shaft that was flooded on Sunday.
In central China's Hunan Province, rain and floods have caused the water level to rise in Liye, an ancient town where a large number of bamboo slips chronicling China's Qin Dynasty were excavated. Water overflowed river banks and part of the ancient town ruins. Authorities cut off electricity on Monday afternoon for safety. Over 20,000 people, including 5,000 tourists, were evacuated.
Update 2:
Flash Flood in China on June 21 2016 03:19 AMTorrential rain across nine provinces and Chongqing municipality in central and southern areas of China has left more than 20 people dead and forced tens of thousands from their homes. Fifteen people have been reported missing since the heavy downpours started on Saturday, the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters said on Monday. It said nearly 268,000 people have been relocated and 324,000 hectares of crops have been damaged, leading to direct economic losses of 6 billion yuan (S$1.2 billion). In Chongqing, five people died, 1,197 were forced to leave their homes and 66 houses had been destroyed since Saturday, the city's flood control and drought relief office said. In neighbouring Sichuan province, four people died on Sunday after heavy rainfall and landslides caused their homes to collapse, according to the provincial flood and drought disaster relief authority. Three people died in Anhui province, 26,000 were relocated and nearly 1,100 homes were destroyed, the provincial civil affairs department said. In the southwestern province of Guizhou, nine people died last week in disasters caused by heavy rain. Rescuers are working to free eight workers from a coal mine shaft, which was flooded after torrential rain fell on Sunday, the provincial civil affairs department said. Flooding and hail killed two people and displaced 13,000 in the northwestern Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region after the area was affected by bad weather from Thursday to Sunday. One person is still missing, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said on Monday. The National Meteorological Center issued a yellow alert on Monday for heavy rainfall in southern areas. From 2 pm on Monday, storms were expected across a vast area along the Yangtze River, including Anhui, Jiangsu and Hunan provinces.
| Gewijzigd: 31 januari 2017, 11:41 uur, door Joyce.s
Zeker 186 doden door overstromingen in China
Langs de Jangtsekiang of Blauwe Rivier in China zijn door overstromingen door hevige regenval en stormen al meer dan 180 personen om het leven gekomen. Dat meldt BBC. Minstens 45 mensen zijn nog vermist.
Volgens de autoriteiten zijn 33 miljoen mensen getroffen door de overstromingen. Door het noodweer zijn ook spoorwegen en autowegen niet toegankelijk.
Van de 186 dodelijke slachtoffers, werden er 23 meegesleurd door modderstromen in de provincie Guizhou, in het zuiden van het land. Acht anderen kwamen om toen in de stad Wuhan, in de provincie Hubei, toen een muur instortte.
Meer dan anderhalf miljoen mensen werden geëvacueerd en meer dan 56.000 woningen zijn ingestort, aldus de South China Morning Post.
De felle regen zal nog zeker tot woensdag aanhouden in het zuiden en het westen van het land, waar in 7 provincies al 10 tot 50 centimeter water uit de lucht is gevallen.
| Gewijzigd: 31 januari 2017, 11:41 uur, door Joyce.s
Minstens 35 Chinezen omgekomen door aardverschuiving
Een aardverschuiving als gevolg van noodweer heeft minstens 35 mensen het leven gekost in het noordwesten van China.Een bergdorpje in de regio Xinjiang is deels bedolven onder de modder, meldde staatspersbureau Xinhua donderdag.Inwoners van het plaatsje werden in de nacht van woensdag op donderdag kort na middernacht getroffen door het natuurgeweld.
Reddingswerk wordt bemoeilijkt doordat het donderdag bleef regenen. Wegen zijn daardoor beschadigd en moeilijk begaanbaar.
Video: Chinezen omgekomen door aardverschuiving
Bron: | Gewijzigd: 31 januari 2017, 11:42 uur, door Joyce.s